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Kurokyuuketsuki Winterwolf

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  1. Hello, I used Firestorm Viewer on my laptop (Acer Aspire with an ATI Mobolity Radeon HD 5470) and it was running well until today. I tried to log in but I got stuck at the "Initializing VFS" panel, I can't even start the viewer. I have not done anything special between yesterday when it was running well and today when I can't access SL. I tried all the "answers" I could find on the SL and Firestom forums (about cleaning cache manually, restarting the PC after that, clean reinstall, etc...) and it didn't help, I still have the problem (please don't explain me here how to do that, I did it already !). I tried to clean all my SL-related files to start from scratch but nothing here. I tried to use an older version of Firestorm and even the SL official viewer (again with clean reinstalls), I still freeze and can't access the viewer's menu. Thank you for your time if you can help me with this problem. ((Sorry for my bad english, I'm French !)) EDIT1 : Nalates --> Thank you for your answer, unfortunately for me none of the two viewers is working after I tried :'( I have Windows 7 on my PC Notebook: Acer Aspire Processor: Intel Core i3 330M Graphics Adapter:ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470 4 GB Memory Codewarrior --> I don't think it is related to the restarts (as I usually can access my viewer when it happens, but not log in) , but I'll see if it changes later once it is finished. EDIT2 : I'd like to say thank you for your disponibility to help people, but I found the problem myself. Apparently there was a problem with my Graphic Card driver (missing file, or compatibility problem). I simply cleaned it and re-installed an older version and everything is working well. So, no more problem here ^^'
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