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Second Life tells me the parcel is full and it is returning things to my Lost and Found


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I apologize if this is the wrong place to post this.

My girl friend and I are renting land and we both recieved messages that the parcel was full and some of our objects were being returned to our Lost and Found.  We returned home and a lot of our stuff was gone from where it had been rezzed.  A lot.


Neither of us has anything in our Lost and Found after multiple relogs.  We are not over on our prim count by a good 600 prims so that can't be it. 


What happened?  Do we have any recourse? 

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CajunMaster wrote:

I apologize if this is the wrong place to post this.

My girl friend and I are renting land and we both recieved messages that the parcel was full and some of our objects were being returned to our Lost and Found.  We returned home and a lot of our stuff was gone from where it had been rezzed.  A lot.


Neither of us has anything in our Lost and Found after multiple relogs.  We are not over on our prim count by a good 600 prims so that can't be it. 


What happened?  Do we have any recourse? 

Get in touch with the owners of the sim and ask them to have the sim "rolled back." What it sounds like is that somehow someone accidentally or maliciously rezzed an enormous number of prims that caused the sim to hit its limit and ended up returning a lot of objects. This doesn't normally happen but it's possible - this happened on the sim I live on once. What I suspect happened is my neigbors were trying to use a rezzbox to rezz a large house and it wasn't appearing instantly so they hit the "rezz" button multiple times and by the time the sim caught up four copies of the house had been rezzed in exactly the same place and this caused the sim to become overloaded. Fortunately, LL keeps backups of sims for a certain amount of time and one of those backups can be reloaded, returning the sim to normal.

As far as the objects in your lost and found goes, sometimes it will take them quite a while to arrive and they'll all be bundled together in an object that has a symbol that looks like a broken orange Rubik's cube and having the name of ONE of your objects. If you rezz this object all the objects you lost will appear at once - it's better to rezz objects like this in edit or build mode so you can move the objects all together until they go back in their original position. However, if you get the sim rolled back all your objects will return without needing to rezz the objects from your lost and found - you'll gain extra copies of them this way, even no-copy objects.

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First, check the ABOUT LAND, and make sure that the correct person is listed as an owner. Then go into the View in the menu and check off View Transparent Objects - someone might be playing games with you by loading you down with a lot of invisible junk. The landlord should be able to fix pretty much any problem quickly and easily.

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