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Viewer 2.x Search? Has it been fixed yet?

Yoki Enoch

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Define "fixed". Search has been a borked and gamed mess ever since the accumulated "All" search was introduced, and the new maturity ratings and viewer 2 related changes only made things worse.

So... which of the many bugs and issues are you talking about? Some parcels not showing up in search? G- and M-rated content that only shows up if you enable adult content as well? All classifieds showing up instead of the relevant ones only, which often happens if you search for adult content? No classifieds showing at all? The completely irrelevant search results, thanks to keyword spam? The messed up ranking? Tiny parcels with two vendors being ranked above giant sims with tons of search-relevant content? The massive gaming with traffic bots and "models", paid profile picks and whatnot?

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Ishtara Rothschild wrote:

Define "fixed". Search has been a borked and gamed mess ever since the accumulated "All" search was introduced, and the new maturity ratings and viewer 2 related changes only made things worse.

So... which of the many bugs and issues are you talking about? Some parcels not showing up in search? G- and M-rated content that only shows up if you enable adult content as well? All classifieds showing up instead of the relevant ones only, which often happens if you search for adult content? No classifieds showing at all? The completely irrelevant search results, thanks to keyword spam? The messed up ranking? Tiny parcels with two vendors being ranked above giant sims with tons of search-relevant content? The massive gaming with traffic bots and "models", paid profile picks and whatnot?


LOL! I think you answered my question already, and it seems to be in the negative.

Regardless, the following is one aspect of search, as a test. Can anyone, using Viewer 2.x, determine as of today, how many estate sims (65536 sqm), are up for "sale"/lease in the market. Earlier today I found that number using good ole reliable Viewer 1.23 which I still use. Those who use Viewer 2.x exclusively, who can give me that number for April 14, 2011, will get a prize. (with my tongue pressed firmly in the right cheek of my mouth).


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Yoki Enoch wrote:

leliel Mirihi wrote:


How far off am I?

ETA: some of those may be mainland sims.

You are off by almost 15% even with mainland sims included.

Probably because on v2 you can't just search for land, you have to type in some string to search for. Stupid idea who ever thought of it.

Anyway would you settle for a v1 viewer that uses v2 search? I'm shure some TPV will do it, tho with mesh and xmpp just around the corner it won't keep you around for long. If you say no then I'm sorry to say but you'll probably be leaving pretty soon.


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leliel Mirihi wrote:


Yoki Enoch wrote:

leliel Mirihi wrote:


How far off am I?

ETA: some of those may be mainland sims.

You are off by almost 15% even with mainland sims included.

Probably because on v2 you can't just search for land, you have to type in some string to search for. Stupid idea who ever thought of it.

Anyway would you settle for a v1 viewer that uses v2 search? I'm shure some TPV will do it, tho with mesh and xmpp just around the corner it won't keep you around for long. If you say no then I'm sorry to say but you'll probably be leaving pretty soon.


Hi Liliel:

 I do thank you for your attempt at the test. It was much appreciated.

When the ax does eventually come, I will attempt to find some sort of compromise. However, remaining in a virtual word wherein the technology is getting worse, really does not sit well with me.

At this point, considering that Linden Lab doesn't even realize what a downgrade Viewer 2.x really is, and that its new CEO has obviously not clued in and probably never will, it would be futile remaining. I will deeply regret losing all the friendships I have made inworld though.

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the thing is that search is never going to get fixed. even Google, the most important search engine of the web thinks its search engine needs improvement.

if Google that is one of the biggest companies specialized in search cant come out with a perfect search engine, we cant expect from Linden Lab to develop it when their speciality is virtual worlds.

about you leaving because you have to use other viewer is like not being able to enter to your house because the door is different, is not the form to access that is valuable, its what you are accessing that is. if the form of accessing was the most valuable thing about Second Life, you would just log in with the viewer, stand in whatever place, admiring the menus and the icons of the interface.

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Canoro Philipp wrote:

the thing is that search is never going to get fixed. even Google, the most important search engine of the web thinks its search engine needs improvement.

if Google that is one of the biggest companies specialized in search cant come out with a perfect search engine, we cant expect from Linden Lab to develop it when their speciality is virtual worlds.

about you leaving because you have to use other viewer is like not being able to enter to your house because the door is different, is not the form to access that is valuable, its what you are accessing that is. if the form of accessing was the most valuable thing about Second Life, you would just log in with the viewer, stand in whatever place, admiring the menus and the icons of the interface.

I disagree on both counts.

First of all, search in the Viewer 1.x software, although not perfect by any means, is way better than in the Viewer 2.x system. That is fact.

Secondly, since part of my RL job is to adapt to new software constantly, my distain for Viewer 2.x has nothing to do with not willing to change. In my expert opinion, and I have one when it comes to software, Viewer 2.x at its basis is very poorly designed. It is an inferior product, to put it mildly. For an organization like Linden Lab that is essentially an IT company, to accept the gross inadequacies of Viewer 2.x is shameful. It makes me lose confidence in LL. I simply will NOT go inworld again with an inferior product such as Viewer 2.x. I gave it a good try 3 different times last year. That was enough. I will try and compromise in some way when Viewer 2.x becomes essential. I am hoping that one of the TPV will be better. Who knows.



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we cant say that viewer 1 is a masterpiece of software either. it allows you to render a virtual world, with a very colorful interface, and lots of options on the screen, your experience in software should tell you its not one of the best designed software ever done. software will always have a possibility of improving it, and the work i see the Lab doing has improved many things, many pass unnoticed but the ones who follow the development close knows that the user experience is continuously improving.

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Canoro Philipp wrote:

we cant say that viewer 1 is a masterpiece of software either. it allows you to render a virtual world, with a very colorful interface, and lots of options on the screen, your experience in software should tell you its not one of the best designed software ever done. software will always have a possibility of improving it, and the work i see the Lab doing has improved many things, many pass unnoticed but the ones who follow the development close knows that the user experience is continuously improving.

I agree, Viewer 1 not a masterpiece. However, at its basis, it was well thought out, unlike Viewer 2, whose designers had not a clue - it was almost as if they were designing a browser, rather than a viewer. The designers were most definitely NOT users of SL, and that was a major software development error. I truly believe that if the Lab wants to find out why concurrency is on such a long downward trend, it just needs to look at Viewer 2.x and when it was introduced.

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Yoki Enoch wrote:

it was almost as if 
they were designing a browser, rather than a viewer.[...]


That was the goal actually... to make it more like a browser.... the problem is they went with the appearance of a browser from the late 80's, and a morribly tangled hard coded static design structure from the 90's... completely ingoring the strides made in onject oriented coding, and user customization that is the hallmark of modern browsers (even if IE keeps forgetting and backtracking)

The designers had no concept of being in the world, just looking at it passively.... and there was much gnashing of teeth by immersionists everywhere.

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