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Problem with the legs/Probleme mit dem Bein


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AlexaFantasia wrote:

Hmm i was going on edit and then on *shift*? i dont know the english word. I wantet to edit the chair but than I edit my shoes. Yes i have an alpha but even if i take it off and on i have the problem that a piece of my legs is missing

It looks like you moved the shoes down.

You will need to edit the show to move it back up.

This is best done on a pose stand.

When in edit mode, using the shift key on your keyboard selects other objects.

You want to use the arrows in your Viewer to move the object.


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Sylvan Ghost wrote:

Alexa: from your picture It looks as though your mesh shoes/feet are too small and need to be resized. 

Going to have to agree with Sylvan. Seems you mistakenly shrank your feet. Easiest method would be to right click on the feet and select edit. Then click/hold one of the white little boxes you'll see floating outside of the object and drag it to enlarge the foot. You may have to adjust the positioning after to align with the rest of the leg. 

To avoid incidents like this in the future, always keep a copy of original prims and clothes, if possible, somewhere in your inventory that you don't access often. That way you just simply delete and pull out a fresh copy.

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Hmm I tryed everythink but it dont works. :(


So noch mal auf deutsch vieleicht kann mir da noch Jemand helfen.


Ich hab nen Hud fuer meinen Schuh getragen und den dann versehentlich nach oben verschoben. Jetzt fehlt ein stueck vom Fuss/Bein. Kann mir jemand sagen was man da machen kann? Oben seht ihr ein Foto davon.

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