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Amaretto customer serivce is A JOKE? Should you be scared too?


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I, like many others, was given the gift of a amaretto breedable horse. Well that led to...a curious interest in breeding, the aspect of making money from it, and the fun of it.  1 horse turned into 20 then 40, I started selling bundles, renting space on other sims to sell on, going to auctions..(where I would like to point out there was always about a 98% no sale at all the sales I attended on about 5 different sims, a no sale rate which should have scared me) but still I found it amusing and enjoyed SOME of the horses.  It was like waking up to a new gift each day, seeing what the computer code (aka breeding) might produce next. I met some lovely and interesting people in my horse breeding journey as well.

I never even made enough to cover the cost of feed...I sold a few CHEAP bundles here and there and maybe 3 horses.  But..it was a fun little hobby on the side.  I kept telling myself to get out of it, but I was re assured that all the lack of sales were due to the END OF THE MONTH. Well sadly, even at the beginning of the months...nothing would sell. I sat at this auction and that one watching horses being called as *FUTURE SALES* which meant..they were going back home with the seller. I walked miles of sims daily to see the same FOR SALE AND OH SO GREAT horses standing there..unsold.  Some with bunny ears!  (what is up with that?? its comically UGLY..says that man who lives with RL horses on a RL ranch-even my donkeys are laughing at those!!!)

Then the day happened that I bought a large bundle of feed (or salt-cant recall which it was now) i the 5k L price range, but it did not appear in my inventory.  I am visually impaired so without certain sceens and fonts and friends seeing can be hard for me. But the items DID NOT APPEAR and were NEVER delivered. We triple checked. That happens..you go get a redeliver with most any store and your world goes along quite happily. NOT with Amaretto. But I struggled and managed to drop note cards to Amaretto about my missing items...several times.  Then I was spammed with a quick link some days later directing me to their website done in EXTRA SMALL PRINT. THere was no live person response. I even noted that I was visually impaired a little help PLEASE! Nothing.  I grumbled and with the help of a friend finally opted to submit tickets as getting a person to help IN WORLD is not going to happen with amaretto.

It was on that very day that I bought 2 horses from the Stone Pony Ranch sim..from I guess a private seller.  There were 2000L each.  I went home with them and rezzed them to be greeted with this.


I, again with the help of a friend, submitted tickets about my STILL missing food items and THIS HORSE as you see it in the picture and CAN STILL SEE in MY BARN at my HOME.  It just lays there....and has red letters that state clearly to let Amaretto know!  I went back to check on my tickets, again with the help of a friend and was told I was banned from the website. REALLY?? BUT WHY???  When I brought this horse home also I want to note that MY HORSES that were breeding just fine..all stopped breeding. I asked in my tickets to them if it was a *HACK* horse.  I had read a few horror stories on the web about people copying the breedables for malicious intent.  I was directed via email to contact a person in world.  I have no idea who this person was or what positions they held with Amaretto but I did catch them online and contact them.

Within a few not well written sentences they explained to me that I was banned from the website for being rude. (I didnt cuz anyone out, nor did I threaten anyone in anyway! I did grumble that their website was near impossible for me to see and would prefer contact in world if at all possible)  I think my mouth fell open at being called RUDE and again explained that I was missing food (or salt) that the customer service exp. was less than stellar (even for someone who was not visually impaired) and that I did NOTHING that would be considered RUDE by anyone of a right mind, frustrated yes, RUDE, as I told the person, you will know it when I'm being RUDE.  I pushed at the person wanting to know EXACTLY how I had been rude!  Finally it came from their fingers that they were banning me cause I called this horse a "HACK" I explained to her? what I explained here on what I had read AND COMBINE that with the fact that all my horses who were able to breed stopped breeding as soon as THIS horse came in the barn!  I explained that I was CONCERNED that MAYBE that this horse was a malicious hack thing of some sort.  The conversation went no where...and yes I have it saved in its entirety though I, due to LL rules and TOS cannot share it here though I would LOVE to.  I also addressed not only being out 2000L for this *DEAD* horse but around $5000L for the missing food items.  THEY said they would contact the owners and have them contact me the next day...which of course, came and went with no contact. Nor the next day. Nor the next day. 

At that point I was almost done...BUT I did buy one more batch of food while all that was going on...another around $5000L giant pack of breedable food which SHOULD have given me 20 feed buckets.  Then...I gave all of my horses and bundles away after no contact or help opting to use my prim counts for ...my next new hobby-low prim gardening! LOL...and tried to set out this feed for the new person...I would have had over 10 buckets left.  GUESS WHAT?/ GONE FROM INVENTORY! POOF! *read their fine print they can invade your farms, your barns and your inventory's if they take a dislike to you and take all your amaretto stuff.*  But my other amaretto items were still there like the gps barrel.  At that moment I purged EVERYTHING that said Amaretto on it from my inventory-at this point I had gone just plain paranoid.  I felt kicked in the ...you know. Perhaps it was because I am openly gay?? *shrugs*   Anyway about it THIS was not my idea of customer service, and THIS was a company I personally no longer wished to do business with-they had sucked all the fun and joy right out it. The lady? I spoke with...was apparently not in the know on anything and kept claiming I was rude for calling the horse a *hack*-I had no other idea what term to use..perhaps I should have said..a potentially malicious bot that some Frankenstein creator made for DDOS type horsey attacks out to steal all my other horses info?? That will stop them all from breeding? I contacted LL who explained that, unless it involves an a adult and a child in a way that most all of us would agree is wrong that..every agreement in SL is between buyer and seller, so you are SOL if things go wrong  and you are to take it up with THAT company, not LLs.-they have nothing to do with any of it.

So...Amaretto, this is my farewell to you, how many RL dollars did you make from me? WHAT CUSTOMER SUPPORT??  I'm rude because Im visually impaired, have a horse TELLING me to contact you and MISSING Salt and Feed that I could not get redelivered and I'm banned from your website (no loss there as I couldn't see it but that means I would never be allowed to have a problem again and receive support for it)  I have closed my sims to Amaretto horses.  I have spoken to some other breedable people NOT with Amaretto and I guess this is not uncommon, they eased my mind but not my wallet. And I will keep this horse around for any who wish to see, as well as the CSR convo that I would gladly share with the Owners of Amaretto if asked to do so for quality control sake.  Otherwise...well...I think others should be afraid.  I also think you should enjoy what you do in your SL so if its all going well for you with your Amaretto...enjoy!  I was...till I made the mistake of having a missing item and then a *DEAD* horse...and contacted them.  I realized that there really is evil in SL and it has nothing to do with Vampire bites!!  Ok well maybe not evil *winks* but horrendous customer service that can lead a person to closing up their wallet, giving away their pixellated livestock and NOT looking back.  Though I will..once..just to see if Amaretto will step up to the plate and own this.

Bottom line people...I have bought many items from many creators, and have had very few problems. Ive had to have some items redeivered...never a problem.  I tore apart an expensive adult bed once trying to re texture it and discovered the hard way that it was NO MOD-WHOOPS!!...I owned what I had done and never went to the seller saying..I tore it up YOU owe me a new one..I've had houses and scripts glitch...the creators have always helped me, some even coming to my sims in a timely fashion to fix the little bugs first hand.  Thats how you keep peoples business in RL and SL. Amaretto...you should just be ashamed of at least the CSR I spoke with, and others should still continue to  enjoy their horses as I once did...but also read the fine print and beware as well..this is not a company that so far in my experince..is out to help anyone and there is nothing any of us can do about it when things go south, and they can go south almost overnight.

Not sure really where to post this so stuffing it in a forum where I see there was another Amaretto post made.



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While I'm sure I and countless others appreciate the "stuffing" of disconnected resident-to-resident disputes into whichever forum you fancy, the moderators here are likely to frown on it.

According to our Community Guidelines, that you agreed to by posting here:-

"If you have a personal disagreement, do not post about it on the Second Life community pages. Residents who have personal differences have other channels of communication available to them — private messaging in the forums, IM within Second Life, or chatting within Second Life."

There is no suitable place to paste this stuff on this forum.

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These forums are meant to answer questions about SL viewer (and officially approved third party viewers), not to solve problems about a specific product or a merchant. Your best bet is to contact the official Amaretto support and see if they can sort you out of this issue. 


I'm sorry for you if you were ripped off by a dishonest merchant, but this is really not the place to ask for help. Even LL wouldn't get involved in your issue as it will be considered as a resident to resident dispute. 

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