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Anybody else getting rubber banding issues these last few weeks?

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I'm on the same PC (not the greatest, but should be good enough for SL), same connection plugged in at 70 MBPS (no Wifi), where things went fairly smooth - as far as SL goes - as before with few issues. Fairly clean desktop Win 10 install. But I'm getting serious rubber banding issues even at 100 - 130 FPS on a driving track. Same numbers in FS performance tools as before.

It's not the places I visit. 2RAW gets restarted frequently and is notoriously low lag. Sturgis, Legends MC, Deezul Raceway, same thing there. Weird thing is that everything is going super smooth until just boom...

No packet loss, obviously high ping since I'm in Northern Europe, but I've have had high ping times without these issues before. 

Just wanted to ask the community if you've had the same issues before I troubleshoot more than I already have spent some time doing. Tried SL viewer and Catznip as well as FS, same stuff.

OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit
Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Graphics Card: MSI GeForce GTX970 4GB GDDR5
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920  @ 2.67GHz (2664.77 MHz)
RAM: DDR3 16 GBytes NB Freq 2131.7 MHz
Motherboard: Gigabyte Technology Co Ltd EX 58-UD 3R Chipset Intel X58 Rev 13 Southbridge 

And by the way "no I haven't had these issues" would be a helpful answer :)

Edited by HeathcliffMontague
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Is it mainland driving or other drive sims except the mentioned above?

I am in Scandinavia and I get "rubber-band effect" with ping times around following values:  >=240+ ms (light), >=360+ms (severe), >=500+ms (serious), >=800+ms (you cannot even walk!).

To me it sounds like, you get high ping spikes, which could be your IP or your network/connection. If you have high bandwidth in your viewer, have you tried to lower maximum bandwidth to 550?

My connection is fiber 300 Mps up/down, 6 ms ping/IP and ping SIM reported by Firestorm is normally 168-174 ms.


Edited by Rachel1206
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