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DMCA reports on marketplace

timothy1701 Starfall

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Hello, I run a store that sells freebie star trek themed items on the market place. Everything in my store was built years ago, and has never been a problem. Recently, four items were removed under copyright infringement. Three of them were obviously from star trek, two being tricorders and one being a shuttle.


The fourth however was a hoverbike, and an original concept. The only thing "star Trek" about it was it's overall color scheme and maybe the description. I'm not sure on the last part, I can't view the page anymore. And honestly, the shuttle was an original concept too, just loosely based on one of the shuttles from the show. Only the tricorders were even close to screen accurate. All these items were free, and set to no transfer. 


Is there anything I can do about this? Somebody mentioned a counterclaim, but then somebody else said I would have to go to court, and I have no interest in going to court over a freebie in SL. As it stands, I've removed any and all mention of star trek or any other branded terms from my other items. The official page on DMCA notices threatens to ban your SL account for repeated violations, it's got me a bit nervous and makes me wonder if I should just delete my whole store now.


Thank you for any assistance. 

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I dont' know if you remember the mesh uploader questionaire but you can always re-take the quiz on your own free time.


You can't sell anything as "Star Trek" if you don't own the rights to Star Trek, which I am presuming you don't.


You can sell it as a "Futuristic Space Bike"  but you can't post the words "Star Trek" in your listing catagory.

Likewise you cannot use Textures, or Iconography from copyrighted material you do not own.  That includes stuff that you've painstakingly traced over and edited after downloading it off Google.  So having "Star Trek Textures" probably isn't going to help your case there.


Your present listings of your two airships seem like they are entirely allowable ~ so, provided that they are your own unique work, and not stolen, I would not worry.

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I had seven other listings. I removed them all. I found out what had caused it, LL sent me an email back in Oct that I missed. They got pulled because I had things like Star Wars and Mass Effect as keywords for search results. Most everything in my store was original, simply inspired by star trek's aesthetic style. (I had subs for example and boats that looked like they came from that universe) Considering that it was the keywords that were pointed out, and nothing pertaining to the builds themselves, I think this must have been internally done by LL, and not DMCA'd by CBS or whatever. 


But no matter, more trouble than it's worth. I really enjoyed helping the star trek community by providing some nice freebies, since way back when I first started there weren't any on the market place. (XStreet at the time.) But I don't want my account banned over it. 


I tried deleting this thread but don't know how :(

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