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major issue problem


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I have a major issue in second life about the griefers in second life, cause alot of residents have agreed with me that second life should be entirely griefer free and alot of these griefers use illegal huds to track my avatars' UUID and my avatar name is Ninetales66 resident, basically every day about 40 griefers attack me and others residents because the greifers end up in getting me banned from alot of sims about 85  in total and they have been after me for 5 years all because I am autistic in rl, and I would like to talk to the vice president of linden lab about it, cause this is a serious issue and it needs to be stopped csuse ARs won't work on these griefers
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This is a resident-to-resident Answer service.  We are all SL residents like you.  Lindens never come here, and we have no evidence to suggest that they ever look at anything that is posted here.  There is also no way for you to talk to a vice president of Linden Lab (or anyone else at Linden Lab).  They do not have published phone numbers for support questions. 

Yes, you are right.  Nobody likes griefers.  You obviously know the way to report them with the AR system. As you have discovered a long time ago, however, some griefers keep coming back (or their alts do), and there are always new ones.  It is virtually impossible to keep all griefers out of SL.  The best we can do as SL residents is to take reasonable precautions to protect ourselves from them, and to be sure that we file accurate, complete, factual Abuse Reports.  You may want to read a couple of good articles that offer suggestions you may not have thought of:



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Let's start with facts shall we?

1) All our user names and our UUIDs are all in the public domain.

2) Illegal HUDs at this date and time are a rumor and do not grant the wearer any special ability to track anyone. You would need a "cracked" viewer to gain access to "some" information that 3rd party viewer developers are suppose to keep private. That said, most of the LL script functions and Viewer Routine Libraries have long ago been modified to not provide protected information about avatar accounts.

3) YOU have the ability to protect yourself from public tracking by

    a) Setting your profile sections to not be publicly visible - https://my.secondlife.com/settings/privacy 
    b) By adopting a low profile not posting where you hang out in Picks or making your Group affiliations Public.
    c) By muting & blocking any and all annoying individuals.
    d) By being smart and never accepting any objects from strangers and more important, never wearing them.
    e) By filing A.R.s that state Facts - not paranoia. The best way to get an A.R. acted on is to report actual A.R.able issues.
    f)  By changing your habits - [e.g. Don;t go to the same places that you always encounter your griefer friends]
    g) If you have been dogged for 5+ years then I'm absolutely sure you keep friends that are the ALTs of your Griefers.

4) Get your own place in SL and learn how to protect your home. Go to nice venues and participate with the regulars. No one can cause you to get banned in a well managed club, resort, venue.

5) Regarding wearing objects gifted to you. Long ago, the ability to determine the location of an avatar based on IMing them was removed from the LL Scripting language. However, objects can easily report their location to anyone listening for that information. So if you wear or rez an "infected" object with that script code in it, the location of that object is being sent somewhere. Thus the reason to never accept gifts from strangers and well meaning friends who don't know where their gift came from.

Please let us know if you are doing or have done all of these suggested tips to avoid being annoyed.

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Select the Options drop-down menu to the right of your question and select Edit Question.

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