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Stuck on "Initializing VFS" when starting my viewer, I have not find the right answer.

Kurokyuuketsuki Winterwolf

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I used Firestorm Viewer on my laptop (Acer Aspire with an ATI Mobolity Radeon HD 5470) and it was running well until today.

I tried to log in but I got stuck at the "Initializing VFS" panel, I can't even start the viewer. I have not done anything special between yesterday when it was running well and today when I can't access SL.

I tried all the "answers" I could find on the SL and Firestom forums (about cleaning cache manually, restarting the PC after that, clean reinstall, etc...) and it didn't help, I still have the problem (please don't explain me here how to do that, I did it already !).

I tried to clean all my SL-related files to start from scratch but nothing here. I tried to use an older version of Firestorm and even the SL official viewer (again with clean reinstalls), I still freeze and can't access the viewer's menu.

Thank you for your time if you can help me with this problem.


((Sorry for my bad english, I'm French !))


EDIT1 : Nalates --> Thank you for your answer, unfortunately for me none of the two viewers is working after I tried :'(

I have Windows 7 on my PC

Notebook: Acer Aspire
Processor: Intel Core i3 330M
Graphics Adapter:ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470

4 GB Memory


Codewarrior --> I don't think it is related to the restarts (as I usually can access my viewer when it happens, but not log in) , but I'll see if it changes later once it is finished.


EDIT2 : I'd like to say thank you for your disponibility to help people, but I found the problem myself. Apparently there was a problem with my Graphic Card driver (missing file, or compatibility problem). I simply cleaned it and re-installed an older version and everything is working well. So, no more problem here ^^'

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3 answers to this question

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Your English is good enough...

There are some gotcha's in doing a clean install. I suggest you install the main SL Viewer. If it is already installed, just install over the yop of it. Then install Firestorm over the top of the existing install. This gets all the files and registry entries needed in the right places.

It is always important that you give us the computers tech specs. If any viewer will run, you can get that info from Help->About... and paste it into your post. I'll assume you are running Windows.

Look in: C:\Users\[Win_login_ID]\AppData\Roaming\Firestorm\user_settings\

Find your settings file and delete it.

Make sure you know where the Firestorm cache is. It should not share a folder with any other viewer's cache. By default it does not. By clearing the settings file you assure the defualt location is used. The defulat location is: C:\Users\[Win_login_ID]\AppData\Local\Firestorm. Delete everything in that folder.

See if the FS viewer will start now. If not, see if the SL Viewer will start. If neither starts, you have a computer problem not a viewer problem.

If the SL viewer will run visit the in-world support group. The Firestorm wiki and online support groups are your best hope for a fix.

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Heya Kurok,

it could simply be related to the rolling restarts today, login  problems during those times are quite normal:
Posted by Status Desk on April 10th, 2013 at 06:50 am PDT

[update 6:520 am PDT, 10 April 2013] We are undergoing rolling restarts for the RC server channels at this time.

[Posted 07:52pm PDT, 9 April 2013] We will be performing rolling restarts for regions on Magnum, BlueSteel and LeTigre RC server channels. They will begin on Wednesday, April 10, at approximately 7:00AM PDT. Please refrain from rezzing no copy objects, making inworld L$ transactions and remember to save all builds. For more information about the specific RC server channels, please refer to the links below.

Wait until they are resolved and then try again. (to check the status look here: http://status.secondlifegrid.net/)
Or try to login to another start location. ( Me > Preferences > General > Start location show on login)
And type in another location like: Pooley. (or any others you personally know)

Should it still continue after the restarts are over all i can do is to give you the regular tips for this case.
But as you said - you already tried that.


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yeah in most cases you should still be able to get in at some location if one fails during to the rolling restarts.
Sorry to hear you have so much troubles with fixing it.

If everything else fails, check also your firewall and antivirus software if they maybe got updates over the night, or look into their logfiles / event logs, if there are events regarding to the viewers you have been trying to use. Maybe they isolated it or blocked it, if so generate a new rule to allow the viewer's full access on the OS and on the internet.

This can certainly also lead to the application already failing at VFS status.

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