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Weirdest crashes

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Two days ago now my second life decide to start acting weird.

First off this only affect one account and not my other one.


If i log in i am not ressing and a cloud. Can't move from the spot, won't get notices, chat and my post won't go out. Like i am not even logged in but i can see other people their avies. 

If i clea rout my chache i get logged in stil not ressed.... but eventualy mys tuf does ress and i can see others even chat. But the at random times.... i stop being abel to move and chat. But stil can see others their post.... music stil playes and everythign seems fine even stil on screen for others and abel to spin on my side arround but i won't move on other people their screen. Then afther a a while like less then a minute i get the you been logged out message.


Stuf i tryed is clearing cache, delieting settings file, reinstalling it. Going back to a old back up from my pc and booting it up from there. Changing bandwitch and cache sizes... changing the locations where my cache is put.


No idea what is causing this and ready to just throw my hat in the ring and leave second life. 

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That sounds to me as if your internet connection is failing, and in particular that your connection is getting dropped somewhere between LL and your computer.    Under those circumstances it can take a minute or two for your viewer to realise it's no longer receiving information from LL's servers, at which point it shuts down.   In the meantime, though, it will behave exactly as you describe.


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weird thing is that it only affect one of my two accounts.

if it is the cause of my internet itself would affect both. 

we removed my settings aswell at one point to see if it was that but seemingly it isn't. :(
no idea why my connection drops already changed my password aswell in case it was someone logging in on my account.

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Whenever I've tried to log myself in twice, by accident, it's caused the logged-in viewer to close immediately, so I don't think it can be someone trying to use your password to log in.

When you say it only affects one of your accounts, do you mean that only one of your accounts has been affected by it so far? That could just be coincidence, of course, or it could be -- if your two accounts frequent different regions -- that a region one of your accounts  visits is having recurrent problems.    

All I can say is that I know that when my Internet connection fails, what you describe is exactly what happens to me.     The first thing I do now, when I start to notice the symptoms you describe, is to check the lights on my cable modem, and usually it needs a reboot.    When my Internet connection is OK, I assume the problem is at the region's end -- it's lost contact with SL, and thus with your viewer.   Either way, the effect on your viewer is going to be the same -- after a while it realises it's lost contact with the region and shuts down.

This used to happen a lot, when I first started SL.    Then, though, you didn't any sort of error message, and you'd be sitting there for ages wondering why it had gone quiet.    That was certainly a region problem, at least sometimes, because it would happen to everyone on a region.   I'd be out exploring with friends and then it would go quiet, and I've try moving and realise I couldn't, and then log out and relog at home, and find my friends had have the same happen to them.

Almost every time it's happened to me recently, though, it's been my internet connection.   Not invariably, though.

I don't think it's either your account or your settings. 

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Hiffaro Asp wrote:

i took everything off and went into default avie first. no attachement or clothing at all.


tryed with a other account on the same pc the same locations and tryed with  account that has the issues 5 difrent sims out but nothing changes.

Are you a member of a group with any wierd charachters in the group name?

I don't remember all the details of this but there have been instances of this causing problems.

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Hiffaro Asp wrote:

Two days ago now my second life decide to start acting weird.

First off this only affect one account and not my other one.


If i log in i am not ressing and a cloud. Can't move from the spot, won't get notices, chat and my post won't go out. Like i am not even logged in but i can see other people their avies. 


If i clea rout my chache i get logged in stil not ressed.... but eventualy mys tuf does ress and i can see others even chat. But the at random times.... i stop being abel to move and chat. But stil can see others their post.... music stil playes and everythign seems fine even stil on screen for others and abel to spin on my side arround but i won't move on other people their screen. Then afther a a while like less then a minute i get the you been logged out message.


Stuf i tryed is clearing cache, delieting settings file, reinstalling it. Going back to a old back up from my pc and booting it up from there. Changing bandwitch and cache sizes... changing the locations where my cache is put.


No idea what is causing this and ready to just throw my hat in the ring and leave second life. 

Seeing as this problem affects only one of your accounts and the problem just started out of the blue 2 days ago, I suspect the problem is something has gone "wrong" with the affected accounts inventory.

Your symptoms sound like you are timing out during login on the affected account unless you purge cache before login. This is very possibly because with a fully fetched inventory cache on the affected account, the viewer is taking too long to set up inventory views during login (you can see how long it takes to set up inventory views from your viewer logs).

The problem could also be caused by having a crazy number of duplicated calling cards in the affected accounts inventory or possibly duplicated system folders.

First I would check that you have the same problem when logging the affected account into a few different regions - are you always logging the affected account into the same region but the unaffected accounts into a different region?

If you have the same problem no matter which region you log into, I would be suspecting your inventory. You say that you can get logged in and function normally when you login on a clean cache but after a short time you get disconnected - the disconnect probably happens when your inventory gets to a certain point in its fetching.

Does the affected account have a very large inventory with a very flat structure? (By flat I mean that you have a lot of loose items and folders within the main inventory folder without much subfoldering).

If you have a very large, flat inventory and you are on a slow system &/or a slow connection. it can cause the symtoms you describe. The alt accounts may be fine because they have much smaller inventory.

If you are a premium member, I would start by contacting LL support (https://support.secondlife.com/contact-support/) and see if they can reproduce the same problem when logging in the affected account and they can check youir inventory for any problems and fix them for you.

If you are not a premium member, it is pretty hard to get support to check your inventory unfortunately. In this case I would file a JIRA issue (https://jira.secondlife.com/) and give your viewer logs after reproducing this problme on the affected avatar. The logs will hopefully give a good clue as to what is causing the problem - see http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-report-a-bug/ta-p/733545#Section_.3 for where to find your logs folder.

Hope that helps  :)


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