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Particle on collision assistance please

Tari Landar

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Ok, before I ask, I want to make it very clear that I am not asking anyone to write me, or hand me a script, lol.

I really want to do this on my own, if at all possible.

That said, here's my problem...

I have very basic script knowledge. I am working to improve it but right now I am failing, lol. I HAD this script in my inventory. But I can't find it anywhere. I have been looking for months now and it's really not in my inventory anymore. It's a script I piece parted together from other scripts. (only open source ones of course). I found the pieces and parts of it on a website that had scripting help.  But it's been a couple of years now since I last saw it. I really need this script for a project. My understanding of particles and how they work is very minimal, at best. I can tweak scripts til the cows come home, not always successfully, but I don't mind trying. So I've tried taking a couple different scripts I do have, to make this one again. It's really not working out for me.

The basic idea of this particular product is to create a "splash" effect and sound on collision. I can make a sound on collision with no issues. I can make a constant particle too, and a touch on/off particle. But I am either extremely dense, suffering from part-timers or totally not looking in the right places. Maybe my search terms are way off and that's why I can't find it. All of my searches leave me empty handed though. I keep finding particle scripts and help that are *constants. Or ones that have a "splash on hitting linden water". That's not what I am looking for. I even checked marketplace to see if someone sells such a script(never hurts to help another creator). I'm still only finding the same things all my other searches come up with. Mostly how to make a fish splash, which isn't what I need.

 I just need some direction as to where I should be *looking* for help on this. I tried the wiki, but I clearly don't have a good enough understanding of triggers and how to implement them in existing scripts. I just want to understand the mechanics of it, so I can broaden my scripting horizons and work on some projects. Not real sure where to start. The site I used back then isn't coming up in any searches. I don't remember the name of it, but I know it *used to be high on google search for the lsl script terms as that's how I found it to begin with. It was a very plain site that, for the most part, helped dumb stuff down for me so I could better understand the hows and whys. It had some very basic scripts that were easy to adapt and change, but it still explained what, why, when, and how.

Sorry that was long winded. I've just been frustrating myself with this one. Figured I'd better seek guidance before I throw in the towel and move on to another project.

Thank you in advance :)

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If I get you right, you need a particle effect that stops after some time.

Basically, there are too ways:

  1. after starting the llParticleSystem, you add a llSleep and then another llParticleSytem([])
  2. you use the prameter PSYS_SRC_MAX_AGE

Just a little remark: about 10% of your post deals with your actual request - the rest just makes it hard to read ;)

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how I would do it....

in collision_start, call your llParticleSystem. make sure to set PSYS_SRC_MAX_AGE

in collision_end, either use a short sleep then call llParticleSystem( [] ) (or call a timer with the same code and also stop the timer)


why not rely on PSYS_SRC_MAX_AGE?

there's an annoying bug, that if a particle system is set, new viewers that come into range will trigger it for that viewer, even though the run is already expired for the original person that triggered it. the only way to prevent that is to clear the system after it's been triggered... your timeout to kill the system need to be at least as long as the PSYS_SRC_MAX_AGE. it'll still have that side effect while its set, but this way you at least minimize the unwanted behavior.

note: you don't have to wait for collision_end, you could do the same right from the collision_start, but this might give you a little side benefit for people coming into range after another person triggers it, and is still colliding with it.

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