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Need help with this prim animator script

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Identification llGetLinkPrimitiveParams is not in the current context Super_Prim_Animator_using_one_script_1655 [1]. LINE:86
llGetLinkPrimitiveParams name is not in the current context Super_Prim_Animator_using_one_script_1655 [1]. LINE :187
llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast name is not in the current context Super_Prim_Animator_using_one_script_1655 [1]. LINE:284
llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast name is not in the current context Super_Prim_Animator_using_one_script_1655 [1]. LINE:391
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// This script is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License	//  at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/  unless the further rights are	// in license information included in the script  by the original author,	//  in which case the authors license must be followed.	// Please leave any authors credits intact in any script you use or publish.	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	//	// author Ferd Frederix	// Prim position root script	// Put this script in the root prim. Put the child script in all prims you wish to move.	// touch the script to start recording	// Reset - wipe out all recording.	// Name  - name a new recording	// Pause - insert a 1 second pause	// PlayBack - play back the current animation	// Record  - store a new set of child prim positions	// Notecard - print coords to chat for saving in a notecard	//	string NOTECARD = "Movement";   // the notecard for this script, you can add more than 1 script and notecard, just change this line to matchinteger playchannel = 1;    // the playback channel, this is the channel you use in LinkMessagesinteger debug = FALSE;          // if set to TRUE, debug info appears// notecard readingstring priorname;               // the prior animation name so we can spot differences as we read them ininteger iIndexLines;            // lines in a cardinteger inotecardIndex = 0;     // notecard counter;integer move = 0;               // N movements rea from the notecardkey kNoteCardLines;             // the key of the notecardkey kGetIndexLines;             // the key of the current line//communicationsinteger dialogchannel ;         // dialog boxesinteger nPrims;                 // total number of primsinteger PrimsCounter = 0;       // how many have checked ininteger timercounter = 0;       // how many seconds have gone byinteger wantname;               // flag indicating we are waiting for a name to be chatted// the list of coordslist masterlist;        // master list of all positionslist llastPrimList;      // storage of the last prim position we learnedstring curranimation;   // what we are playinginteger STRIDE = 5;     // size of the master listinteger lastSTRIDE = 4; // size of the last prim listinteger listener;       // temp listener when we are waiting for them to give us a namevector InitSize;        // the initial size when the prims were recordedlist LoadedAnims;       // animations read from the notecard added to the Menu display// in case of hand editing, we wupe out extra stuff at endstring Getline(list Input, integer line){	return llStringTrim(llList2String(Input, line),STRING_TRIM);}Record(){	if (llStringLength(curranimation) > 0)	{		integer foundmovement = 0;      // will be set if any child moved		integer PrimCounter ;        // skip past the root prim		for (PrimCounter =2; PrimCounter <= nPrims; PrimCounter++ )		{			list my_list = llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(PrimCounter,[PRIM_POSITION,PRIM_ROTATION, PRIM_SIZE ]);			// position is always in region coordinates, even if the prim is a child or the root prim of an attachment.			// rot is always the global rotation, even if the prim is a child or the root prim of an attachment.			// get current prim pos, rot and size			vector      vrealPrimPos    = llList2Vector (my_list,0) - llGetPos();   // position subtract Global Pos			vrealPrimPos /= llGetRot();			rotation    rrealPrimRot    = llList2Rot    (my_list,1) / llGetRot();   // rotation subtract Global Rot			vector      vrealPrimSize   = llList2Vector (my_list,2);                 // size			// compare it to the last one we had, stride of list is a 4, and it is already sorted			integer iindex = (PrimCounter - 2) * lastSTRIDE;    // zeroth position is PrimCounter - start, or 2			// get the last thing we remembered about this prim			float       fprimNum        = llList2Integer    (llastPrimList, iindex);    // must be 0,1,2, in order			vector      vlastPrimPos    = llList2Vector     (llastPrimList, iindex+1);			rotation    rlastPrimRot    = llList2Rot        (llastPrimList, iindex+2);			vector      vlastPrimSize   = llList2Vector     (llastPrimList, iindex+3);			// if anything changed on this prim, we must record it.			if (vlastPrimPos != vrealPrimPos ||				rlastPrimRot != rrealPrimRot ||				vlastPrimSize!= vrealPrimSize					)					{						foundmovement++;						// show owner any changes they mnade						if (debug)						{							llOwnerSay("prim:" + (string) PrimCounter);							if (vlastPrimPos != vrealPrimPos)								llOwnerSay("pos delta :" + (string) (vrealPrimPos - vlastPrimPos));							if (rlastPrimRot != rrealPrimRot)								llOwnerSay("rot delta:" + (string) (llRot2Euler (rrealPrimRot - rlastPrimRot) * RAD_TO_DEG));							if (vlastPrimSize != vrealPrimSize)								llOwnerSay("size delta:" + (string) (vrealPrimSize - vlastPrimSize));						}						//Save them in the master list of all animations						masterlist += curranimation;						masterlist += PrimCounter;						masterlist += vrealPrimPos;						masterlist += rrealPrimRot;						masterlist += vrealPrimSize;						// save them in the last movement list						integer saved = FALSE;						integer i;						integer imax = llGetListLength(llastPrimList);						// save the changes in the last prim list so we can keep our lists smaller						for ( i=0; i < imax; i += lastSTRIDE )						{							if (llList2Float(llastPrimList,i) == PrimCounter)							{								llastPrimList = llListReplaceList(llastPrimList,[vrealPrimPos],i+1,i+1);								llastPrimList = llListReplaceList(llastPrimList,[rrealPrimRot],i+2,i+2);								llastPrimList = llListReplaceList(llastPrimList,[vrealPrimSize],i+3,i+3);								if (debug) llOwnerSay("In history at position " + (string) (i/lastSTRIDE));								saved++;							}						}						// never moved before?  add it then						if (! saved)						{							if (debug) llOwnerSay("Someone added a new prim and then clicked Record");							llastPrimList += PrimCounter;							llastPrimList += vrealPrimPos;							llastPrimList += rrealPrimRot;							llastPrimList += vrealPrimSize;						}					} // if		} // for		if (debug)    llOwnerSay("history:" + llDumpList2String(llastPrimList,":"));		if (!foundmovement)			llOwnerSay("You must move at least one child prim.");	}	else	{		llOwnerSay("You must name your animation.");		llOwnerSay("Type the new animation name on channel /" + (string) dialogchannel);		wantname++;	}}// on reset, record the base position in history so we can see changesClear(){	LoadedAnims = [];           // wipe out Menu	masterlist = [];            // wipe all recordings	llastPrimList = [];         // wipe last animations	integer PrimCounter ;       // skip 1, which is the root prim	integer counter = 0;	// save all the current settings in memory	for (PrimCounter=2; PrimCounter <= nPrims; PrimCounter++ )	{		list my_list = llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(PrimCounter,[PRIM_POSITION,PRIM_ROTATION, PRIM_SIZE ]);		// save the local  pos and rot, since llGetLinkPrimitiveParams returns global pos and rot		vector primpos      = llList2Vector (my_list,0) - llGetPos();		rotation primrot    = llList2Rot    (my_list,1) / llGetRot();		vector primsize     = llList2Vector (my_list,2) ;		llastPrimList += PrimCounter;		llastPrimList += primpos;		llastPrimList += primrot;		llastPrimList += primsize;		counter++;	}	if(debug) llOwnerSay("Saved " + (string) counter + " prims initial position in history");}DumpBack (){	integer i;	integer imax = llGetListLength(masterlist);	integer howmany = imax / STRIDE ;	llOwnerSay((string) howmany + " movements recorded - copy these and paste them into the notecard");	integer flag = 0;	for (i = 0; i < imax; i+= STRIDE)	{		if ( i == 0 )			llOwnerSay( "|start|" + (string) llGetScale());		string saniName = llList2String(masterlist,i);		curranimation = saniName;		float fprimNum = llList2Integer(masterlist,     i+1);		integer iprimNum = (integer) fprimNum;		vector  vprimPos  = llList2Vector(masterlist,   i+2);		rotation rprimRot = llList2Rot(masterlist,      i+3) ;		vector  vprimSize  = llList2Vector(masterlist,  i+4);		llOwnerSay("|"+ saniName + "|" + (string) iprimNum + "|" + (string) vprimPos + "|" + (string) rprimRot + "|" + (string) vprimSize );		flag++;	}	if (! flag)		llOwnerSay("No recording was made, nothing to play back." );}rotation calcChildRot(rotation rdeltaRot){	if (llGetAttached())		return rdeltaRot/llGetLocalRot();	else		return rdeltaRot/llGetRootRotation();}PlayBack (string name){	integer i;	integer imax = llGetListLength(masterlist);	integer linknum = 0;	for (i = 0; i < imax; i+= STRIDE)	{		string saniName = llList2String(masterlist,i);		if (saniName == name)		{			float fprimNum      = llList2Float(masterlist,i+1);			vector  vPos    = llList2Vector(masterlist,i+2);			rotation rRot = llList2Rot(masterlist,i+3) ;			vector vprimSize    = llList2Vector(masterlist,i+4) ;			vector scale = llGetScale();			float delta =  scale.x / InitSize.x ;   // see if the root prim has grown or shrunk as a percentage			vPos *= delta;                           // add any difference in size to it positions there			vprimSize *= delta;                      // grow the child prim, too			// support negative prim numbers as a delay			if (fprimNum < 0)			{				if (debug) llOwnerSay("Sleeping " + (string) (fprimNum * -1));				llSleep((float) fprimNum * -1);			}			else			{				if (fprimNum > 1 )				{					// set the local pos and locat rot to the prims orientation and position					rRot  = calcChildRot(rRot);					list actions = [PRIM_POSITION,vPos,PRIM_ROTATION,rRot,PRIM_SIZE,vprimSize];					if (debug) llOwnerSay("Moving prim :" + (string) fprimNum + ":" + llDumpList2String(actions,":"));					llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast((integer) fprimNum,actions);				}			}		}	}}MakeMenu(){	list amenu = ["Reset","Record","Help","Name","Notecard","Pause"] + LoadedAnims;	llListenRemove(listener);	listener = llListen(dialogchannel,"","","");	llDialog(llGetOwner(), "Pick a command",amenu,dialogchannel);}default{	state_entry()	{		InitSize = llGetScale();            // save the size  when we recorded the prims		nPrims = llGetNumberOfPrims();      // how many we are recording		if (debug) llOwnerSay(" Total Prims = " + (string) nPrims);		Clear();		string notecardname = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_NOTECARD,0);		if (llStringLength(notecardname) > 0)		{			kNoteCardLines = llGetNumberOfNotecardLines(NOTECARD);			kGetIndexLines = llGetNotecardLine(NOTECARD,0);		}		else		{			llOwnerSay("If you add a notecard, you can save your animations permanently in a notecard named " + NOTECARD);		}		dialogchannel = (integer) (llFrand(100) +600);	}	// read notecard on bootup	dataserver(key queryid, string data)	{		if (queryid == kNoteCardLines)		{			iIndexLines = (integer) data;		}		if (queryid == kGetIndexLines)		{			if (data != EOF)			{				queryid = llGetNotecardLine(NOTECARD, inotecardIndex);				list lLine = (llParseString2List(data, ["|"], []));				string junk = llList2String(lLine,0);				string aniname = llList2String(lLine,1);				string aNum = (string) Getline(lLine,2);				// check for the prim size,and save it, the fiorst line will look like this:				// [18:06]  prim position 1.2: |start|<1.02306, 1.02306, 1.02306>				if (inotecardIndex == 0 && aniname == "start")				{					InitSize = (vector) aNum;				}				else if (inotecardIndex == 0 && aniname != "start")				{					llOwnerSay("The notecard " + NOTECARD  + " is incorrect, it must begin with 'start|<x,y,z>' with the size of the original prim");				}				else				{					float Num = (float) aNum;					vector vPos = (vector) Getline(lLine,3);          // global for calcChild()					rotation rRot = (rotation) Getline(lLine,4);        // global for calcChild()					vector Size  = (vector) Getline(lLine,5);					vector scale = llGetScale();					float delta =  scale.x / InitSize.x ;   // see if the root prim has grown or shrunk as a percentage					if (aniname != priorname)					{						llOwnerSay("Loading animation " + aniname);						priorname = aniname;						LoadedAnims += aniname;					}					if(Num != 1)        // skip root prim					{						masterlist += [aniname];						masterlist += [Num];						masterlist += [vPos];						masterlist += [rRot];						masterlist += [size];						if (Num > 1)  // not the pauses						{							rRot = calcChildRot(rRot);							vPos *= delta;                           // add any difference in size to it positions there							Size *= delta;                          // grow the child prim, too							llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast((integer) Num,[PRIM_POSITION,vPos,PRIM_ROTATION,rRot,PRIM_SIZE,Size]);							move++;						}					}				}				inotecardIndex++;				integer     InitPerCent = (integer) llRound(( (inotecardIndex+1) / (float) iIndexLines) * 100);				llSetText("Initialising... \n" + (string) InitPerCent + "%" , <1,1,1>, 1.0);				if (InitPerCent >= 100)					llSetText(""  , <1,1,1>, 1.0);				kGetIndexLines = llGetNotecardLine(NOTECARD,inotecardIndex);			}			else			{				llOwnerSay("initialized with " + (string) move + " movements");				llSetText(""  , <1,1,1>, 1.0);			}		}	}	touch_start(integer total_number)	{		if (llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner())		{			MakeMenu();		}		// add any control code here		// example:		// llMessageLinked(LINK_SET,playchannel,"All","");  // will play Animation named "All"	}	listen( integer channel, string name, key id, string message )	{		if (channel == dialogchannel)		{			if (message == "Reset")			{				Clear();				if (debug)    llOwnerSay("Reset = " + llDumpList2String(llastPrimList,":"));				MakeMenu();			}			else if (message =="Pause")			{				masterlist += curranimation;				masterlist += -1;				masterlist += <0,0,0>;  // pos				masterlist += <0,0,0,1>;// rot				masterlist += <0,0,0>;  // size				MakeMenu();			}			else if (message == "Record")			{				Record();				MakeMenu();			}			else if (message == "Name")			{				llOwnerSay("Type the current animation name on channel /" + (string) dialogchannel);				wantname++;				MakeMenu();			}			else if (message =="Menu")			{				MakeMenu();			}			else if (message == "Notecard")			{				DumpBack();				MakeMenu();			}			else if (message == "Help")			{				llLoadURL(llGetOwner(),"View online help", "http://secondlife.mitsi.com/secondlife/Posts/Prim-Animator");			}			else if (wantname)			{				curranimation = message;				LoadedAnims += message;				MakeMenu();				llOwnerSay("Recording is ready for animation '" + curranimation + "'");				llOwnerSay("Position all child  prims, then select the Menu item 'Record', and repeat as necessary. When finished, click 'PlayBack' to play back the animation, or click the animation name.  Click 'Name' to start a new animation sequence");				wantname = 0;				PrimsCounter = 0;				timercounter  = 0;				llSetTimerEvent(1.0);			}			else			{				if (llListFindList(LoadedAnims,[message]) != -1)				{					PlayBack(message);					MakeMenu();				}			}		}	}	link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string message, key id)	{		if (num == playchannel)		{			if (debug) llOwnerSay("playback animation " + message);			PlayBack(message);		}	}}// Look for updates at : http://www.free-lsl-scripts.com/freescripts.plx?ID=1519// __END__


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Metalspeed Applewhyte wrote:

So that works for you? and if that work wich grid do you use. for im just getting error on using that for agni


There is another possibility, your viewer could be trying to compile the script locally, the old fashioned way. In that situation, you can't compile a script that has ll* functions newer than the viewer. Error messages like that can sometimes be seen in the old Hippo viewer, maybe others are around that still try local compile too. If you are using a less popular TPV, maybe try something more mainstream and see if that helps.

[ Oh and yes, the script did compile OK for me on SL. ]

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