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Marketplace Reviews: Bad Reviews hidden


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54 minutes ago, Syn Anatine said:

Unfortunately this isn't a perfect world, so no incentive means low to no reviews.

We used to get a lot more reviews because before LL bought it, SL Exchange made it easy to leave them. Along with a lot of other things that were easy. (Remember how your record of purchase was a picture w title, so you could be reminded what it was? You could click on it to leave a review.)

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if people leave a negative review and i see i can easily fix the problem i help them ... its not really about changing the review its about fixing the easy fix ... however sometimes people will change there review if i help them.

i know one template store on the marketplace that removes EVERY bad review EVERY time without fail even when its a serious fault with the product and i wonder how they get away with that ...

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2 hours ago, Pamela Galli said:

I don’t. I figure if they wanted to talk to me, they would write me instead of writing a review. So I don’t disturb their peace.


I can respect that entirely. I think it kind of goes along with my belief that the responsibility for a good to great experience with any purchase or product doesn't rest entirely on the merchant.  I happen to believe that the customer holds the bulk (almost entirety, really) of that responsibility. I think customers that want problems fixed, should seek out the methods to get them fixed and reviews are NOT a good way for that to happen (nor have they ever really been in any capacity, anywhere on the net, anywhere in the world).

I can't stand people that ONLY leave negative reviews and then later complain the merchant did nothing. Well, what did those customers do to help themselves? That's right...nothing. Can't expect something for nothing, imo, but that's my view from both a customer and merchant, customer first and foremost, though.  I would never leave a negative or even neutral review before first contacting a merchant to see if we can make my experience better. I may just be in the minority on that though. Good reviews I leave all the time, and I don't expect a merchant to do anything when I do (I really do think that expectation that a merchant will do something in return for a good review is asinine...but that's probably offensive to someone, somewhere, lol)

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19 minutes ago, JUSTUS Palianta said:

if people leave a negative review and i see i can easily fix the problem i help them ... its not really about changing the review its about fixing the easy fix ... however sometimes people will change there review if i help them.

i know one template store on the marketplace that removes EVERY bad review EVERY time without fail even when its a serious fault with the product and i wonder how they get away with that ...

See Dakota Linden’s explanation pinned above.

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13 minutes ago, JUSTUS Palianta said:

I know one template store on the marketplace that removes EVERY bad review EVERY time without fail even when its a serious fault with the product and i wonder how they get away with that ...

That doesn't happen, without

A-relisting the item (disallowed listing practice, flag it and LL will remove the item and warn the merchant for doing it-well, they should), which removes all reviews not just bad. There actually are some sellers that do this and get away with it, because people don't follow up and flag them after it happens, or at least not enough people flag them, so people assume the negative review got removed, which isn't the case. There's a seller of a very specific pregnancy related item I wrote a negative review for years ago, which the seller relisted to remove my and other negative reviews. LL still has't gotten around to removing-even though it was relisted(but not actually changed) and has been flagged numerous times. That doesn't happen very often, but I can see that it does sometimes. 

B-the reviews themselves being flagged by the merchant, then a LL employee looking over the flagged reviews and noting that there is something that breaks the guidelines for it. For example, reviews that rant and rave about stupid crap (I don't like the color, I would rather see XYZ, It would be nice if the seller could change it by doing ABC,  other sellers do this that and the other, etc.)  but don't actually talk about the problem..those SHOULD be removed. I don't care if I like the merchant or not..those are idiotic reviews and have no place being left there. Reviews that don't even mention the product, its functionality or anything remotely close to an actual product review...those should be removed too. Reviews that rant and rave about the person selling, but not the product..again, removed. Even if the seller is a crappy person, reviews are intended to give an idea about the PRODUCT to future consumers. That's their purpose and if they don't fill that purpose, they don't belong-personal opinions of individual sellers themselves don't matter in this.

I buy stuff from someone I actually can't stand all the time, lol. I don't like them as a person, and I take issue with a lot of the things they have said and/or done over the years. But the products they make and/or sell...they stand on their own, and I'm cool with that, especially when I need them for something. I can't imagine leaving a review on anything they sell that amounts to "you're a crappy person". It's just stupid. 

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On 5/2/2017 at 3:08 PM, Chic Aeon said:

Reviews CAN be REMOVED (not hidden) if they are really off target and have nothing to do with the product -- or the person obviously misunderstood and say thought they were buying a baby instead of a baby carriage (not sure WHERE I got that from LOL). People often don't READ. Oh my, that should be in giant text and bold and RED.  That isn't the creator's fault but sometime they get penalized.

I had a competitor (and alts and friends) write scathing nonsensical reviews of a product that they bought simply so that they could write those bad reviews. I remember Pamela saying the same. That happens. Eventually I wrote a "reply" on the product page pointing out that there was absolutely NO reason for a one star rating since there was an inworld demo AND a marketplace demo. Since then (thankfully) the one star ratings have disappeared stopped happening anew. That leaves me with 3 star ratings when the other sizes of the product all have five stars. Makes ya wonder doesn't it?

The Marketplace is the marketplace and while now and then some faulty reviews get removed many do not. And I am amazed how many people DON'T leave reviews. I have sold a hundred or more of some items with no or one review. What's up with that?

Anyway, I agree that this conspiracy theory is pretty dumb. 

That's my two cents. 


8 hours ago, Tari Landar said:

Two things

A-The notification system that tells a merchant a review has been left has been mostly nonfunctional for years. It sometimes works, but that's not very common. I'm sure this is in the "to do" bin somewhere at LL, but I doubt it's going to be really addressed or fixed anytime soon. Cut merchants some damn slack..a lot of the problems with the MP are 100% out of their control. 

B-Why would a merchant need to contact someone after they leave a good review? I mean, what exactly are you expecting, and why? (yes I'm serious, I want specifics)

As far as negative reviews are concerned, merchants are under no obligation to contact you after that either but the vast majority of them will, and do. How often do customers contact merchants before leaving a negative review though? I'd be shocked if more than 30% of people who leave negative reviews even contact the merchant first.(and I think I'm being overly generous with the 30%). I have had people leave a negative review MONTHS after they bought something, never once contacting me, and I still have always maintained a high(I think) level of customer service and will still go out of my way to help them and make things right. MOST merchants are the same way...very few don't actually give two craps, most of us care very deeply for what we do, and it's insulting to suggest anything other than that. Why are merchants expected to hunt down customers who leave bad reviews though? Why is the onus on the merchant and not the customer who actually knows what their experience was like? Why are customers not expected to lift a finger to help themselves, but merchants have to bend over backwards to ensure customers have a fantastic experience?  Those last two questions may sound catty, but they're not. Customers have certain expectations, as they well should...but merchants aren't allowed to have any because.....well, I don't know, lmao.

Thousands and thousands of merchants will keep right on trucking though, because they like, love, may even depend on, what they do. So, again...give merchants some damn slack, the vast majority of them are doing an amazing job. The few that aren't, don't ruin the bunch. 

its not hard to reply a review and say thanks which is nice to see when merchants do at the end a merchant will show if they care or not i dont need to write a novel to state the obvious lol

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2 hours ago, cloexox1992 said:


its not hard to reply a review and say thanks which is nice to see when merchants do at the end a merchant will show if they care or not i dont need to write a novel to state the obvious lol

I don't need to behave like a donkey named Jack about ridiculous things either, but good on those that want to, I suppose, whatever tickles their pickle. I like novels, you like forgoing all sentence structure....we're both right as rain :) 

Tens of thousands (I suspect closer to hundreds of thousands..but I might be off and I'm not keen on looking it up) of merchants sell on MP. You'd be hard pressed to find even 1% of them that respond to all reviews. That doesn't mean those merchants don't care, that's ridiculous to even suggest, lmao. 

Edited by Tari Landar
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