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Blender Collada news

Gaia Clary

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Hi. This is a preview of the Blender 2.64 Collada exporter:


The settings as seen in the picture above will be what you want to use in most cases.

The full article is here: http://blog.machinimatrix.org/blender-2-64-collada/

Please consider to help us testing the tool for Second Life. You can already get it from GraphicAll.org Ensure that the build you grab is made from revision r47979 or newer.

Note: This is pure Blender! And is not related to any product or tool.

Whats new in a nutshell:

We have fixed following issues:


  1. Geometry data is now again named similar to the Object names (Object names are preserved)
  2. The order of export for objects can now be sorted (avoid LOD matching problems)
  3. Apply modifiers is non destructive. You no longer have to apply the modifiers before exporting. This works also with Mirror Modifiers and Shape keys.
  4. You can now export a rig with stripped control bones as long as the deform bones define a complete SL Skeleton.
  5. The reimport of exported collada files to Blender is still not fully fixed. But for static meshes it now works reasonable well (not so important for Second Life users though)

Of course the new Collada exporter does not magically solve your rigging problems and your upload problems. Nevertheless we believe that it will significantly improve your workflow.



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I think today we added the last major improvement to the upcoming blender collada exporter :)


I believe you will like the new "Include UV textures" and "Copy" options.


  • Apply modifiers can now be used in "Preview" mode or in "Render" mode

  • With "inlude UV textures" you no longer need to create material based textures when you want to use the SL Importer to upload your images to Second Life. All textures assigned via the UV Editor will become available in the SL Importer.

  • The "Copy" option ensures that all textures are exported into separate files right besides the exported dae file, which is what the SL Importer wants to see.

So hopefully the new Collada exporter now supports all your possible workflows much more seamless. The new features will be available tomorrow from graphicall.org

Please help us testing the features. In particular the export textures options might have issues still.

Have fun


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I've been using it the last couple of days, and so far it's been working great. Thanks!

A minor feature request would be to let us choose which UV map to write out. Sometimes I have multiple UV maps when I'm testing texturing options (using the 2nd one to provide an alternate map during texture baking). Probably not worth adding in as the exporter is getting pretty complicated...


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Fizz Savira wrote:

A minor feature request would be to let us choose which UV map to write out. Sometimes I have multiple UV maps when I'm testing texturing options (using the 2nd one to provide an alternate map during texture baking).

That's on my list for today :) You will be able to choose "active UV layout only".

If there are any other feature requests, please let me know. As long as it can be added in a general way there is a good chance to see it been implemented. For Blender 2.64 we concentrate on the exporter. The importer will be improved for Blender 2.65

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So here is what is believed to be the final exporter for blender 2.64 (should be available at graphicall.org in a couple of hours from now):

The "Only active UV Layer" option is good for you when you work with multiple UV layers on your model.


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My, that was quick! Thank you :)

Something you might want to consider for the 2.65 release - since your exporter logic can apply modifiers and shape keys and still retain the UV mapping and vertex groups and weights and so on, maybe a version of your script that is part of the shape keys menu (like the broken script for "creating a copy for editing") could be done. The problem with the broken script (it worked in 2.59) is that it loses the vertex groups and the UV map and weights...

Your script is better as it can keep those...


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Ok, so I found the first "bug".

I have an object I'm exporting, and my units are set to None for my scene.

The object happens to be parented to a cube that I use when I want to rotate a group of objects together and then un-rotate them all back (for example, when I'm doing axis based scaling and I want things to be aligned...)

Anyways, in my case the cube I used for the parent I scaled down by a factor of 100 *before* I gave it some children.

The result of the export is the exported object ends up 100 times too large, which is rather amusing when it's a high heeled shoe ;-)

I fixed the problem by selecting the cube and applying the scale to that object...

Not sure what to say about this, but I'm sure the blender gurus can decide what's best :)


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In my opinion this is not a bug.

Exporting child objects without their parent is an implicit Clear Parent operation. By default, Clear Parent discards the transformation of the parent coordinate system and leaves the child object properties unchanged. The exporter's behaviour is consistent with that.

I wouldn't use a mesh object as a parent unless that object is going to be part of the export. For temporary transformations as in your case I would parent to an Empty object instead, because the display size of an Empty can be changed without modifying its scale.

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  • 1 month later...

This is a bug report about the r49895 version of the blender Collada exporter (finally! someone put up a Mac build that I can use; off topic - any idea why the Mac automated builds haven't been updated since JUNE?!?)

Anyway, back on topic - if you have a mesh with 2 UV maps, and check the "Only Active UV Layer", the resulting DAE file exports badly and ends up with no UV map (or gibberish, not clear) in second life.

I used "diff" to look at a version of the mesh with 2 maps, and one with just the map I want exported, and this line seems to be the culprit:

<input semantic="TEXCOORD" source="#lois17r-mesh-map-1" offset="2" set="1"/>

This line appears once for each of my materials, and when removed, the dae file uploads correctly. Here's a bit more context:

            <input semantic="VERTEX" source="#lois17r-mesh-vertices" offset="0"/>
            <input semantic="NORMAL" source="#lois17r-mesh-normals" offset="1"/>
            <input semantic="TEXCOORD" source="#lois17r-mesh-map-0" offset="2" set="0"/>
+           <input semantic="TEXCOORD" source="#lois17r-mesh-map-1" offset="2" set="1"/>

Hopefully Gaia will see this

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Fizz Savira wrote:

I used "diff" to look at a version of the mesh with 2 maps, and one with just the map I want exported, and this line seems to be the culprit:

<input semantic="TEXCOORD" source="#lois17r-mesh-map-1" offset="2" set="1"/>

Hi, Savira;

Yes, you where right. There was a bug. The fix should be available in a couple of hours on graphicall.org (and in blender 2.64 when it gets released). Watch out for revision number 49924 or newer.

Thanks for reporting :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Fizz Savira wrote:

Just tested export of a mesh with multiple UV maps on blender 2.63.17 r49666M, which is also known as 2.64 testbuild2, and the UV map bug still exists


Hi, Fizz;

Sometimes i am just blind folded and do not see the obvious :(

I did not read your message careful enough and i did not realize that you used Blender version 49666. Well, the most recent collada fix is available in Blender version 49924 or newer. So it is not very surprising that it did not work in your test...

However i am glad that you meanwhile found a newer Blender version and could verify that the Collada exporter works as exected.

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