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Belliserian BnB? - a Bed and Boat to share

Kelli Voom

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I'm so fond of the new Linden homes - the community, the adventure, all the lovely little nooks to explore.  I was fortunate enough to get a boathouse during the second wave - and though I had my heart set on a cozy little traditional lot, I've grown accustomed to the lonely life at sea :P


That said, I recognize there are so many folk still waiting for a place to call their own, to hang their hat - but I wanted to offer my home /lab as a place to crash for those without. 

Like a free Airbnb off the coast of Belliseria.  I'm around so rarely, and I'd hate to leave the house sitting empty and unused! if it can give some other folks a sense of home and hearth before they can secure their own, then I welcome it!

There is a guestbook if you'd like to drop a hello or a suggestion,  a bedroom upstairs, and a little rowboat that you can use to explore the waters around the area. If I'm home, don't be shy, feel free to come in and strike up a conversation :)

Deno (130, 183, 22)


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