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Help...I can't see my new home

Asta Criss

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I just got me a Belliseria houseboat, but when I tp from my SL website, I land in water. When I click the lifeboy on the deck, I get this:  LH - Houseboat - HouseController 5.96: You chose: 
[12:58] LH - Houseboat -  : Initializing ... Please wait 30 seconds before using the Control Panel.

And nothing more happens. 

This is what it looks like where my home should be: https://gyazo.com/43021eb78a1480fc318e1806ce94ad41

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27 minutes ago, Asta Criss said:

I just got me a Belliseria houseboat, but when I tp from my SL website, I land in water. When I click the lifeboy on the deck, I get this:  LH - Houseboat - HouseController 5.96: You chose: 
[12:58] LH - Houseboat -  : Initializing ... Please wait 30 seconds before using the Control Panel.

And nothing more happens. 

This is what it looks like where my home should be: https://gyazo.com/43021eb78a1480fc318e1806ce94ad41

Mention the issue in the Bellisseria Citizens group chat.  Sometimes there are Moles & Lindens listening in that might come fix it right away. 

Otherwise you can open a Support ticket, which might take a while to be looked at and handled.   

Or try Live Chat tomorrow morning - they usually get the problem dealt with pretty quick:
Start Live Chat: https://support.secondlife.com/start-chat/
    Live Chat is available 9am to 6pm EST(6am to 3pm PST) every day.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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31 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Mention the issue in the Bellisseria Citizens group chat.  Sometimes there are Moles & Lindens listening in that might come fix it right away. 

Otherwise you can open a Support ticket, which might take a while to be looked at and handled.   

Or try Live Chat tomorrow morning - they usually get the problem dealt with pretty quick:
Start Live Chat: https://support.secondlife.com/start-chat/
    Live Chat is available 9am to 6pm EST(6am to 3pm PST) every day.

Thanks heaps...Im on SLT +9, so livechat is evenings which should be fine.

I will look for the group asap

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Touch and hold your lifebuoy until you see a message that it is resetting, then do some exploring around the grid so that you will be sure to leave it alone for a good while because 30 seconds is not always enough. When you come back you SHOULD be able to use the controller and rez one of the 4 houseboats.

I hope this helps because this is what I did when I got me a stilt home, and the plot wa empty.

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