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I read this blog explaining why there's no EDIT option to contribute to the portal but that was from 2014. Was it decided that it's going to stay locked indefinitely? If so, where else then, can we upload our contributions besides the forum where they'd just eventually get burred? Not much explaination on what's going on with it. I logged on to the portal today, to whatever page I could click on, saw a bunch confusing clutter, tried to click here, click there, click somewhere, just got lost.. it's a mess!

What can I do to help fix it and make it user friendly?


There was a discussion about this here within the last few weeks. As I recall, the Lindens still hope to reopen the wiki. I don't think there's anything we can do to make that happen. There's still lots of Haiku left to add to the LSL function library entries.


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