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Need Help Using http_request

Elanes Aeon

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Hello I am trying to use the http_request and the POST method in my script but I have an issue How Would I make a PHP script pass info to the objects URL and how to I get that info in the object LSL to use it?

Would love any help been looking on the Wiki but I can't seem to find any info or Examples on how to do this Thanks!

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Hello I am trying to use the http_request and the POST method in my script but I have an issue How Would I make a PHP script pass info to the objects URL and how to I get that info in the object LSL to use it?

Would love any help been looking on the Wiki but I can't seem to find any info or Examples on how to do this Thanks!

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Ok i have got my script set up here http://opps.incarnate.me/test.php

and the corect URL is placed in the script for the object and had my hosting Co. open the PORTS needed

but nothing happens dose anyone know if this set up still works?


<?phpecho "LSL Script answered:<br>";echo Advanced_HTTP_Request("http://sim10186.agni.lindenlab.com:12046/cap/9a733888-9d5e-e247-869c-880046423bbb", "Hello script, how are you ?"); function Advanced_HTTP_Request($Host, $PostData = ""){ $Method = "POST"; if (empty($PostData))  {$Method = "GET";} $Port = 80; if (strtolower(substr($Host, 0, 5)) == "https")  {$Port = 443;} $Host = explode("//", $Host, 2); if (count($Host) < 2)  {$Host[1] = $Host[0];} $Host = explode("/", $Host[1], 2); if ($Port == 443)  {$SSLAdd = "ssl://";} $Host[0] = explode(":", $Host[0]); if (count($Host[0]) > 1) {  $Port = $Host[0][1];  $Host[0] = $Host[0][0]; } else  {$Host[0] = $Host[0][0];} $Socket = fsockopen($SSLAdd.$Host[0], $Port, $Dummy1, $Dummy2, 10); if ($Socket) {  fputs($Socket, "$Method /$Host[1] HTTP/1.1\r\n".				 "Host: $Host[0]\r\n".				 "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n".				 "User-Agent: Opera/9.01 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en)\r\n".				 "Accept-Language: de-DE,de;q=0.9,en;q=0.8\r\n".				 "Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1, utf-8, utf-16, *;q=0.1\r\n".				 "Content-length: ".strlen($PostData)."\r\n".				 "Connection: close\r\n".				 "\r\n".				 $PostData);  $Tme = time();  while(!feof($Socket) && $Tme + 30 > time())   {$Res = $Res.fgets($Socket, 256);}  fclose($Socket); } $Res = explode("\r\n\r\n", $Res, 2); return $Res[1];}?>

 this is the Code as it is on the Test.php i try calling it in the URL but nothing...

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I tried this little script:

key HTTP;default{    touch_start(integer total_number)    {        HTTP = llHTTPRequest("http://opps.incarnate.me/test.php", [HTTP_METHOD, "POST", HTTP_MIMETYPE, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"],  "");    }    http_response(key request_id, integer status, list metadata, string body) {        if (request_id == HTTP) {            llOwnerSay("Status: " + (string)status + "\nBody: " + body);        }    }}


This is what I got back:

[08:44] Object: Status: 200
LSL Script answered:<br>
Which makes me think your php script and server are working just fine.
Allthough I'm probably missing the point completely :)
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Well sence Darkie sent me to the site where the code is he knows the code and what it is to do all you would need to do is look on the wiki as well to see it, but as far as answering his i did yes the Ports on my host are open No i am not getting a socket LL is refusing the connection from my Host.  LOL

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:matte-motes-big-grin-wink: ok, i run script nothing happens how else am i to tell you what its not doing if it DOES NOTHING lol. But this is no longer an issue i found out the issue is my host so i changes host and it works just fine now... but thank you to the members that realy did help me.


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