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Here today, gone tomorrow....


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That does happen sometimes. SL glitches, regrettably not all that uncommon, may prevent your current outfit from being properly saved... you wear it, SL seems to do it and show you the result, and perhaps even others will see it too... but unless it’s properly saved in a certain way, next relog won’t remember you had it on.

It’s another thing if, besides not having it on, you cannot locate it in your inventory to wear it again; that might mean another glitch that actually does happen sometimes in tandem with the first: your inventory not being properly saved to disk on log off (which is when it happens). Still, that doesn’t mean you lost it, only that your current inventory cache on disk doesn’t have it (and your viewer tries relying on your local inventory cache, since it’s faster and avoids re-downloading everything agin); but since the last word on what is in your inventory and what isn’t resides in SL’s online servers, which are fortunately not quite that unreliable, all it takes is for you to perform an inventory reload from scratch, deleting your inventory cache on disk. And your jacket will then appear somewhere :smileywink:

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Further to Ren's answer...

If you can't find something in inventory, it's also possible that you accidentally deleted it or dragged it to another folder. It's surprisingly easy to do either of these and not even notice: the 'wear' and 'delete' options are adjacent in the inventory menu. A folder often contains multiple similar versions of an item (mesh clothes in multiple sizes, etc.), so a slip of the mouse can delete one and you'd barely see a change in the folder's contents.

If you know the item's exact name, you can search inventory and perhaps find it somewhere other than the place you expected it to be.

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This has happened to me, but the items reappeared in intentory within 24 hours. Once I tried to rez a doll, not realizing that I could only wear or add it, and poof! It reappeared in inventory upon login the next day, making me happy again. And I put things in the wrong folders all the time. Do a search of your inventory. If this happened on land you own or rent, try going to world, area search, find, and then searching under your name as owner of the item. I've had things disappear into my platform and found them that way. Also a good thing to know if you're having prim probs on your land, there could be lost items using up a lot of prims. Stuff like jewelry is mad primmy. Hope this helps you. :)

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Sometimes when you get an error rezzing an item it will be 'zapped' - and seem to be gone, until your next login.

At least on the official viewer.

A similar issue might be at work here.

This is also a good reason to hope for neighbors who all have auto-return set... because sometimes you re something here, but it actually shows up 'over there' 17m under your neighbor's house... or 2372m above it...


(Or the one time in 2010 when I got a nasty notecard from a guy 10 sims south of me, complaining about me rezzing a box in his house. Which answered my "where did that package I was trying to open go?" question...)


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