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I do not have ban rights to my home. Who do i see about this?

Balor Absinthe

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^^ Right here is a screen shot of the person attacking my home. Hello I am under attack by a few griefers that will not stop attacking my home. I would like to know what to do about this type of situation. I am being racially harassed and annoyed to death over here, and i have this person on mute as well. I would like for these people to be banned. I got a list of names.

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6 answers to this question

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If you are renting your home, talk to your landlord.  If you own a Linden Home, or own land on the Mainland, you do have ban rights.  There are several steps you can take, which I discuss below.

If you lease land on a private estate, you should have ban rights, but it's up to the estate owner.  If you don't, speak to the estate owner or manager.

Security measures:

1.  Ban by name.  If the avatar is present, right click him, select Eject, then choose Eject and Ban.  If not present, use About Land/Access to add the avatar name to the parcel ban list.

2.  General ban.  Usually only available if you own mainland.  In About Land/Access, uncheck the public access box.  Only you and people you put on your access list will be able to come on the parcel.

3.  About Land/Options.  Turn off Scripts, Object Rezzing, and Object Entry for "everyone".  Only you and (if the land is set to group) your group members will be able to bring objects and scripts onto your land.

4.  Also consider turning off "avatars on other parcels can see and hear avatars on this parcel".  This will make it harder for the griefers to know you are home (not impossible, just harder.)

5.  Security Systems.  Even if you don't have ban rights on your land, your covenant may allow you to put up a "security orb".  Be SURE that its area of effect does not extend to your neighbors' lands.

6.  File Abuse Reports.  File an AR on each person, for every incident.



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As well as all the wonderfully useful information Lindal has provided, is moving not an option?  I see you are living on the mainland.  You could do with hunting around for a parcel of land that isn't surrounded by land with build-enabled.  The griefers in your current home location are having a field day because someone on an adjacent sim does not have an auto return set.

If grief is directed at you, do not be drawn into any form of retaliation  They look like they are spawning cubes; turn off particles. When you submit an AR, bring the point to LL's attention that the objects are quite likely bringing the sim performance down as well.  That should make them more likely to come along and remove the objects.

But again I stress the point, might be wiser for you to just upsticks and leave the area, look for a place that is better maintained.


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Moving is an option. But moving is also doing exactly what the griefers are wanting.........they win, you loose. It's not so bad that you loose (I'm not that proud myself) but by you allowing the griefers to "win" you are, in a small way, forcing other residents to "loose". It's a mini-war.........good residents against bad residents. When the good residents loose by not standing their rightful ground we all loose.


Fight this "war" with the tools LL provides........everyone wins that way (except the bad ones).

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As Lindal suggested, talk to your landlord about the necessary permissions.
When you have the necessary permissions to set the options in the About Land dialogue, read on:

Lindal Kidd wrote:

2.  General ban.  Usually only available if you own mainland.  In About Land/Access, uncheck the public access box.  Only you and people you put on your access list will be able to come on the parcel.

3.  About Land/Options.  Turn off Scripts, Object Rezzing, and Object Entry for "everyone".  Only you and (if the land is set to group) your group members will be able to bring objects and scripts onto your land.

Don'tdo that. Banlines do not protect from griefer attacks from neighboring parcels.
But instead making other peoples life miserable. Plus, it's a major factor in littering.

Turning off Scripts and Object Entry kills any aircraft, separating pilot and vehicle,
flying is already a pain in the a** with buggy sim crossings and overloaded parcels.
Plus, No Copy-vehicles can get lost in that case, that makes you be seen as a griefer.

The correct way (All in the About Land dialogue):

Banlines off. They work only up to 100 to 150m and are ineffective against particle spam.
And it is still possible to shoot objects onto your parcel.
That's how these cars ended up behind banlines: http://sl.jadeclaw.de/Snapshot_405.png
Instead add known griefers to the Banned Residents list. That is the only one effective up to 5000m and more.
And keeps them off your ground reliably. If they dig out their alts, Freeze, Ban, Eject, Abuse Report is the way to go.

Scripts and Object Entry to Everyone. Vehicles can cross without problems,
cleanup scripts can correctly remove stuck vehicles.

Build to Group or off, so only you can rez stuff.

Autoreturn to a sensible value, normally 10 to 30 minutes, in your case, I suggest 3 to 5 minutes.
Autoreturn is the important one here, as it removes anything you do not own from your parcel.
That is exactly, what you want - Automatically getting rid of griefer devices pushed or dropped onto your ground.
Banlines do not prevent that. If your parcel is surrounded by abandoned or protected land,
check, if Autoreturn is active there, if not, file a support ticket to get it activated,
if it is privately owned, contact the land owners about the issue.
That prevents griefers from leaving their devices there.

Security orbs: Check the covenant, if it is rented land, if these are allowed.
If security orbs are allowed, set one inside your house and set it up in a way,
that it only covers the building itself. And set it then to a very short time.
That way, avatars teleporting into your bedroom gets them ejected quickly.
For the rest of your property, Freeze, Ban, Eject, Abuse Report is the way to go.


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I'm going to take exception to some of what Jadeclaw said.


Jadeclaw Denfu said:


on 11-15-201212:14 PM

As Lindal suggested, talk to your landlord about the necessary permissions. When you have the necessary permissions to set the options in the About Land dialogue, read on:

Lindal Kidd wrote:

2.  General ban.  Usually only available if you own mainland.  In About Land/Access, uncheck the public access box.  Only you and people you put on your access list will be able to come on the parcel.

3.  About Land/Options.  Turn off Scripts, Object Rezzing, and Object Entry for "everyone".  Only you and (if the land is set to group) your group members will be able to bring objects and scripts onto your land.

Don'tdo that. Banlines do not protect from griefer attacks from neighboring parcels. But instead making other peoples life miserable. Plus, it's a major factor in littering.

No banlines do not do a very good job of protecting against griefer attacks but I it doesn't make other people's life miserable either (maybe a little inconvenient but definitely not "miserable).   And why do you say it's major contributer to "litteing"?  Yeah, sometimes when someone hits a banline (or sim crossing, or a security orb they get bounced to some strange location and their vehicle becomes stuck but that is not such a huge problem that you can say it's a major factor in littering.

Turning off Scripts and Object Entry kills any aircraft, separating pilot and vehicle, flying is already a pain in the a** with buggy sim crossings and overloaded parcels. Plus, No Copy-vehicles can get lost in that case, that makes you be seen as a griefer.

So anyone who turns off scripts and/or object entry is going to equate them to a "griefer"?  That's just about one of the most rediculous statements I've read in a long time about banlines, no scripts, no object entry or any other option available to a land owner.  Just because it's something you don't like to encounter when you are tooling around in your vehicle or flying machine (or just running or flying around a sim) that person is just as bad as a griefer.  Sorry, you are totally off base on that.

The correct way (All in the About Land dialogue):

Banlines off. They work only up to 100 to 150m and are ineffective against particle spam. And it is still possible to shoot objects onto your parcel. That's how these cars ended up behind banlines: http://sl.jadeclaw.de/Snapshot_405.png Instead add known griefers to the Banned Residents list. That is the only one effective up to 5000m and more. And keeps them off your ground reliably. If they dig out their alts, Freeze, Ban, Eject, Abuse Report is the way to go.

Your "correct way" (as stated by you) is a way to set land permissions for anyone's parcel.......but, it's not the "correct way".  The correct way is any way anyone decides to set those permissions that works best for that person.  Ban lines are good up to 50 meters above the terrain mesh (AGL).  Cars ending up behind banlines can be a result of someone hitting those banlines and getting separated from the vehicle..........but, that does not happen all that much anymore (since Havoc 4 was introduced a few years ago).  Outdated information.  On the banned avatar part.  According to the Wiki ..." Ban lines are limited to a height of 768 m above the terrain mesh when you're explicitly banned from the land...".


The Wiki article is old and that 768 m above the terrain mesh is outdated.  768 m used to be the build height but it's now 4000 m that the banlines would be visible for a banned avatar.  It works too because I did an experiment a few years ago with my alt.....I saw the banlines at 4000 m but did not see them at 5000 m.  However, I was still banned from the parcel all the way up to about 100,000 m (I just could not see the banlines).  My conclusion is that banlines are not very effective for general use to deny avatar entry (I agree with that part of your statement).  But I disagree with the assertion that because someone uses banlines they are on par with griefers.....that's totally ridiculous.  Banning by name works and is effective (well as effective as any way available in SL).

Scripts and Object Entry to Everyone. Vehicles can cross without problems, cleanup scripts can correctly remove stuck vehicles.

Completely off base.  You would like scripts and object entry off (or to "everyone") for selfish reasons so you can drive through my parcel or fly across my property or run scripts from my property.  If I don't want you to be able to do all that, then that's my business........sorry if it inconveniences you. You will just have to go around my boundaries (or bounce off them). It's not my problem and, though I don't mean to upset you, I really don't care if it inconveniences you. 

Build to Group or off, so only you can rez stuff.

Autoreturn to a sensible value, normally 10 to 30 minutes, in your case, I suggest 3 to 5 minutes. Autoreturn is the important one here, as it removes anything you do not own from your parcel. That is exactly, what you want - Automatically getting rid of griefer devices pushed or dropped onto your ground. Banlines do not prevent that. If your parcel is surrounded by abandoned or protected land, check, if Autoreturn is active there, if not, file a support ticket to get it activated, if it is privately owned, contact the land owners about the issue. That prevents griefers from leaving their devices there.

Auto return is a good feature for protecting your prim usage (and to some exent, making griefing a little less of a problem).  Your suggestion of 3 to 5 minutes is sort of arbitrary though.  If you want ot use autoreturn for protection against griefer attacks then 3 to 5 minutes is too long (and 10 to 30 minutes is an eternity if you under a griefer attack........ever hear of self repricating prims?).  If you are going to use autoreturn for griefer defense set it to as short a time as possible (but no build and no object entry takes care of that).  Auto return is best for when you let others build on your parcel but don't want them to eat up your prims (in that case set it for an hour or so to allow the people you let build time to do something other than just rezz something.......but, if they forget to take it back to their inventory then autoreturn does it for them).

Security orbs: Check the covenant, if it is rented land, if these are allowed. If security orbs are allowed, set one inside your house and set it up in a way, that it only covers the building itself. And set it then to a very short time. That way, avatars teleporting into your bedroom gets them ejected quickly. For the rest of your property, Freeze, Ban, Eject, Abuse Report is the way to go.

I don't understand your advocacy for security orbs and your stance against banlines.  Maybe because they can be set to allow you a few seconds to "leave"?  Most security orbs I've encountered allow anywhere from 3 seconds to 10 seconds.  If you are flying (or driving) you often get that message after about 2 seconds from when you entered the parcel.......and then you have to figure out what's the fastest way off the parcel, turn around or whatever before you get booted from the parcel (and separated from your vehicle like with banlines).  And the warning "tape" can be turned off so that there's absolutely no way of knowing if you just crossed into a parcel with a security orb........it's every bit as bad as banlines (worse since security orbs work at any build height unlike the 50 m limit for banlines).


Lindal's answer was pretty much right on target.  Your's appears to revolve around your ability to fly or drive where ever you want  without restrictions.  That's pretty selfish on your part.  If I don't want people driving across, or flying across below 50 m, or walking across my parcel I will put up banlines and not feel guilty (and not be a griefer either......not even by your definition).  And for the record, I do not have banlines on my mainland parcel.  I do have no scripts and no object entry.  I normally have build on for only group but occassionally I set it to everyone so that people can rezz vehicles to drive on the Linden roads that go along two sides of my parcel.............I have autoreturn set to off (but I keep tabs on my prim count and once in a while I do have to manually return objects (but that's really pretty rare).


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Sorry Peggy, but I have to disagree here.

Peggy Paperdoll wrote: "So anyone who turns off scripts and/or object entry is going to equate them to a "griefer"?"
Peggy, please don't claim something I didn't say. If someone loses his No-Copy-vehicle and has to go to the seller to beg for a replacement, that vehicle owner will start to investigate, where did that happen. And that can create the impression, the landowner did it on purpose. Please don't use the broad tarbrush here. That's all about that.

Re: Banlines as litter source: I travel a lot and practically on every tour I see stranded vehicles, sometimes under water, sometimes at 200m ASL. But most somewhere around and on parcels with banlines active.

About the adjustments I stated: I had actually the best results with that at an earlier place. Luckily, at my new place, I had no bad experiences. Only nice neighbors.

About security orbs: Again, don't claim something I didn't say. I don't endorse them, I had filed a bunch of ARs because of them. It is no fun being taken out of free air at 500mASL with no skybox or other stuff in draw range. When that happens, I file an AR. Always. 100%. My advice had a simple purpose: Protecting the house itself. Noone has the right to tp into a house. In that case, the owner has the absolute right to kick out the intruder. If you want to visit someone, tp to the front door/gate and ring the bell or IM the owner beforehand.

Peggy Paperdoll wrote: "Your's appears to revolve around your ability to fly or drive where ever you want  without restrictions.  That's pretty selfish on your part."
And wrong again. It's not about me. It is about the whole driving, flying, seafaring community. And Linden Lab is actively encouraging vehicle use, the last premium gift was a double decker aeroplane. And of course I'm considerate to my neighbors by climbing quickly to a decent flight level. I don't drive around on other peoples roofs, it is no fun and I know how to behave. Btw, you can't claim the whole airspace above your property in RL either. There is a minimum flightlevel set by the administration of your country for safety reasons, but above that it is free to use for everyone with a valid license.

I suggest to try my settings first, if it solves the problem - fine. If not, it is still possible to tighten the different options further.

Until we get feedback from the thread opener, I suggest to agree to disagree and leave it at that.
(Don't know, at which length the mod starting to lock threads in this section.)



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