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Needing suggestions for Belleza bodies.

Momo Addams

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Heyo, everyone!

Happy Valentines day!

I'm considering giving up my Maitreya body for a Belleza. I've opted to changing my avi shape to something I've been sort of wanting to appear as for a while now, and the Maitreya doesn't really seem to fit the overall look I'm imagining.

So, I'm considering switching bodies to either the Belleza Freya or the Venus (maybe the Isis? Whichever one was something like the "middle" size between the other two).

And don't get me wrong, I've been a hardcore fan of Maitreya for a while now and still love the body, but with the new shape I have in mind, the Maitreya just doesn't appear as natural or smooth like it use to even with a high quality skin to "fill in" the shape.

But, anyway, I was hoping to get suggestions, if there are any, to stores/designers that made clothes exclusively for Belleza (theres hundreds of stores exclusively for Maitreya, which is why this change is a liiiitle hard to make. >_<)

Preferably they make clothes to the bodies I mentioned above, but I'm not knocking the smaller-framed Belleza body out entirely, I'll demo it too; I just think it's not going to compliment the shape I want as much as the other two Bellezas.

I own a lot of clothes by bigger brands, and thankfully I'll have a good bit of clothes for any of the Bellezas (it's going to take some inventory organizing to make finding them easier, but, ya know #ramblesandstruggles). And I'm digging through the MP now on a "Belleza [insert body]" search, but I know sometimes there are stores that don't do MP for whatever their reasoning may be and so on--so, just thought I'd try to get some suggestions.

At the moment, I have no style-specific preference, so any suggestions are going to be appreciated and helpful. ❤️ My style has always been rather eclectic, but bonus-luv to anyone who can suggest places that sell fantasy medieval-ish sorts of clothes.


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I have Maitreya, Tonic, Eve, Slink, even a few others. The second I ever purchased was the Belleza (back when it was all or none - so I have all three bodies).

No matter what I do, what I try, every look I can create (and all of them wonderful) I am ALWAYS coming back to my Venus. The Belleza bodies are, more or less set-up so that with Venus you can go from waif to relatively curvy. Then Freya to more or less go from Venus "max" curvy and add more "jelly". Then generally picking up from around the Freya maximum you get into Isis proportions and let's not B.S. around the bush: that's beyond "curvy". Nothing wrong with it and I am sure there are people who prefer that look.

As always: grab DEMOS. Use your *existing* shape and head and *take the time* to make an attempt to adjust your shape to get the body the way you would want it to be had you already purchased it. Make that kind of effort with the demo for two reasons: 1) You see the genuine capabilities of the body and 2) Should you purchase it, your shape is already created for it, save a few tweaks here and there.

Do not allow others to proclaim nonsense like "Creators are DROPPING VENUS" - so what? The quality creators (Blueberry, Addams, etc.) are not and the truth is with "fewer choices" I find much higher quality a lot more often. There is *plenty* of outfits and add-ons as always before. So the availability of "shopping add-ons" is hardly an argument for or against any particular "base" brand.

I'd be happy to show you what all three of those look like on my own shape, though you really need to demo for yourself.

As for the reason I always come back to Venus? TO ME: Maitreya chicken-legs don't do it - too European-looking, Tonic butt-shaping isn't working well for me - it takes on a screwy look from 3/4 angle and I am too aynahl about it. Eve's thigh-to-buttocks transition isn't right for me (and we always watch our butts, right?) and Slink breast profile (and Maitreya) don't feel right to me. Also, Maitreya is a great body, but when I wear it if feels cheap, probably because I feel like "just another Maitreya; one penguin in a throng of thousands." LOL But also, the Maitreya HUID just feels clunky to me when compared to Tonic and Belleza. Like the difference between a Hyundai car and a Lexus (yes, really). BUT, that's MY issue and I admit that. :)

I'm pretty sure the Belleza Venus has the best *knees* of every body I've seen. All the rest look like one wrong step and they'll snap like twigs or something. Bahahaha (But seriously: the knees, wrist, breast, and butt are why I keep going back to my venus. OH, and all physics work on Belleza: Boobs, Belly, AND Butt.)

Edited by Alyona Su
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1 hour ago, momomoonusagi said:

So, I'm considering switching bodies to either the Belleza Freya or the Venus (maybe the Isis? Whichever one was something like the "middle" size between the other two).


Momo chan, the "middle" one is Venus. Isis is the "skinny" one and Freya is the curvy one. they are all great, but Freya is my fave because, well, I prefer to have a bit of padding on my body without appearing overweight :-)

43 minutes ago, Alyona Su said:

No matter what I do, what I try, every look I can create (and all of them wonderful) I am ALWAYS coming back to my Venus. The Belleza bodies are, more or less set-up so that with Venus you can go from waif to relatively curvy. Then Freya to more or less go from Venus "max" curvy and add more "jelly". Then generally picking up from around the Freya maximum you get into Isis proportions and let's not B.S. around the bush: that's beyond "curvy". Nothing wrong with it and I am sure there are people who prefer that look.

As always: grab DEMOS.


As for the reason I always come back to Venus? TO ME: Maitreya chicken-legs don't do it - too European-looking, Tonic butt-shaping isn't working well for me - it takes on a screwy look from 3/4 angle and I am too aynahl about it. Eve's thigh-to-buttocks transition isn't right for me (and we always watch our butts, right?) and Slink breast profile (and Maitreya) don't feel right to me. Also, Maitreya is a great body, but when I wear it if feels cheap, probably because I feel like "just another Maitreya; one penguin in a throng of thousands." LOL But also, the Maitreya HUID just feels clunky to me when compared to Tonic and Belleza. Like the difference between a Hyundai car and a Lexus (yes, really). BUT, that's MY issue and I admit that. :)


Alyona, that was a great explanation, and you have listed all the reasons why I love my Freya. You are much more eloquent than I am, and thank you for that.

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Yeah, I'm a super big fan of Belleza. Always have been after my Fiancee bought one. She has the Freya, but she doesn't get on SL as much as I do, so I can't really go to her for advice on Belleza exclusive designers. Normally, I'm the one suggesting stores to her when she does log on. XP

And I agree in that Belleza seems to appear more natural in pretty much any perspective you look at it in terms of anatomical correctness and good quality.

Maitreya has never struck me as being poor quality in terms of body-part placements, but like the original Slink body, I think both were made with specific shapes and body-appearances in mind and that the window for creativity with them is a bit slim--but with enough tweaking in what window there is, patience, and a good skin they can appear really gorgeous and "natural".

But compared to how Belleza reacts to sliders and just the base skin on them alone (which i won't be using, but still), I can totally see and agree to how Maitreya "feels cheap".

The Hourglass Slink I see the same way as mentioned about Maitreya and original Slink, but moreso in regards to the other side of the appearance spectrum--obviously it's way more curvy, but I also think it doesn't really have a lot of wiggle room and its design was also a bit specific (although that could also be me not having really tried to finagle with Hourglass as much because the lower private area sort of connects weird to the legs to me).

Tonic Curvy was my fav for a looooong long time and my second mesh body (on an older account), and I was disappointed to see, after making this account, that the shoulders still have a weird dip in them when they move a certain way. I always thought it looked really good, but the more i compare it to Belleza, its quality is starting to really reflect differently.

I've never given Eve or any other bodies a looking at; their ads alone always seemed to turn me away if we're discussing preferance to "natural" looks. >< 

But after your comparison, Alyona Su, I'll def put more consideration into the Venus body. I'm going for a "natural "plus-size" " look. Something a little fuller or a little chubby, but not..."big" (? I can't think of a good description xD). Maybe even a bit curvy, but not with maxed out boobs and butt. n_n

So, tbh, I was anticipating that if I got the Freya I'd end up having a lot of sliders on the low end, which could ultimately give me little wiggle room in the end; so it's good to know that Venus was meant to be that middle ground and sounds very much like the one I'll be needing.

But for sure I'll be demoing like crazy all over again. >_< 

(Also, for suuuuure Belleza has the best HUD, imo too; simple, to the point, and sleek even.)

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2 hours ago, Fritigern Gothly said:

middle" one is Venus. Isis is the "skinny" one and Freya is the curvy one

Actually, Venus is the "waif/athletic/fit" one, Freya is the middle one, and Isis is the heavy-set one. I would actually use Freya except the legs are too heavy for what I want to achieve, the Venus "leg muscle" slider for me is about 60-70% so it works well (for me) and I cannot make the breasts small enough for my Asian look. :) They are ALL beautiful in my mind. And the choice of shapes is wonderful -  I do run into an Isis once in a while, though I believe in the beginning Venus was the most popular, but now it is in second place behind Freya - which is the middle-ground where you can still do "slimmer-and-sexy" in a realistic way and also do the plus-size very well. Isis is more for the plus+plus size look. What I like about all of them is how you can still maintain a "figure" of a shape; still having the very feminine look.

And I should be clear when I say Maitrreya "feels cheap" - I don't mean the mesh body, it's really good for that kind of shape (personally, I find the legs too skinny for my own desired look), but rather I'm referring to the HUD itself that feel "clunky" in comparison to Tonic and Belleza, those "feel" smoother, more "refined" - if that can make any sense - and, as always, I'm only speaking with regard to my own personal experience, as everyone has their own perspective on things.


In short, I believe they are all *great* bodies and the wonderful thing about it all is the choice we have. Because of this variety, it is easily "to each, their own" and that's the best of all worlds.

@momomoonusagi "I'm going for a "natural "plus-size" " look. Something a little fuller or a little chubby, but not..."big" (? I can't think of a good description xD). Maybe even a bit curvy, but not with maxed out boobs and butt. "

I know just what you mean! With Venus, you can do that... Try both demos, start with Venus - try getting to the look you want. If it doesn't quite go (at maximum sliders) then try the Freya with minimums and go from there. It's actually a great segue between the two, albeit there is a distinctive shape different (I think) in the breasts - Freya is much better if you want heavier breasts (I really am Asian in RL and, well... Freya is the exception to that rule as far as breast sizes go LOL) The main thing is that you can get the main shape you;re going for and have enough wiggle room to tweak over time. :D

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1 hour ago, momomoonusagi said:

This is a good way to put what I mean to say in terms of the body shape I want. ❤️ Thank you!

Yeah, definitely give Venus a go. And remember that Body Width also will help fine-tune that look.

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On 2/14/2019 at 2:29 PM, Alyona Su said:

Actually, Venus is the "waif/athletic/fit" one, Freya is the middle one, and Isis is the heavy-set one.


I don't know where you got your info, I got all three and when using the exact same shape (try using the default LL shape), you can quite clearly see that Isis is slim, Venus is the middle and Freya the curvy one.
This has been the case since at least 2015 when I bought the Venus set (which in those days included all 3 bodies)
Here's a pic from when I tried to decide on a body, not yet knowing that the Venus set came with all bodies, Venus, Isis, and Freya so at the time I only tried demos of Freya and Iisis.


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I have all three - I may have Freya and Isis reversed (as I don't use them) - but I can guarantee you Venus is the waif/athletic/slim om one. You only show Isis and Freya, not venus. I am correct in this. I could create the same side-by-side comparisons, but it's a moot point. The real point is that it doesn't matter; people will wear the one they want to wear. As for the OP: she should get the demos and try for herself.

And if you have all three, why is your picture using demos? Just asking.

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5 hours ago, Alyona Su said:

And if you have all three, why is your picture using demos? Just asking.


The picture is using the demos because that was all I had at the time. I think I mentioned in the post that the pics were taken back when I was trying to decide which mesh body to buy. 
Needless to say (but saying it anyway) that Belleza was the winner.


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7 hours ago, Fritigern Gothly said:

The picture is using the demos because that was all I had at the time. I think I mentioned in the post that the pics were taken back when I was trying to decide which mesh body to buy. 
Needless to say (but saying it anyway) that Belleza was the winner.


I was thinking last night (my mind is always percolating LOL) that I believe you are misremembering in this way (I also could be misremembering about this, too): I think you are remembering Venus as the "middle" one because it was released second. If I recall, they were released in this order: Isis, Venus, Freya  - And so it would make sense that people think of Venus as "the middle" one!

To that end, I think we were both on the same page, but a different paragraph. LOL

Edit to add: and I only NOW just noticed that the Freya boobies are so large that the pasties I was wearing don't even show. Bahahaha The biggest differences between Venus and Isis is on the profile, the Isis has more belly and boob than Venus. As to what @momomoonusagi says she's looking for, I think either Venus or Isis will get just that "plumpy-but-not-overweight" look. I go for that with a rounder face and the Width slider on Body tab and a little more in the leg and torso muscle - still "toned" but not some super-model, either. For a "softer" look than what I have now I would likely try Isis for that. (The comparison images are with my everyday shape - so the venus image is my everyday look  but those are with default skins.)

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I ended up going with Isis for like, a day; then went to an event and found peeps who--for whatever dumb reason--only made Freya pieces and some who made Isis pieces with Freya pieces, but Freya seems to be getting the most attention at the moment, so I have that on. My current inventory also sort of helped me with my decision making--a lot of the clothes I already had for Maitreya came with Belleza fits but the majority of them were Freya, Isis, then Venus.

However, using the same shape but with slight tweaking on the Freya to tone down the excess fluff the body naturally comes with, I was able to basically get the shape I wanted and had on Isis. When I put it on Venus, the thighs didn't seem to be wide enough for what I was picturing even with tweaking (and I'm sure that had more to do with the "slimmer" feel the Venus naturally has). But, switching it in and out with the Isis to compare, that was really the only difference I saw in the two bodies. n_n;

Boobs ended up a wee bit bigger than they were originally on Isis tho, but that's because at about the 35 slider range and less on the Freya they seemed to loose form in an unnatural way.

And actually, I ended up just buying all three. >< They're all gorgeous and it felt good to support such a fantastic mesh-body maker with my L$, even if I won't probably use one or two of the bodies. But, in case the SL fashion world swings the other way and suddenly everyone is making clothes for the other two I'm not using, I got them and I'll be prepared. 💛

I did find all the comparisons on all three bodies extremely helpful before I went tweaking on them, tho! And I thank you @Alyona Su  for that! 💛

Now I just need those suggestions for Belleza-exclusive clothes makers, if there are any. >< I haven't been successful in finding a single one.

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4 minutes ago, momomoonusagi said:

Now I just need those suggestions for Belleza-exclusive clothes makers, if there are any.

There were a few when Venus was first released (it was a big thing at the time) - though with the variety and number of outfits I have now I couldn't hope to figure which they are. :)

As for the fashion events and things, I've decided not to bother other than window shopping. My purview is that the fewer choices for Venus at these events prevent me from impulse-buying and actually waiting a lot of money. It has trained me to scrutinize everything I buy: no demo=no sale ever. And if I see something that looks nice but not in a Venus format - it's pretty easy to find similar-looking stuff for Venus because, amazingly, most "new" stuff being released all the time isn't really that original 75% of the time. LOL

One good thing coming will be Bakes on mesh - when that happens then practically the entire Market Place will explode with availability again. because as much as I hate clothing appliers, there are lots of those that look damned good. So being able to just wear system clothing parts that are neatly and cleanly accompanied by mesh parts, I believe, we will be seeing some awesome things coming because the tools for creators will be exponentially expanded.

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