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Specific sculpts and their sculptmaps not rezzing properly, on my computer only.

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I have been having trouble with about 8 or 10 specific landscaping sculptmaps that have mysteriously transformed from working to not working, apparently specifically on my computer. Other people can see them and the sculpts they create properly, but I cannot, no matter what I do.

The sculpts don't appear properly to me regardless of which alt I'm on, or which viewer I use, or even which grid I'm on (I purchased them for use in OpenSim as well as SL and they don't appear properly in either). I am using the proper stitching (plane, for these particular sculpts). I have created plenty of other sculpts that rez properly. Other sculptmaps from the same sculpt bundle (same creator, same package) look as they are supposed to and behave properly when applied to a prim, but these specific ones do not. I have passed them back and forth with the creator I bought them from and he sees them normally and I do not. He gave me the bundle I had purchased again and the new sculpt maps behave identically to the old ones. He handed me a couple of the problem sculptmap textures individually and they still refuse to make the sculpt shape for me, just leaving me staring at a forlorn little sphere instead of the landform shape they are supposed to be. He handed me prims that he had made with the exact same sculptmaps, and his prims rezzed normally for me. It's only when I try to make them myself that they refuse to rez.

The map textures themselves are supposed to have alpha (and in fact, *say* they have alpha) with lettering on it, but the ones that don't work are completely white with no lettering. On the maps that work I can see the alpha and lettering. When I pass the non-working maps back to the creator, he sees them with alpha and lettering; he passes them back to me and I see them as white. He thought that might indicate that they have transformed somehow to .jpg, but I can save them to my HD as .tga. However, if I then open them with my graphics program, they still look white to me. The creator and I are both utterly baffled.

I have cleared cache a number of times, updated the graphics driver, and even done a clean install of one of the viewers, but still I have this problem. Since I don't have a second working computer, I got one of my friends to log onto my account on his computer and look at an item I had just created with one of these maps. He saw the sculpted prim as it was supposed to be with no issues, although the same object appeared to me as a plain sphere both before and after he logged in. So apparently the issue is something local to my computer.

I've had these sculpts for over a year now. And what is really puzzling is, I built with them when I first got them, and the build looked good. I have pictures of it from last year. I haven't done a thing to that build since I completed it, but ever since about June of last year, all I see are oval blobs instead of my nicely sculpted streambed. I am at my wits' end. Does anyone have any idea what might be going on?

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I am no expert at all, the only thing I have noticed is that when I move between OS and SL, I sometimes have the "white" texture issue. Clearing cache has up till now cleared up the problem.

So I am wondering if maybe there is a cache corruption or confusion issue between textures stored in SL and OS at the same time - might it help to create separate caches for each grid?


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In the past I have had problems with particular textures that were not resolved by clearing (or deleting) the cache, but were resolved by deleting the user-specific settings.xml file. Some of the settings do affect the cache - so I assumed that was the problem. Of course you do loseALL your settings if you do this. It gets replaced from the settings.xml in Program Files. Don't delete that! On W7 the one to delete is in Users/username/AppData/Roaming/SeondLife/user_settings. For safety, just rename it instead of deleting it. Then you can get it back if you need to.

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Thank you both, Emma and Drongle, for your answers. The textures themselves are not stored in OpenSim, only the objects created from them, but it is awfully suspicious that the ones I'm having trouble with are specifically the ones I used in OS. Curiously enough, however, I have had no trouble with other sculpts that *did* have the sculptmap texture imported. I will have to see if the two grid caches are stored separately.

I will try deleting (or renaming) the settings file and see what happens. Thanks very much for that suggestion, Drongle, and the instructions on how to do it.

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Marae Arizona wrote:

....The textures themselves are not stored in OpenSim, only the objects created from them, but it is awfully suspicious that the ones I'm having trouble with are specifically the ones I used in OS. Curiously enough, however, I have had no trouble with other sculpts that *did* have the sculptmap texture imported. I will have to see if the two grid caches are stored separately.

If you import something you created from a sculpt map the map is imported into OS too or the server would not be able to render it.  It may not be in your inventory but it is in the asset database.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I assume the other posters answered the question you had and things are cool.  If not, let me offer a suggestion, re-add the sculpt map to your item. If that doesn't work, you may need to reupload the map to SL and reapply. 

I had this problem with a sculpt doorframe I used to build a few items.  I can see it just fine but my customers only see a blob.  What has happened, some way some how, the object had lost the UUID of the sculpt map and/or SL has as well.  I was told, this can happen if the map is packed away in a box in inventory and through gyrations of the system lose the UUID.   This problem was so annoying with this map I trashed the map and just replaced the item with mesh.

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