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Physics shape problem

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ChinRey wrote:

Last update my original question:

After uploading 41 road modules and 11 floors with five more floors to go, there is as far as I can see no recognisable pattern or method for making a thin walkable surface with good physics in SL. Each and every case has to be treated separately and be solved with long, tedious sessions of trial and error.

Analyzed physics is no better in that repsect. LI is predictable with that but elevation isn't. And even worse, with analyzed phsyics there's a huge difference between a model uploaded to the beta grid and the same uploaded to the main grid. So to get it right, you have to do all the tests on main grid and waste a lot of Lindens on failed tests.

There's a difference in the analyzed physics model for beta and main grid? Damn.... Is the difference a constant or just random? This really sucks. I finally got the elevation right on the beta grid...

And of course, once the uploads are done, it's the even worse nightmare of fighting the horrendous interface MP offers the poor sellers.

Just sell a fatpack with all the pieces on MP and put a statement in the description that individual parts can be purchased at your inworld store
This way you'll only have to go through one listing and you should mentally recover within 24 hours!

I will finish my work, partly to prove to myself I can and partly because I know there are people in SL who appreciate quality workmanship and some of them may be lucky enough to stumble across my humble stores among all the garbage on MP.

Do it for the peeps!

But what I can't for my life understand right now is how could I ever feel any joy in building???

I know the feeling...everytime I think I have it down something else pops up...

On the other hand it feels really great when the beast is finally whipped into submission!


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"there's a huge difference between a model uploaded to the beta grid and the same uploaded to the main grid."

That is interesting. Can you give some more detail of the differences? The As the "Analyze" is done in the viewer, that would seem to indicate a difference in how the servers are treating the same shape. There are usually different servers on the two grids, and several different versions in different regions of each too! So that is always possible.

The only thing in the viewer that I know of that could make differences is the LOD generator, which is non-deterministic and can produce different results for identical input. So if people use LOD meshes for physics shapes, the results can be variable, but they would be variable on either grid, not reproducible on each. Anyway, we already know that you are not using auto-LOD meshes or LOD meshes for physics.

"But what I can't for my life understand right now is how could I ever feel any joy in building?"

I guess it's good only for people like me who enjoy studying the problems more than making the end results. :matte-motes-smile:

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Drongle McMahon wrote:

"there's a huge difference between a model uploaded to the beta grid and the same uploaded to the main grid."

That is interesting. Can you give some more detail of the differences? The As the "Analyze" is done in the viewer, that would seem to indicate a difference in how the servers are treating the same shape. There are usually different servers on the two grids, and several different versions in different regions of each too! So that is always possible.

The only thing in the viewer that I know of that could make differences is the LOD generator, which is non-deterministic and can produce different results for identical input. So if people use LOD meshes for physics shapes, the results can be variable, but they would be variable on either grid, not reproducible on each. Anyway, we already know that you are not using auto-LOD meshes or LOD meshes for physics.

"But what I can't for my life understand right now is how could I ever feel any joy in building?"

I guess it's good only for people like me who enjoy studying the problems more than making the end results. :matte-motes-smile:

And I'm eternally gratefull for that! :matte-motes-big-grin:


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Christhiana wrote:

There's a difference in the analyzed physics model for beta and main grid? Damn.... Is the difference a constant or just random? This really sucks. I finally got the elevation right on the beta grid...

Drongle McMahon wrote:

That is interesting. Can you give some more detail of the differences? The As the "Analyze" is done in the viewer, that would seem to indicate a difference in how the servers are treating the same shape. There are usually different servers on the two grids, and several different versions in different regions of each too! So that is always possible.

I'm not even sure if the difference is between the grids or if there is some other factor that causes it. But I tested a floor with a stairwell on the beta grid until I got the elevation right. Then when I uploaded it to the main grid, it was significantly off. Might have bee a fluke and I'm really not in the mood for extensive testing right now.

Btw, as I usually do, I discussed it with Hattie Panacek and she told me she had noticed differences not in physics but in download weights between beta and main grid uploads too.

Christhiana wrote:

Just sell a fatpack with all the pieces on MP and put a statement in the description that individual parts can be purchased at your inworld store
This way you'll only have to go through one listing and you should mentally recover within 24 hours!

Ummm, one fatpack with about 1500 modular house system modules?

But you have a point there, I made a huge mistake when I decided to focus on MP before I started working on an inworld store. "Everybody" told me it was the right thing to do and I was foolish enough to bnelieve it without doing a reality check. So here's a tip to all new builder-merchants: Do not listen to all the hype about Marketplace! Get an inworld store and spend your time on promoting that rather than wasting it on MP!

Right now I don't even have an inwolrd store suitable for this kind of works. I have one for my houses (including those I haven't lsited on MP) but it's organized as large landscapes where people can not just buy but also see the houses and is not really suitable for smaller items.

Christhiana wrote:

Do it for the peeps!

Right after I posted my complaint here, I read (and replied to) another post in another thread that made me really angry. But it also reminded me that SL is more than jsut a game. Many people here need it for something far more important than innocent entertainment. Right now I'm happy and proud if I can contribute a tiny little bit to making Second Life a better and more "real" place for them.

I'm sure I'll find the joy of building again too eventually - probably sooner than I expect
(Come to think of it, that warm, lovely feeling you get looking at a build you've jsut finished and are particulalrly happy with - I think I've had that far more often with prim builds than with mesh...)

Drongle McMahon wrote:

I guess it's good only for people like me who enjoy studying the problems more than making the end results. :matte-motes-smile:

Yes, probably. You definitely shuoldn't try to be both a researcher and active content creator at the same time. Each of these tasks on its own is more than enough for one person to handle. But, despite all the help and effort of all the wonderful people here and at BB and HHBS and NCI and on my friends list, there are still so many holes in our collective knowledge that need to be filled before I can get my builds up to the standards I want.
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