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8,192 or larger wanted to rent 2000 prims and water

Cult Shan

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8,192 or larger wanted to rent 2000 prims and water for long term rent 

would like mostly water and sailable or all water sunset scene bonus 

posting here as search is is so draining and waiting for the right thing to come up isn't happening 

willing to pay the going rates  ... please what do you have 

may thanks in advance 

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  • 1 month later...
On 11/12/2020 at 1:50 AM, Cult Shan said:

posting here as search is is so draining and waiting for the right thing to come up isn't happening 


because it asks action from yourself, it's rarely, like éverything else, presented on a silver plate.
Also for many offered deals here ( not all!) are much better ones available inworld when you go look for rental companies.

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  • 4 weeks later...

You may already have your piece of land, but I have something which is almost what you need... I can add more PRIM to the parcel up to 2570... it has a beautiful view of protected sea. 

In-world: Alexis Crisp


  • Residential or Commercial OK!
  • FEATURES: MODERATE SIM - Views of protected oceanfront, tropical and beachy!
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