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Can anyone actually help me solve my problem please? :)


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Hi there! :)

I already filed reports about my problem and I am just being passed around, not getting any solutions, and it's driving me nuts already :P I filed through that 'contact support' portal and tried JIRA, both cases were closed. I really don't know what kind of issue I have since the people I asked about this are all new to it too. I'm so so frustrated now for not finding the solution for this. I'd really appreciate a solution to this as soon as possible.

Anyway, here is the situation, for the gazillionth time....

TAKEN from the report I filed in JIRA just minutes ago:

Been happening for more than a week now. I was at my SL home just chilling. I was alone and listening to music. Then this orange cloud appeared, same with the particle cloud we see (orange one) when we are still rezzing, or not rezzed fully. I thought someone accidentally TPed in my home because it happened before BUT this one is just a cloud and has a name: (???) (???) on its profile. The profile NEVER loads completely, so it is empty except for the name (???) (???) and its avatar key which is: 91ac8e33-9877-4f66-b630-73ff6a2cc249. My security orb don't detect it, I can't see it on the map, BUT the radar will tell if it enters and leaves a region. So I am so confused if this is another avatar or a bad script or something else. I really am clueless as to what triggered it. At first it only happens in my home. I stay a lot in the home so I didn't experience that in other sims until a few days back.

Now it happens in some sims too BUT I noticed that it only happens when within a day, I visit my SL home, where it originated. So I did an experiment and didn't go to my place for a day. I didn't crash nor saw this orange cloud during those times. Then to prove my theory more, I did 2 days. I didn't visit my place for 2 straight days but when I went back to check if it will happen again, I went back there and I crashed. And another time, when I TPed out FROM my place to another sim, the cloud seemed to attach on me and so I saw it in the sim I TPed to.

When I have company in my SL home and it happens, they do not see it. I am the only one who can see it, which makes it more weird.

I am so clueless as to what this is. A bug? A glitch? A bad script? I really don't know. I have filed reports in-world too when I get the chance to take a snapshot of the cloud. At times it's tough clicking on IT because it is clinging on my avatar and when I get to click it, sometimes it goes away fast or makes me crash. There have been times too that it stays longer than usual. 

Kindly take note that the orange cloud's 'avatar key' and mine are only different by one character. See below: 
orange cloud's key: 91ac8e33-9877-4f66-b630-73ff6a2cc249 
mine: 91ac8e33-9c77-4f66-b630-73ff6a2cc249 

so it is major creepy because it's as if almost trying to really destroy my avatar by attaching this close.


This is the scenario when that cloud appears. It's following my movements and opposite my fully rezzed avatar is its profile. It's empty and it's not really loading.


I just wish for a solution for this soon as I am growing tired searching here and there for people who can really help :( Thank you for your time reading! :)

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3 answers to this question

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Sounds like a bot. I have to ask, by any chance do you own any breedable pets that use a so called self updater? I used to own some breedable cats maybe two years ago that had such feature, the updater worked with a bot who would come to where the cats where rezzed and was able to rez items even if the rez feature was turned off on my land, most times the security orbs would not detect it either. This might not be your case, but it definitely sounds like a bot.


EDIT: I did not see the part where you say others cannot see it. This then sounds like an internet connection issue, you may be seeing yourself ghosted or something. Won't hurt to try resetting your router and see if the issue remains.

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Hello Maia,

I think this may be the "asset avatar" that you are seeing. Are you by any chance uploading an asset when you see this cloud avatar appear?

It looks from your image that you are near the corner of the region also.

Whenever you upload an asset into SL, for example a texture, sound, animation, (basically any upload apart from bulk, which doesnt have a preview function), the "asset avatar" will appear at roughly 0,0,0 on the region to "bring your asset inworld".

Its profile will always show as (???) (???) and each upload should, I think, show a different key for the asset avatar. Im puzzled that the key is always only 1 digit different to yours though, thats quite a coincidence, and when this (???) (???) avatar appears, does it always have this same key?

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