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Problems with Shadows! (HELP HALP HELP)


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Hello my dears.

I'm having a very difficult time with getting my preferences correct to view the thebodyco mesh head!

Before I decide to IM the creator with my problem, I wanted to run it by you guys to see if there's something I've blindly missed. 

Attached to the mesh demo, comes with a notecard explaining things.




- Official Second Life Viewer (or the latest version of select third-party viewers, if you are experiencing problems with a third party view, please read continue below.)

> Basic Shaders
>Hardware Skinning

Bumpmap and Shiny* (If you activate any of the following settings, this is REQUIRED.)
Basic Shaders
Atmospheric Shaders
Advanced Lighting Model
Graphics > Hardware > Anti-Aliasing 16x



I'm having issues seeing my head properly, most of the head is gone.

- Please first enable 'Basic Shaders' and 'Hardware Skinning' in your Second Life graphics settings. This may also occur when using an outdated third-party viewer or other unofficial viewer. Please make sure you update to the latest viewer of your choice, or use the latest official Second Life viewer to ensure compatibility.




Anywho. So that's that. I am using Firestorm Beta - Viewer 3. I've toyed with all the instructions given to me. 

Doing this. http://gyazo.com/e196bb01c0ccf088e3a8ce3f45772c7d

and also altering to 16 anti-alias, blah de da.

Here's the other screens incase it's needed, don't wanna waste any extra time you know!?

Hardware Settings : http://gyazo.com/afd984aa81e9c281e3da29f74447f086

Rendering : http://gyazo.com/eb46b476e4d66c9f5da6afa64a508c84

Depth of field: http://gyazo.com/23e46706bfd72bf813a4b18bf63eefa9


Is there just something wrong with me or nah? lol.

I went from firestorm to the Singularity viewer (Beautiful for photos, not ideal for interface </3)

Even back to the regular SL viewer, updated my graphics card as much as I could with intels **bleep**ty updater :(

LP Details: http://gyazo.com/78c4d166e763dfe809429bb68b8cde4f

Intel Driver Update Utility. : http://gyazo.com/baf215c1cbab4826fe58dcc63bafa6c8

Now, I know (from reading) that 4000, it's a miracle SL is working? That's through the vine though, who knows, I sure don't!

If there's a resolution out there for me, please sent help my way!


* Also, have a view of my pretty lil avatar.



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Okay, the settings you're running are... bizarre. The graphics setting presets were put together for a reason - they're generally pretty appropriate for getting the most graphics bang for your buck. Try just running a default "medium" setting and see if your head is visible with that. With an Intel 4000 you're probably not going to be able to see shadows and get a usable frame rate. Advanced lighting may be an issue, and 16x anti-aliasing will also be out of the question.

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If you don't have a top of the line graphics gaming pc, (slightly older normal pc like most of us have) uncheck the first three buttons in hardware settings, turn up your buffer all the way. 

Turn your max particle count down to somewhere around 1k, I keep it at around 600. Plenty of particles for me. Turn off trees, those pertain to the old LL trees that I don't think I've ever seen in my nearly 3 years of sl. (don't know why you have non imposter avi's so low, I have it between 9-12 depending and have imposter avi's turned on) what that does is render avatars over that limit as 'fakes' so it's supposed to be easier on your pc, though to me it makes it look a little laggy even though it isn't.

Turn off ambient occlusion, (Turn antialiasing down to 2x or disabled) Unless you've got a great connection and lots of processor and gpu to run it, you're not going to see things correctly and lag yourself to death trying to run all those intensive settings. There's also some alpha button elsewhere that you need to check when you're running shadows or else you get funky results. What's your cache set at? and what is your network speed set at in the network tab? I've got my cache nearly maxed and my network set at 1500 or 1600.. somewhere I've got to look at it again. Too high or too low will cause you problems too. I suggest starting at a medium setting, and tweaking from there til you find what works for you.

I run these settings and it works just fine for me, of course with tiny tweaks here and there depending on the lag the sim causes. I only run those advanced settings when I'm taking photographs, never in normal sl every day stuff. It kills my computer lol. 

There is one 'face' however that's not loaded for me and it had a similar issue, with a prim inside it that said the same thing. (I don't know who it's from I saw it on the sandbox and never could get that person to rez properly) I'm running the latest official release of firestorm. Haven't run the beta yet though, but lots of my things already have materials in them and I see them just fine. Though without all the special stuff like shine. I did take a peek at the beta and can't wait for it to be released. I just don't like to mess with the bugs in between lol.

If your face requires certain settings to even be able to see it, (like advanced shading/lighting model) to be active, then without a fairly beefy computer you're never going to be able to see it correctly. :(

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