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How to get LL staff member from harassing our land


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Seem it is a disgruntle staff member is harassing  Mainland. Only staff have the power to rezz on locked down land.

Yes for the last 2 days this staff member has been  running a script that fills several parcels with porn from kiddy porn to fox news adds. The objects fill several parcels of many old time users. I like to know how we can stop disgruntle LL staff from exploiting the code.   http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bailywick/149/60/22


 How many besides staff know about the permission problems on the boundary lines

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I doubt very much any LL staff member would do such a thing. Have you been able to identify the owner of these griefing objects? (all LL staff members have Linden as a last name, although I assume they can have alts as we all can) In any case, you have to file an abuse report. Include precise and concise details. Provide a picture of such porn thingies and ads, as well as the SLurl just like you did here.


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I am not saying you are entirely wrong. I'm not here to blindly doubt your word or argue but to try and help. All I can suggest is to keep filing ARs. Whether it's a disgruntle staff member or someone else, LL will take care of the issue. You say you've been reporting for 2 days only. It might take a little bit more for LL to react, considering all the ARs they have to deal with.

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thank you for you help as the question reads how do we get disgruntle staff from harassing the land. And since we have no clue of a staff members Alts how does LL purpose to handle this in world and out of world. On my Stand alone grid I use for testing viewers it is a simple click of a mouse. I am sure Staff are a aware off this problem .

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Being a simple resident just like you Drakeo, I am as clueless as you regarding the staff alts and how LL handles this. What is puzzling here is that I would assume an alt would not have the rezzing rights that the all-mighty Lindens have on blocked land. So he would have to be a Linden, right? Surprising but not impossible. I guess all companies have their black sheeps.

One suggestion, though: you are a Premium member, hence entitled to Live Chat support. You may get a fast and efficient help here. Please feel free to come back here to post any feedback. Your case is interesting.


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Really? I visited your parcel and is is totally Porn-SPAM poofer free. Now as you noted,  the parcels around you are all polluted with one of the classic porn-poofers and that is visually annoying.

BTW - You are quite mistaken - The other "infected" parcels are totally open object-wise so even the dumbest griefer can score a success on them. Hardly what I call "locked-down" land.

Alas, this is what you get when you have neighbors who are clueless about even basic security measures.

I filed an abuse report on your behalf.

P.S. So share with us that evidence that this is a disgruntled LL employee again? . . . . . . .  Yeah, I didn't think so.. Now,  If you have filed incomplete A.R. Reports then you are to blame for LL not dealing with them.

P.S.S. - "I'm sure that YOU are the griefer object-poofing the neighboring parcels" - Prove me wrong! - You get the stupidity of that kind of logic? Please stick to just filing complete A.R.'s and let the [ lethargic because they are overloaded ] Linden Lab Staffers get around to you when they can.

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You stated "This leads me to believe it is a disgruntle staff member and if you can prove me wrong".


Well - "I'm sure that YOU are the griefer object-poofing the neighboring parcels" - Prove me wrong! - You get the stupidity of that kind of logic? Please stick to just filing complete A.R.'s and let the [ lethargic because they are overloaded ] Linden Lab Staffers get around to you when they can.


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Great heavens, Drakeo. 

Why on earth would you think that any member of Linden Lab, current or fired, would have the time or inclination to rezz basic griefer objects on any land?  What proof of this do you have?

All you can do is send polite notecards or IMs to your neighbours, to remind them that it would be wise for them to have autoreturn set, or to have rezz feature only switched on for their group members, and submit abuse reports.

Note well though, if you submit too many abuse reports, and in a neurotic and confrontational fashion, this will not conjure up help like a magic wand.  Bear in mind also that unless sim performance is affected (and you could actually use that in your abuse report - that you believe sim performance is being affected, as well as it being offensive A-rated SPAM), LL will not give your issue priority when there are other things that are affecting overall grid performance taking place elsewhere.

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