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Failed / database


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Hello everybody

it started yesterday it started when i realized that in the place i was in, my dance hud stopped working just like i did AO.

at that moment I went to my house when I realized that part of it didn't carry

I restarted it and since then my avatar just appears in the orange smoke, and the same goes for other avatars near me I am the firestorm, but I tested the official viewer and the problem continues

I get the error message for my items like this: Failed to find clothing named * CATWA ALPHA EYES in the database. (* just changing the name of the item) reinstalled the viewers, cleared the cache, checked the basic information I found and I can't solve my situation I used other computers and everyone doesn't carry anything for me can someone help me understand what happens and how can i fix it? a photo of how it loads even after more than 15 minutes https://prnt.sc/x1k724 I appreciate it

Edited by nafys
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11 minutes ago, nafys said:

Hello everybody

it started yesterday it started when i realized that in the place i was in, my dance hud stopped working just like i did AO.

at that moment I went to my house when I realized that part of it didn't carry

I restarted it and since then my avatar just appears in the orange smoke, and the same goes for other avatars near me I am the firestorm, but I tested the official viewer and the problem continues

I get the error message for my items like this: Failed to find clothing named * CATWA ALPHA EYES in the database. (* just changing the name of the item) reinstalled the viewers, cleared the cache, checked the basic information I found and I can't solve my situation I used other computers and everyone doesn't carry anything for me can someone help me understand what happens and how can i fix it? a photo of how it loads even after more than 15 minutes https://prnt.sc/x1k724 I appreciate it

Try rebooting your modem.

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