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No sound in new Firestorm update


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So I recently updated to the new Firestorm viewer, only to find out upon logging in that all sounds, be it from pressing buttons to ambient noises like those emitted by a robot avatar don't play.  Everything is silent, though strangely videos still play with sound on my media TV.  Is there a fix for this?

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30 minutes ago, KorisTheGote said:

So I recently updated to the new Firestorm viewer, only to find out upon logging in that all sounds, be it from pressing buttons to ambient noises like those emitted by a robot avatar don't play.  Everything is silent, though strangely videos still play with sound on my media TV.  Is there a fix for this?

Have you double checked the sound preferences just to make sure that the other sound sources besides media didn't end up turned down or off?  If these settings look fine, then maybe do a clean install, in case something in your settings data got corrupted?  

I just logged in with the new version to check, and sounds appear to be working fine for me.  

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