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Who Was The VERY FIRST Second Life YouTuber and What Kinda Videos Did They Make? Plus Some Others!


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THIS TOOK MORE DIGGING THAN I THOUGHT. But yeah, found the VERY FIRST Second Life YouTuber c= and I'm showing him plus some other long-time SL YouTubers and bloggers (and what kinda videos they made) then ranking them based on which of them started making SL videos and uploading them to YouTube first!


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 Very interesting video, but the sound cuts out at 4:41 and comes back at 4:53. The sound then vanishes again at 7:56 and comes back at 8:14.

As for the very first Secondlife video, that was made in 2001 by Andrew Linden before SL became SL. 
Granted, he was no Youtuber I guess, and I could only find this video of his hand. It is still fascinating stuff!


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