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Deed parcel to group - few questions to make sure.


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Want deed land to my group, to be able let few friends change radio stream, ability to ban, kick and manage group.

I read this page - https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Group-owned-land/ta-p/700079#Section_.3

But still have questions to make sure im right and be safe. I wanna pay for land by myself, and i dont want to somebody had ability to sell land, except me. Never had that experience, please help me, how to deed parcel and be safe? :) Where i need pay attention. And its free to deed land to group?


Thank you!.

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ToriBlack77 wrote:

Never had that experience, please help me, how to deed parcel and be safe?
Where i need pay attention. And its free to deed land to group?

Deeding the land to the group doesn't cost anything. 

Regarding the land fees, as an owner, you can pay the rent by your own. 

As to be totally safe, do NOT make anyone an owner other than yourself and your own alt. I strongly suggest you create an alt  (you do trust yourself, don't you? :D) and make him a co-owner. In the case some day all the other members leave the group, it will prevent it from being disbanded as a group is disbanded automatically if there is less than one person in it for 48 hours. 

In other words, never assign a role higher than officer to your members. They will have the ability to manage the stream, ban, kick or invite (depending on the permissions you give them), but they will never be able to kick you or your co-owner alt, as an owner can never be ejected from a group. 

Read more about roles here:



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I'm guessing the OP doesn't really want others to have all Officer role abilities, either, although I'm not sure what all those abilities are by default.

There's a lot to review in those abilities. For example, should those group members be able to remove other people's stuff from the land -- including maybe things owned by the group's founding Owner?

Another thing to be careful about is auto-return. It's a great tool, and especially great for group-owned land -- but to avoid disaster, it's not to be enabled before first making absolutely sure that everything on the parcel is set to the group.

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Qie Niangao wrote:

Another thing to be careful about is auto-return. It's a great tool, and especially great for group-owned land -- but to avoid disaster, it's not to be enabled before first making absolutely sure that everything on the parcel is set to the group.

Good point, Qie. Where the heck is the Kudos button? :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

You can set an officer's powers to whatever you want them to be. Some come prechecked, but you can uncheck them. The better solution would be to get one of the stream changers that you deed to the land, add the DJ stream to a changer that's deeded to the land then add the DJ to the whitelist that allows them to change the stream on that changer. You could also create a DJ role in your group that allows them to change the land media settings. You can give as many or as few powers to the various roles in the group as you wish as the owner.

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