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Is there a way for a single avatar interact with avatars created and controlled by the computer?


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I am working on using SL as part of my final project for my master's degree in nursing program.  I would like for the person's avatar to be able to interact with avatars created and controlled by the computer.  This would allow the perosn to sign in and use the system without having to rely on the availability of others.


Also, where can I find some simple instructions on how to use SL?

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Yes, it is possible.  "Scripted agents" as Linden Lab calls them ("bots" to everyone else) are Second Life avatar accounts controlled by a computer program.  Most bots are not very intelligent, and are designed to do simple things, like stand around as store models.  I have met one chatbot, named HAL, who uses an elementary AI program to converse with you.  Conversing with HAL can get pretty surreal; he's not ready for his Turing test!  You can find a copy of this chatbot program here:  https://sourceforge.net/projects/hal9000/  This is the chatbot code only; you'd have a good deal of work ahead of you to interface it with Second Life.

If you are hoping to create a bot that can teach nursing skills...well, good luck to you!  There is at least one nursing school with a presence in SL, however.  I visited their build a few years ago.  They have some displays, and classrooms and such.

As for instructions on how to use SL:  There's LOTS!  Start here: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Second-Life-Quickstart/ta-p/1087919?lang=en-US

Then go here:  https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/tkb-p/English_KB@tkb

But you will probably overload way before working your way through the Knowledge Base.  When it all seems too confusing, go ahead and log in world, then teleport to Caledon Oxbridge University.  The campus is a walk-through tutorial on the basics of Second Life.

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Linda gave a great answer.

Your idea for teaching nursing has you entering the amazing world of virtual reality and 3D modeling. To have what some would call Non-Player Characters (NPC's) you add the requirement for a technology for which there is a low demand. So, few are providing it and SL's support for NPC's is weak. To provide the knowledgable response from the NPC's you add the demand for sophisticated Artificial Intelligence.

If you were to go to college to learn what you need to know you would be looking at 3 or more college degrees. So, looking for a "simple" tutorial is a bit unrealistic.

I suggest you look in the SL Forum in: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Inworld-Employment/bd-p/InworldEmployment

Your project pushes the limit of what is being done in SL. So, you will be doing some amount of front line design.

You will see the types of services being offered and asked for. There are people that can help you build what you want.

In early 2017 Project Sansar will begin opening for use by the general public. It is a WordPress-like Second Life. The goal of Linden Lab in building it is to prove a virtual relaity platform to content creators that is easy to use (read as: easy to use for building virtual experiences). We have no idea yet as to what they may have or be planning for NPC's. We do know they are improving on what we have in SL, at least from the technology viewpoint.

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