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Noob at Second Life!


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Hi! I just started out in Second Life not even a day ago and I was wondering if anyone could explain/help me change my avatar's body, skin and clothing. Not in the sense of holding my hand but explaining to me the methods that people do and good places where I could get that stuff. I want to change my avatar to an avatar that looks more like me in real life (but not completely) not the presets they have. If someone could kindly explain that to me that would be great. I have joined Second Life before but changing the avatar got too confusing for me and I just gave up. Then I losted my password and lost interest until a day ago.

Even a little of information can go a long way. I did read Second Life's guide to do it but I know the experienced people have a different way than just using the old way that Second Life recommds (like moving the sliders back then). I don't have any Lindens but thats not a issue. Getting Lindens isn't an issue for me, I just need someone to give me information on how to change my avatar to more life-like with cute ass clothing and that the avatar can do little motions (I think they're called AOs??? maybe not...im so confused) as if she is alive when shes standing around. I would like to join roleplay in the future and I cant with my avatar looking like this.

Also I heard of motions that you can buy that can make your avatar dance or something??? 

Im super confused.


P.S. If someone would like to show me this in Second Life that would be beyond fabulous but don't feel inclined to do so if you don't want do.

P.S.S. Thank for reading and responding.

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ok...first..you probably have on the mesh starter LL is dropping on aall the new residents. Go to your Library folder and chose one of the classic avatars...Girl Next Door will do. drag and drop that folder on your current avi. That should get rid of all the mesh. Next is to find a skin that's clost to you. Fair warning, you're really not going to be able to get an exact duplicate. Try the 30 days and under at 7 Deadly Skins. Also, starting march 3-30, they're having an anniversary thing so you can join the group for free and get the group gift, the MM and go for the lucky boards as well...you'll see when you get there. You will have to invest in a hair. Not sure what your hairstyle is so telling here would let us know where to tell you to look. Emotions has group gifts for free and that's a free group.

Clothing is going to depend on what style you want. You're going to have to invest some RL money for some things. I hate to send you on a hunt, but this time of year is good for hunts with Easter here. Go to https://slhunts.wordpress.com/ for the list...scroll down and about half way down on the right, you can click on March and see what hunts are going on. You look for a hunt object and get free gifts...ummm, DON'T try the Twisted Hunt that starts March 5 though. That one is the hardest one on the grid and not a good hunt for a beginner.

Also check out https://fabfree.wordpress.com/fabfree-30-days-list/  They have some nice things in their store as well as the ones listed for those less than 30 days old.

As for changing the avi appearance, right click on your avi then choose appearance, edit shape. You have all the sliders there to change the way your avi looks. Your face/head has most of the tabs there for head shape, eyes, nose, chin and mouth. The last 2 tabs are your upper an lower body. You do want to increase your arm length to at least 65. Default length is way too short. Hand size at 20. Play with the sliders to get the look you want if the avi you get with the skin doesn't suit.

Good luck and welcome to SL.

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There are shape tutorials on the web, I bet most are on blogs. They have things like tips on realism and limits with shape settings. There was also a company that would put your own face image onto an avatar, not sure if they are still around.

There is also a guy that was, may still be, on the marketplace.secondlife.com site that made a mesh head (it replaces the SL default shapable avatar head) from your photo set, so it looks like you more than a toon of you. You take 'em the way he says, he makes the mesh and puts the skin on it etc.

Uhm, someone had a measurements equivlent to RL page for avatar shape slider settings. But, to be on the safe side and make more friends taller than RL may be better, if you are short in RL.

Height, now there is an controversial issue. The issue there is that every avatar is more or less bigger than people think it is, lots of 7 ft. tall dudes for instance. So, if you make a smaller avatar (say, 5ft. 4 inch) then you end up being suspected of being a child. Some hate this, they worry about pedophiles. There are some stories and arrests a while back I think, I don't look for these news stories (or much about SL in the media) so who knows maybe it still goes on. Some property owners avoid letting people in who look like children and SL's rules even state something about sexualized children, I think...so they may think you are a child avatar but using the boobs setting to avoid detection...razy, but you know it only takes a few times for something to happen in a society for it to become news and people hate the confusion.

Cute ass? Well, the ass of SL's avatar has been called ugly with whatever settings by some in SL. Mesh avatars may have better, but I know you are talking cute in general and just joking a little. But not a whole lot of joking because there are people who dislike the butt on the avatar and choose skins with certain shading or even mesh avatars. Butt meshes may also be around, I know breast meshes are because the huge setting is a bit blocky or geometric looking to the term "Appliers" is maybe something you will hear about. Mmarketplace.secondlife.com is the official Linden Lab run marketplace, but the merchants there are residents so you may want to read reviews, or ask others (like here!) about specific stuff and how it might work, as you are doing.


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  • 4 months later...

Weird problem: While sorting inventory I put on (added) the party hat that came with the SL 12th Anniversary velociraptor avatar and now CANNOT get the silly thing off. Had a similar problem with the avi -- even after changing to a regular outfit & my human avi, I still had little dino arms, but relogging fixed that. But relogging doesn't get rid of the hat, which doesn't show as 'worn' in my current outfit. What's going on, and how do I fix this?

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