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Changing Textures on a Modifiable House

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Good evening, all. I recently received a house w my land purchase and I am interested in changing some of the textures. Such as the curtains, the doors, and the rugs. Well, earlier today when I tried to change only the curtains, it changed the curtains but it also changed the wall around it. I was like really confused as to how to get rid of it..So I had or re-rezz my home. I  went back to my curtains, changed the texture & I assumed I got it right this time. To the right of my avatar is another window and since I am fairly new at building, textures, and land purchase, I assumed that BC I changed on set of curtains, it changed them all. So I was okay w that. But when I turned my avatar around, the wall behind me had the texture of curtains! After walking throughout the rest of the house, the texture was on the rugs, a few windows, all over the bathroom and even on a closet! One of the beds was completely "covered in curtain."

Again, I didn't know how to undo it, so I had to re-rezz my house. Again. So I go in this time & I figure I'll go ask questions as to how to fix that later. I mess around a little bit with some of the furniture and all is going really well. I am proud at my newfound skills of rotation, moving, and texture change. One of the bedrooms in the house had a fireplace it in and that is one of the bedrooms I plan on using for the child we are adopting (go Zooby :P). For the obvious reason, a fireplace does not need to go in a child's room. So I deleted it, I end up deleting all my walls & floors! Some of the curtain covered items left w it, but not all. So I had to re-rezz my house. AGAIN.

Just now I was playing w the house & as I said I want t change the door textures. I successfully did this. But I screwed up trying to remove the base and now I have to re-rezz my house again.

Could someone please assist me? Much appreciated. Stay blessed.

*As afore mentioned, I am fairly new to building.

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You have discovered link sets.

Do you know how to rez a cube? Right click the ground, choose build and click. You should have a plywood box. Now, see those colored arrows/lines, red, blue, and green? Hold down the shift button and grab the green or blue arrow, pull to the side, still holding down the shift button. You should now have 2 cubes, right? Let go of the shift button.

Ok, one of your cubes is highlighted in yellow. Hold down the shift button and left click the one that is not highlighted. You should now have two highlighted cubes. In the build window, click link. One of the cubes should now be highlighted in blue the other yellow, the blue one is now your root prim.

In your build window, click the Texture tab. Change the color or texture, you will see it changes both cubes. They are a link set, two or more prims linked together. 

Your home is a link set, to change just one thing, you must first delink it or you will find that you change the whole link set.

Remember when you linked the two cubes by clicking link? There is also a delink button.

Delinking things with scripts may break stuff, so make sure you always have a backup copy, it sounds like you do.

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Sounds like a good thing that house is copy!

Another way to rexture things selectively is to right click, select edit (which I assume is what you've been doing so far), and THEN select the radio button in the edit menu that says something like "edit texture" or "edit face" or "select face" or something like that (how it's worded will depend on which viewer you use). Then click on the area where you want to change the texture. Then you'll be able to change the texture for just that area.

One caveat if you do the unlinking route: before unlinking, select "edit linked parts", and then select the part you want to unlink, THEN unlink it (the button to do that sould be in the object tab). Otherwise, you'll unlink everything from everything else.

Hope that helps.

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Right click object > edit > unlink > hold down shift > click piece you want to unlink > the rest remains highlighted > can click link to link everything but the piece you just unlinked back together again.

When you are done editing your one piece, you can link it back to the rest.

However, I am really liking the Select Face option as explained above.

Right click object > edit > select face > left click a surface, it gets highlighted with a white target > change color or texture or both 

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As Tweety Bird would say : Be vewwy vewwy careful unlinking a whole house. Thats all 100-200 (however many prims....) taken aloose and easily missed or put out of position when you want your house reconnected.  

As was stated, if you do want just one piece unlinked, "edit linked" , then unlink . You'll likely  have to close the entire edit box and reopen it following that move to have your one piece show up solo to the touch . (at least I always have to )

To retexture walls (or floors ,  or windows....) its probably easiest (read: safest)  to do it linked with  "edit linked" selected as a safety (that way even if you hit the wrong object /face you only change one prim) and then add "select face".   

The select face will always clearly show what space you're intending monkeyin with.

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