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A job for a shy person?


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So, I am looking for a job here on SL.

- I am quite quiet and shy, so a job where I have to talk and interact with a bunch of people obviously wouldn't work for me.

- I don't want a job that requires me to be online 24/7. I'm here quite often, but not all day everyday.

- I just want a job that pays enough, so that I won't go broke!

- I am willing to show a little skin, but I won't go completely nude!

I guess that's all? If you have any more questions, just message me/send a notecard(?) or reply here.

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- I am quite quiet and shy, so a job where I have to talk and interact with a bunch of people obviously wouldn't work for me.

So not able to host or be an agent


- I don't want a job that requires me to be online 24/7. I'm here quite often, but not all day everyday.

No reliability.


- I just want a job that pays enough, so that I won't go broke!

Don't we all? Can you elaborate on that point please, maybe by providing some numbers?


- I am willing to show a little skin, but I won't go completely nude!

No dancer/stripper.


I guess that's all? If you have any more questions, just message me/send a notecard(?) or reply here.

Why should anyone have any questions after such a remarkable introduction?

Honest now, what are your qualifications/abilities? What's your schedule? Not that I have any job for you but I guess with an approach like yours you won't find any. I mean to start a job application with only negatives isn't a smart move, don't you think?

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- I can be a host, as long as the person I am working for is okay with me being a little quieter than most. Though, I am perfectly nice, and I can be very welcoming if I am picked for this type of job.

- Not neccessarily unreliable. I can be here when I am needed. What I was saying is, I don't want to be here 24/7. I do have a life outside of secondlife.

- I can be a dancer, just not a dancer who is required to take all of their clothes off. I am willing to show a little skin.

This is my first time doing anything like this here in secondlife. Yes, I am inexperienced, but I learn very fast. With a little training, I'm sure I could do any of these jobs. If anyone is willing to be patient with me, that is. I can very likely make my schedule work with whatever job may be offered to me.

I hope this clears some things up a little. I know this is far from perfect, but just bear with me? I'm still learning.

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Well there are actualy some clubs (striper clubs) that you decide what you want to show. You are the one who decided when to strip and what to strip. 

You have to be talkative and have some basic emoting skills at least..but there are places like that. I work on a place like that, there is no schedual we show up when we want, and we strip when wanted and has a really nice environment. 

How long have you been in SL? 

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I think some of the responses are a bit cold, unneccessarily.  I too am a huge introvert.  When I first came to sl many moons ago, I tried the stripping thing and was TERRIBLE at it.  I could emote, I'm a fast learner, but it requires you to be extroverted and just a huge flirt and while I LOVE to flirt with someone I am truly interested in, I am terrible at doing it just to make tips, I just didn't have the power to be so phony, and I HATED it.

So my advice to you, from one introvert to another, is to focus on your strengths. You pointed out a lot of what you aren't good at, but what ARE you good at?  I am creative and its taken me time, but I make and sell things in sl.  I dont have to be an extrovert to do it and it *mostly* pays the rent.  :)  so find what you are good at and go from there.  The obvious avenues arent the only avenues.  :)

good luck!! :) 

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You don't list specifics but I imagine a land manager position would be great for you- you just have to tp about and show perspective clients land- sounds fun.  Being that you are shy I'd not recommend a club setting whether dancer/host dj etc.


Drake's idea also seems like a great one- just get dressed all pretty and perch your avatar onto a posing stand at some neat clothing stores.  Don't be afraid to ship NC's to some of your favorite designers- worst they can say is: No thanks or we aren't hiring.


Also, take a look at Gimp or some of those programs, perhaps you have an undiscovered talent in photography or building.

Good Luck!

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I have read some of the reply's to her question but please people we were all there at one time.  I have worked as a hostess for many clubs and really you don't have to be bubbly and constantly talking.  As long as you are friendly and reliable.  There are places that require someone that is extremely bubbly but not all.  Try some jazz clubs (formal clubs).  The jazz clubs I have worked for don't expect someone to be obnoxious and crazy.  As long as you do greet everyone that comes in and talk about the performers that are there and small conversation.  Many of these clubs do require formal dress but if you look on marketplace you can find many nice gowns or if you are a guy suits that are either free or almost free.  Good luck in your job search and ignore the negativity :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:

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