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Items Being Returned etc...

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I am not sure if this is the correct section to put this in, but since it is happening on my land I will start here. Hopefully, it is in the right area of the forum. It is also hard to explain what is going on. Anyway, I log on this morning to find half my items in my lost and found? They were well within my property line, not even close to the neighbors' parcels. I also was not even close to my prim limit either. How could something be returned when it is not on someone else's land?

One thing I noticed when looking in my inventory is that some of the items looked like somehow they got clumped (linked) together in. So would this have something to do with it?  Perhaps when I rez an object, something could be attached to an item and while one part is on my land the other is on someone else's and I just cannot see it? But, then again some of the items that were returned to me had their own individual box(according to my inventory), they were not linked to others and even a few of those got returned. This is just weird. Thanks in advance if anyone has any ideas on what could be going on and how to fix it. Like I said, it is hard to even explain what is going on, I have never had this happen before. 

Edited by Purplerain Horowitz
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Not too long ago, there was a run of rolling restarts which messed up the Land Impact calculation of various mesh objects. which eventually filled the plot of land and its allowence and triggered a return. The only fix was a sim rollback, requested by the sim owner via support.
This might have happened again, though I would think that there were more reports in such a case.

In terms of objects, you are right - those objects that look "clumped together" in your inventory are indeed a pile of multiple objects returned in one big mess.
Better be very careful when rezzing those clumps, especially if it shows as "no copy" permission ... if one part of the clump fails to rez, the whole collection will be lost. So it'll be a good idea to go to a quiet and empty sandbox, rez your clump in the middle of the sim, straight on the ground, no mesh surface below it, and keep your fingers crossed.

Edited by Lillith Hapmouche
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  • Lindens

Hi there! As Lillith mentioned there has been an occasional bug that might fit your description of what's happening, but we'd need more information to look in to this particular instance. Your best bet is going to be to file a support case at https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ and let our support team know that Mazidox Linden asked you to file a report.

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37 minutes ago, Lillith Hapmouche said:

Not too long ago, there was a run of rolling restarts which messed up the Land Impact calculation of various mesh objects. which eventually filled the plot of land and its allowence and triggered a return. The only fix was a sim rollback, requested by the sim owner via support.
This might have happened again, though I would think that there were more reports in such a case.

In terms of objects, you are right - those objects that look "clumped together" in your inventory are indeed a pile of multiple objects returned in one big mess.
Better be very careful when rezzing those clumps, especially if it shows as "no copy" permission ... if one part of the clump fails to rez, the whole collection will be lost. So it'll be a good idea to go to a quiet and empty sandbox, rez your clump in the middle of the sim, straight on the ground, no mesh surface below it, and keep your fingers crossed.

Thank you very much. That is what I am doing now, sitting in a sandbox, extracting everything that got clumped together (lol I cannot even say "linked" because it is to me ...a messy "clump"). I do not want to lose any no copy, but some are more important, such as all my bedroom items. I can see that I "might" (big might) have clicked too fast when moving and got some things (copy/mod) linked together, but I always take no-copy, transferable and/or gacha items one by one when putting back into inventory...that is why when I saw these returned it was very strange to me. But thank you, I did take your advice and am in a sandbox unlinking things. I am just going to delete copy/mod objects and either get redelivery or re-open boxes -just start over. 

12 minutes ago, Mazidox Linden said:

Hi there! As Lillith mentioned there has been an occasional bug that might fit your description of what's happening, but we'd need more information to look in to this particular instance. Your best bet is going to be to file a support case at https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ and let our support team know that Mazidox Linden asked you to file a report.

Thank you Mazidox. I will file a report as soon as I get all of my items unlinked and sorted back in my inventory. I do not want to put them back out in my house until I hear from support. I also want to go through my house and see if there are other items missing before I file the report. I am not seeing everything I set up last night when moving into my new home. I need to check what is missing against my inventory. 

Thanks again, both of you. Sorry if my post was confusing. 

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