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Multiple texture-changing HUDs for a single item

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Hello everyone,

I'm very new to building, but I have a good group of friends around me to help and I'm learning fast. However, this question has stumped everyone I know in-world...

I'm making a pillow, and want to offer multiple HUDs for sale alongside it as "add-ons"—so, one basic set of textures would come with the pillow itself, but people could buy from me additional sets of textures in a separate HUD that they would simply load and apply.

I'm sure such systems exist. Could I get recommendations from y'all for which ones are best, and also which ones might be easiest to work with for a new-ish builder? (Ideally those would be the same thing, but I recongize that sometimes that's not the case. :matte-motes-grin:)

Thanks for the help!!

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Sort of... but not exactly.

What I have in mind is like what these guys did, where you can buy their suit:


...and then get an "add-on" HUD for additional colors:



BUT—I want to do it for my pillows.

So, I'm looking for a HUD system like the one the Lapointe & Bastchild folks use... or, maybe EXACTLY the one that they use.

Does that make sense?

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There's nothing particularly magical about a HUD.  A HUD is just an object that you attach to your screen, so any texture change script that you write can work.  The creation forums, of course, aren't a place to look for completed work.  They're a place to come when you are creating (in this case, writing your script) and need advice or support along the way.  As Sassy says, you may find inspiration in any texture change HUD, but you should also look at how texture change scripts work in general.  Then decide which features appeal to you and start coding. 

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Sassy Romano wrote:

Any texture change HUD kit should work.

All your additional HUD will do is send a different set of texture UUID's. There's really nothing more to it than that.


Ok... I wish that were true. But the texture change HUD kit that I have and know how to use does NOT work in the way you described: instead, it uses a unique ID for each HUD, and the way the scripts are set up (which I can't read or look at, because they came with the kit and are permission-protected) only allows one HUD per item with this kit.

Which is why I came here asking for help.

Let me ask this another way, because it seems like I'm misunderstood...

Does anyone know of an existing KIT—and NOT a completed project or already-built HUD—that can allow for multiple HUDs for a single object/item?

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Rolig, thanks for trying to help... but, when you say, "The creation forums, of course, aren't a place to look for completed work" it makes me feel like you are looking for a different set of questions to answer than the ones I'm trying to get answers for. 

I linked to existing completed work as an example, just like you did in your first reply to my post. If you go and look at the examples I linked to, you might see what I'm talking about regarding how that particular maker has done what I want to do: make multiple HUDs for texture-changing on a single item/object.

Also, as I replied to Sassy: both of you are acting like the answer to my question is so simple. It's not to me. I'm not a coder, and I'm not looking to learn scripting for SL at this point; I'm looking for a KIT for creating HUDs. And, again, as I replied to Sassy, clearly not EVERY kit will work the way I want it to, since the kit that I already have will NOT.

All I'm asking is if someone knows of such a kit, as the one I describe. 

Do you? If you don't, then that's fine. Maybe someone else does.

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No, but then this isn't really the place to ask.  The LSL forum is where scripters come to share ideas and gripes about whatever they are working on actively.  It's a "How do I make my script do this?" forum, not a "Where do I find a script to do this?" forum. Same thing with each of the other Creation forums. If you want to find an existing script or kit, you'll have better luck if you post in the Wanted forum or do an extensive Google search. 

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Rolig Loon wrote:

No, but then this isn't really the place to ask.  The LSL forum is where scripters come to share ideas and gripes about whatever they are working on actively.  It's a "
How do I make my script do this?"
forum, not a "
Where do I find a script to do this?"
forum. Same thing with each of the other Creation forums. If you want to find an existing script or kit, you'll have better luck if you post in the Wanted forum or do an extensive Google search. 

I see. I clearly misunderstood; when the title said "Building and Texturing Forum" I was under the impression that, since I was looking for help in texturing, I might actually find some here. Silly me.

What I find instead is snobbery and condescension; not a coder? Then you're not welcome in these forums!!

In that case, I suggest that you change the name of this forum to "Building Forum—for Scripters Only Please!" 


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Anggy Rasmuson wrote:

Ok... I wish that were true. But the texture change HUD kit that I have and know how to use does NOT work in the way you described: instead, it uses a unique ID for each HUD, and the way the scripts are set up (which I can't read or look at, because they came with the kit and are permission-protected) only allows one HUD per item with this kit.

Ok, I can't see why they'd do that to be honest but if that's what they've done then seems a bit restrictive.

So i'll re-phrase... *almost* any texture hud kit should work as long as they don't implement restrictive practices for no apparent reason!

I'm unable to help beyond that though with your actual request, other than asking kit creators if they restrict to one hud or not (and why?).  I wrote my own scripts and so can't help you beyond that but good luck, really shouldn't be too difficult to find one.

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