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Buying my first land


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I was hoping I could run this idea by some more experienced residents. I was thinking of buying this land for 750L (1024m). Would this be the kind of place that I can buy a skydome (Turnip's for example) and just plop it down on this land? Does the land have to be completely flat? Am I supposed to put the dome in the sky instead? How high? 

On top of this, could I also get some suggestions for where one might find some nice skyboxes or houses. I've heard some people put skyboxes in skydomes? Is this right? Or is it better to put a house in a skydome? I'm looking for some good suggestions for stores. 

I've had my Linden home for quite a while and am excited, but nervous, about taking the next step. 

Edit: Also, there is a bench on this land. When I own the land, can I get rid of it?


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Hi Nalytha

Inverse homes have really nice homes and skyboxes around the 1024 at very low prim and price. You can even check out their model homes to do a walk through. I created a flat prim, sat on it and then edited the z-altitude to 3000. I then flew up and rezzed my house on top of the prim. I've heard some ppl can have issues with fitting the house in the borders. I'm up high so not sure but would assume you may have to terraform land if there are any bumps. I have considered putting a skydome up but don't mind the clouds - mine is just a house in the sky rather than a skybox and you can get some good platforms that cover up the borders. I'm a rookie too, first time out of a linden home so you'll probably get more advice from the veterans here. Also, you shouldn't have a problem returning the park bench back to the owners. Congrats to us both on graduating from linden homes!

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Thank you for the suggestions. I'm checking them out now. I was looking at nice lands to rent, but it was like 1000L per week. I can buy some mainland for 700L plus the tier prices, which is what, like $8 a month (as a premium member). I'm not 100% sure a skydome is necessary. I showed it to hubby and he actually didn't like it. Maybe a platform in the sky with a house on it will be good enough. 

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Nalytha wrote:


Edit: Also, there is a bench on this land. When I own the land, can I get rid of it?


yes. You can return anything not yours


a 1024 will cost you the Premium membership (512m tier) + another $5 a month in tiers for the extra 512 ($60pa)

you mention your husband ? If he isn't already a Premium then think about signing him up. That way he will get 512m tier as well. And he will get a 300L weekly stipend also. which works out as a better deal financially over the year

then you can create a group with you and him as the members, and then contribute the tiers to the group, and then buy the land for group. Is a bit like joint home-ownership this way

And being group-owned land you can get another 10% of land on the same sim tier free. So can buy a parcel upto 1120m with a few extra LI


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Thank you wherorangi. Wow, I'm begining to really look forward to your replies. You have such helpful posts.


I took your advice exactly and am very pleased with my increased land limit/prims and stipend (plus eventually the sign up bonus.)

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That seems like a good price.

You can put the dome on the land but it may not quite fit. Check the land's dimensions (use a prime board or land ruler, IM me for a free one if you can't figure it out) to see if it will fit Turnip's domes, which are large (different sizes but not sure 1024 fits).

Putting a dome like that in the sky is just a kindess to your neighbours as it is kind of an eyesore otherwise. You'll also get more privacy up higher although you can always uncheck "avatars can see me" on the land menu to become invisible. 500 m or higher keeps you out of the view.

Putting a house inside that dome is a nice thing.

Turnip also has various add-ons you can buy separately like seasons, different skies etc and they are worth it to change up the look.

Inverse has some nice ones like Puerto Rico (but that would only fit 2048 I think) but some of them are kind of high prim (on the cheaper ones).

Skyboxe makers I have found to be good and low prim for what they are (some higher than you may want on a 1024)

Barnesworth Anubis, Theosophy, dust bunny, Corsair, unKindness, Schultz Brothers, Stockholm & Lima

Look on the Marketplace and set your price and prims

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