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Changing the maturity rating of a parcel

Blackjack Hansome

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Blackjack Hansome wrote:

Is it possible to change the maturity rating of a parcel of land on mainland?  Can one apply to have a mainland region's maturity rating changed?  If so, what is the process for this and has anyone here done it?

Short answer. No.

Long answer. No. Cheaper for you to move than for LL to spend the resources trying to get everyone on the sim to agree to a maturity switch.  Harsh but true.  Out of curiosity, what is the current rating of your sim and what do you want to change it to??


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Blackjack Hansome wrote:


Thanks, Cinn!  I've got a beautiful General-rated parcel next to the sea and want to expand its use and "live" there.  I'd have liked to have its rating raised to Mature so I don't get AR'd for doing at-home things--like walking around naked in my living room.

As you can imagine that would be the exact reason why others on the sim bought G rated land & no doubt would object to a mature parcel next door.

Your only option really is to sell up and buy a beach plot on a mature sim. If you look/scroll around the map with "land for sale" icons switched on, it is not too hard to follow the coast of the continents and see yellow land plots for sale on beach locations, then just TP around until you find one as beautiful as your current land...You never know you may find one you like even more and make a profit in the deal too.

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Actually I did just think of another option, though to call it a longshot would be a huge understatement lol

If you happen to be on a sim where all the land is owned by just 2 or 3 people & all the surrounding sims are a mixture of ratings, it may be worth asking the other owners if they would like it mature too & assuming you all agreed, request that LL change it.

If even one owner objected or if all the sims in that area are G rated I would say you have no chance & even if everything did fall into place, there is the possibility that LL has a ratio of G rated vs Mature that needs to be maintained & would say no anyway.

I have never heard of anyone trying it, so it may well work, but I wouldn`t hold your breath lol

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Think about this.... If what you are asking could be done; don't you think a lot of people would be doing it already everywhere?!

Now with that in mind don't you think your question and this thread are just pointless and shouldnt have been even asked.  But I really must ask you something that is bugging me now.

Do you ever leave your own sim or do anything in world?!   I mean surely if you had you would have noticed that there are plenty of places that seem, out of place, like parcels around them seem appropriate for the rating on the land but there is something on a different parcel that would be more fitting of a different rating.  

However given the intelligence level of your question im going to guess that you don't or you are a blonde.

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Surik Oanomochi wrote:


Think about this.... If what you are asking could be done; don't you think a lot of people would be doing it already everywhere?!

Now with that in mind don't you think your question and this thread are just pointless and shouldnt have been even asked.  But I really must ask you something that is bugging me now.


Do you ever leave your own sim or do anything in world?!   I mean surely if you had you would have noticed that there are plenty of places that seem, out of place, like parcels around them seem appropriate for the rating on the land but there is something on a different parcel that would be more fitting of a different rating.  

However given the intelligence level of your question im going to guess that you don't or you are a blonde.

hmmm... Since your diatribe says its in response to me, my reply has to be, WTH are you talking about???

It was not my thread or my question and even if it had been, who appointed you the forum police to say what people are allowed to ask?

There are things in SL that look out of place??...Well, stop the presses, who would ever have noticed that LOL

If you goal in posting was to make yourself look rude & foolish, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!

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