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Why do MESH enabled viewers not work for me? What can I do?

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I have tried several viewers on my PC that are mesh enabled and everytime I log onto one of them I'm on long enough to see maybe a few things and then it freezes. 1 min tops. Happens the same way with every one I've tried.

I was using the Imprudence viewer and even with this I can't view shadows and will crash from time to time. 

I'll put my computer information on here, tell me, is there something I can do to maybe update or buy a new graphics card or something that will make my SL experience more enjoyable because I'm about to give up SL altogether since I can't see more than half the world anymore anyway.

Is there something I can do to help with this or no?

My Computer Info:
Dell- Inspiron 560
Processor- Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU    E5700 @ 3.00GHz 3.00GHz
64-bit Operating System

Sorry I really don't know much about computers so I just put what I found in the system info. 

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I'd say it's because of integrated GPU, which is Intel Media Accelerator X4500HD Graphics according to google.

Integrated GPUs are not designed for games, even newest gen ones like Intel HD Graphics 3000/4000 won't do well.


As for an upgrade, your PC should have 1 PCI-E x16 slot, so you can buy normal gpu. But I'm not sure what PSU that PC have, there's a good chance that it has very weak one, which won't be enough for good enough GPU.

But I'm not that sure if that's worth it with that PC anyway, a good enough GPU will cost you more than a half of that Dell PC...

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According to the tests and reviews I quickly glanced over your Dell isn't able to run any 3D games. And the form factor tells me it's a mini PC so there's not much space for additional graphic cards or a more powerful PSU. So all in all this is what people call a mum and dad computer. :smileyindifferent:

Protip: since the Dell seems to run ok, give it to a family member or sell it off and get yourself decent hardware. I don't know what country you're from but in most Western nations there are shop sites where you can assemble a computer to your needs, have it built for you and get it by mailorder (if nothing else helps, you could even use Dell, although with a much lesser freedom of choice). What I did; I went to a local store in my hometown and ordered the machine directly from them. That was fun as I went with the guy through the shelfs of parts and he told me what he would use and we could discuss every single part. Then I left for a bit of shopping, came back 2 or 3 hours later and could collect my finished PC. Saved a lot of money since I didn't have to pay for unneeded crap, like cameras, card readers, mics and such stuff. Didn't need the OS either so saved even more. Now I have a PC that runs like a champ since 3 years and when I feel I need to upgrade anything I can just put it in. Next year I guess I'll buy a new GPU, which will take me all of 5 minutes to stick it into the slot.

And know what? I'm a woman, well in my 40s and the most unnerdy girl ever. But computers are more or less like LEGO, so everybody can build their dream machine.



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Well it is hard to say. My "new" computer is 5 years old but runs V3 somewhat. My problem is textures sometimes going black.

For your own viewer, see if you can adjust your graphics settings to lower. You can do this from the opening screen, you don't need to be in-world. I think it is "me - preferences" or maybe "avatar - preferences" and then hit "custom" or "advanced" and then turn down the things that are not real important like turning off local lights, particle count,  or draw distance or just whatever you don't really need much.


Your computer MIGHT already have these things set low. Or it might have them too high if SL thinks your machine can handle it. Lower graphics might make things less vibrant inworld but it is better than it not working at all.


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