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GD Forum Cleanup Progress Report.


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Well, it's like walking through treacle.

I managed to persuade somebody or other to remove the redundant junk that was cluttering up the top of the GD Forum thread list by virtue of somebody with more power than sense pinning a few things then forgetting to remove them when they had passed their sell-by date.

I have also managed to have several threads removed (to more appropriate places, not stealth-deleted) which should never have been in GD in the first place, either because of the ignorance of the posters or their attempted conniving at reaching a greater readership than would be the case if they had put their advertisements or pleas for help in a Commerce or Answers section.

Nevertheless, at the moment, nine of the first ten threads should not be in GD, despite requests (in some cases repeated requests) from me to relocate them.

Perhaps the mods are only allowed a specified number of forum actions per shift, or maybe it's like the old joke about "Why don't you look out the office window in the morning?" "Well, there'd be nothing to do in the afternoon", or possibly the mods work to a quota system and once they have done a certain number of moves, a few warnings and a specific amount of bans, they don't get paid for extras, so why bother...

Oh, well, I can but try to fight the good fight, until GD is clear of non-discussion items that are current. If you want to help, please pitch in with a few constructive RICs.

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This really is going better than I could have anticipated!

As of this morning, the first 13 threads on the list (I have them sorted by most recent posts) may be categorised as 9 GD relevant, 3 removed elsewhere (thank you, mods) and just 1 inappropriate intruder.

I will continue to seek perfection, of course.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Things appear to be stabilising in GD now, so that the top ten tend to be nine valid discussion threads and one which should be elsewhere but which has been so derailed - by intent - that it could not really be moved without confusing the denizens of another section.

Unless the situation degrades significantly, I shall not be reporting further.

My job here is done!

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  • 2 months later...

Well, it looks to me as if the General Discussion section is thriving, with quite a few discussion type threads (some of them more lame than others) engendering continuing posts, and the odd inappropriate interloping vermin being quickly exterminated

I'm not sure whether this is due to the unflagging visual efforts of Derek, or the behind-the-scenes work by person or persons unknown to persuade naive moderators to remove inappropriate threads before someone cut-and-pastes their ignorance for the benefit of the publc at large to sneer at, or maybe those who might historically have been tempted to start their posts with "I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this" (meaning "I'm clueless and lazy") have seen how previous exponents of this artlessness have been eviscerated.

Or maybe Jumpy's reappearance has scared all the noobs away . . .

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You are about to reply to a thread that has been inactive for 3408 days.

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