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Tribute to CLUB 6

Emma SecretSpy

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I'm so sad. The mythic Club 6 will end... I went in this club first in 2011. Rock and Tru, the owners, were the most generous people I met in SL.Go there for the  last moments, there = the best music club I knew in SL.

So many thanks, Tru and Rock. Thank you to all their DJs and dancers who helped me so much

Sorry for my bad english...


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club6 was the best in SL    Tru and DJ rock  and staff are awesome !!    if all the clubs  in SL were run like club6  every body would be happy !!  ( I know I was )  going to miss this sim :(  love you all  thank you for the 4 great years we had here together  you  guys  ROCK  !!!     hugs you all tight  Xoxxxxxxxxxxxxxoox

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Rock and Tru are absolutely amazing people...They treat all their staff with respect and like family.  I have been coming to 6 for nearly 2 years now, and loved it so much i became a partner. They have put alot of hard work and long hours into their club....and its paid off.  Top Club in SL. Could not have met 2 nicer people love them both. Club 6 will be sadly missed :(

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I started coming to Club 6 since sometime last year and the times I have been there I always have felt welcome. I will miss Club 6 because it's a great club and it became my favorite club on SL since I first started going there so yes I am very sad that it is closing.

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Club 6, what more can I say other than great staff (to many to mention, old & new), great VIP's (way way to many, lol), wonderful owners (Rock & Tru Huckleberry),  and a really wonderful atmosphere for everyone. My Wife Beth & I have been going there for at least 6 months & I've been DJ there for 3 maybe more of those, and have enjoyed every moment, and if it wasn't for Rock & Tru & Kratos, I may have never seen how muchy Beth really loved me, and maybe we wouldn't have been together, never mind married. I want to thank them so much & everyone at Club 6, for your wonderful friendships, & putting up with this old bugger from Australia, lol Thank you everyone, for everything. Take care, stay safe, stay in contact, CLUB 6 & everyone will be missed greatly. Thank you for the experience & love from everyone, DJ Ken & Beth (Kenji & l3eth Hyx)  HUGS to all !!

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I remember first coming to the club: my friends made me go with them for the contest and i really didnt think i would ever go back. But there is something to be said for a personal greeting when you pop in. I was just a little white furball, had my spot near the stage, always had to be at Mr Rock's set and a few other of my favorite DJs and hosts. He even told us to hush up some because our gestures were noisey! rofl
Move forward a few weeks (after not missing a day going to the club i wasn't going to go back to lol) and one day a host didn't show up. I made a joke about i would host.... and was told to apply, that Rock thought i would be good at it. lol Next thing i knew, i wasn't a vip anymore but staff.
It was on that day, i got my family on SL. We have seen some great times and some sad ones. We shared many laughs... oh, NEVER let Mr Rock hold your prim baby!!! rofl When i was in my near fatal carwreck, it was my family at 6 that really gave me the strength i needed to recover.
The VIPs have a special place in my heart as well. Many times i just wanted to curl up in my bed and not bother with hosting... but it was worth dragging my butt onto SL when some of the VIPs would make a joke, or just let me know they were glad to see me. They are the distant cousins come to visit. :D
So here it is, many many months later... in my time here, i have collected a nice array of tags, all have been worn proudly. It has been an honor to work beside such a great group of people. Thank you to each and every staff member for making my almost a year with 6 memorable. I will value the memories we share. Rock and Tru... we have had our tifts, but never let them interfer in our friendship... that is the true meaning of friends, always there for one another no matter what. Sparky... thank you for being my mentor and best friend. Asya... thanks for never letting it be dull. lol Denisa... maybe now Daddy can fix you something to eat! Jock... thanks for the laughs we have shared over some of our less favorites. Viv... psst, the catnip stash is under the stage! Kratos... best, toughest bunny i've ever known!
Club 6 may be closing its doors, but the spirit of it will continue in each of us... the friendships gain, never lost.... the memories, GOLDEN!!


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well,what can i say,um, im so sorry that i cant make it to the last night of this wonderful club but  to all who have danced in her, pranced in her and at one time maybe even drank in her i raise a glass to you and bid you all safe journey and pray that one day , i dont know where i dont know when but one day the club shall return and when or if it does we all remember her and the fun we've had. ladies and gentle mens  to CLUB 6

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I started out at Club 6 as a VIP..Sparky was the DJ I came to see every morning.  He kicked off my day with fun and laughter.  I was soon recruited as a host..and got to host my favorite DJ and received a warm welcome into this wonderful group of people I still call my family today.  I found my permanent home on the evening sets though...and met alot of great VIP's that are still my friends.  I left and came back as a staff member a few times.  Thanks to Tru's perving of profiles..she discovered I could DJ and quickly tagged me as a DJ...THANK YOU  Tru, my DJ career began here at Club 6.  I've had the honor of DJ'ing before and after Rock...as well as hosting him...RACE YOU TO POST IN VIP ROCK!! LOL.  Most of my precious SL moments were in the club.  Where my now deceased SL husband proposed to me, during Rock's set....I went into labor during my own DJ set, just as I took the stage....and the love of my life Rexx retunred to SL to find me DJ'ing at the club and there began our new love.  I worked many roles at Club 6...starting with host to DJ to Asst Mgr to General Manager to CEO...each tag worn proudly...and I was there the day Club 6 hit 83K in traffic to take the #1 club in SL slot...finally!...what a joyous day that was!!!

So many friendships were formed at Club 6...and all of you know who you are.

Rock and Tru...we've had ups and downs...and I prefer to remember all the "UP's"!..you both will forever be my family regardless of where life takes us from here.  Thank you for believing in a lost soul and taking me into the family again and again...lol.  LOVE YOU BOTH TO PIECES!!!!!  LONG LIVE THE MEMORIES OF CLUB 6....WE WILL ROCK YOU!!!!

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As many will say Club 6 been my home for4 years along with Rock Tru Sparky and  a few more.Many thei left and some come back  but Club 6  was the same thanks to  our great boss and our boss lady like my sissy call  Tru. Gone miss my  days hosting and dh but most im gone miss the family we have ther and i dont think i can mention  thenm here because i love every  memeber of teh staff  but  thank you all for beeing part of this great family . :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:





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