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Fellow Indie Folk URL Needed

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Can NOT find an Indie Folk mellow chill URL to put on my land. I have an Easy Youtube TV that I can play my own playlist. However, apparently.....other guests can not hear it. This is a problem for me. I messaged the Youtube TV creator but haven't heard back yet. Was either needing to find a way to make sure people hear the TV playing or I need a URL with music I actually like. (I'm going for a certain mood. Please don't recommend any other genre. I've thought this thru.)  For example, I'm really into alexrainbirdmusic Autumn/Fall Compilation 2020 to give you an idea of what I want for my atmosphere. PLEASE HELP! 

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On 11/4/2020 at 5:53 AM, Da5id Weatherwax said:

 if alexrainbird is your standard seems you are looking for Indie/soft rather than folk.

I understood what she was asking for, though i don't know what she can do to get it in SL. I love that music too, So Whitney if you find it I would love to come listen.

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On 11/27/2020 at 1:33 AM, Talligurl said:

I understood what she was asking for, though i don't know what she can do to get it in SL. I love that music too, So Whitney if you find it I would love to come listen.

I absolutely agree, and I hope you weren't thinking I was denigrating that style of music, because I happen to love it myself. If there was a tinge of disgruntlement in my reply I suspect it was that there was a title that made me - as a Folk artist who's been privileged to be around some of the true giants of the genre over the last few decades - sit up and think "here's a question for me......" and then to have to admit to myself that my enthusiasm had been premature :)

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