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nikita Jefferson

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I know, i know another traffic post, i just wish when google (if it is still google) does a crawl,it does so consistently, how traffic can be up and down like a roller coaster i do not underrstand and would not care except it moves me up and down in search

I look at traffic in the morning and if it is down from the previous afternoon, i know in the afternoon my position in search will drop, if it is up in the morning, then i am up in search in the afternoon.

I now check traffic first in the morning to see if i will be up or down in search position in the afternoon.

Just venting i guess because i know LL does not care, but traffic should be consistant and not have a 1000 number swing from one day to the next.as i said i could care less but it affects my search position

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Traffic reflects the number of people that came to your shop.  Since that is not consistent, traffic won't be either.  Traffic isn't the only thing that influences you position in search, its importance is much less than it used to be when only traffic counted.  But since it does influence it, it is only fair that actual traffic should be used in the formula.

I am not sure what you mean by consistent either.  How would you make traffic consistent with gaming the numbers?

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By consistant, i mean if traffic is lets say 500 in the morning then on the afternoon crawl it should carry on from that 500, not go to a loss. 

If no avys come to the shop in the morning then the afternoon traffic should still be 500. I have tracked my traffic and search twice a day, it is predictable,, traffic drops. search position drops, traffic goes up 400 or 500 traffic goes up, as i said i look at traffic first and from that i can guess with 99% accuracy what will happen to me in search.

I realize there are many factors that search takes into account, but why traffic can be 1000 odd in the afternoon and next morning down to 300, that i don't call consistant ,, a slowly rising traffic depending how long avys stay in the shop should be consistant, if 10 came and left in 10 seconds they would not count to traffic, but if 10 came and stayed the desired amount of time search uses to calculate traffic ,then that should be reflected in the number.

All that being said, i have a counter where avys land at my shop, it is over 3000. i have a full sim ( homestead) my boost is 0

I have seen my traffic go down to 64 , then a couple days later over 1000, then down to 600 and so on, it makes no sense at all

I don't know what you mean by "How would you make traffic consistent with gaming the numbers?" i thought "gaming" traffic was done with bots, that i don't do

My shop is there,people come and depending on the search criteria traffic should stay the same or slowly rise depending how long an avy stays in the shop


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There is no "morning" or "evening" in Second Life since it is a globally-accessed world.  My friend in Singapore's morning is my evening (we exchange "good morning"/"good night" often).  That is one reason why the traffic rating flip-flops all over the place.


I recommend looking at ways to boost your traffic, if it really is a concern.  My store isn't even listed on the search (too lazy to message landlord to enable it for me) and I make plenty of money with plenty of traffic.  Hunts, merciless self-advertising, and finding the right niche will help you out a lot with increasing the number of customers to your store.



Shinga Z.

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Well obviously it goes without saying i am talking about my RL morning and afternoon (eastern),, SL time is Califoria time which is 3 hours behind eastern, but my SL time is set to eastern

And what you call a reason for traffic flip flopping all over does not make sense at all.

I could boost traffic all i wanted, which is impossible to do unless one does as you say or uses bots which is against the TOS, but that would not bring traffic up, i have 3000 plus on my counter but my traffic meanders from under 100 to under 1000 it stays mostly under the 500s, so boosting traffic would do nothing, if traffic was consistant and accumulative then what you say would make sense.

That is my whole arguement, no matter how many come to my shop it is not reflected in traffic

Actually i am in a good position in search, i use singularity and searching skins i am on page 1, which is ok, its just this going up and down in search due to erratic traffic calculations by google is annoying

Anyway as i said i was just venting because nothing can be done to make traffic cumlative and not up and down like roller coater,which is mostly down and far from reflective of the amount of people who come to my shop.

As i said i use singularity but if i remember right  firestorm and the SL viewer list traffic in search, so if they see my shop and see a traffic of 125, what would one obviously think, " oh that place is'nt very popular" and by pass it.

Now that i think of it, consistant traffic is important if people are using a viewer that list traffic in search, i did'nt think of that untill now because my search does not list traffic.

A real traffic of over 3000 and listed (search) traffic of 200, 300 odd and so on is not right if LL is going to show traffic in some viewers searches

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To be honest I think that people who pay attention to traffic numbers are mostly store owners, for customers important is to be able to find you and once they visit to be able to find something to buy.

High traffic numbers are good for clubs and venues that have live events, for stores it usually means that the owner is using bots or the place is so laggy that visitors need to camp there waiting for vendors to rezz. Otherwise they come in, buy what they need and go somewhere else. Of couse it doesn't apply to popular fairs and shopping events.

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