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payment info to uplaod mesh

Oliver Fessbeinder

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Reason for that is simple and completly understandable. LL did that so they have RL information about ppl in case of IP rights and filed DMCAs against ppl who upload ilegal mesh/models ripped from model websites and/or games,copyrighted content that doesnt have anny permissions to be in SL.

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Its not "to make LL happy"...its gives LL ability to take legal actions against ppl who upload ilegal models!

There are tons of websites with 3d models tha can easy be converted to mesh compatibile with SL,free and paying websites and NONE of them allow their models to be used in SL. You will notice **bleep**loads of such content already sold on marketplace and trust me it wont last long,ppl who sell it now dont ewen know whats comming to hit them! RL law suits, $ penalties and if they stupid enough (like fiew realy are) to ripp game models from companies like Bathseda and games like Need for speed when LL receves DMCA against such ppl they will loose their shirt of their back,literaaly and irl! There is already to much ilegal/copyboted content from time before mesh in SL,now its ewen worse since ewery idiot with  can easy acess 3d models online and convert/upload to SL and sell it!

"Oh i made it!" guy says

/me shows website link with "his" model to the guy

"Mmm ups,i am so sorry,i dodnt know that website has TOS that forbids their models used in SL"


There are tons of ppl like that already in SL,some act dumb,some are dumb but they all get screwed in end!

If you are real builder/mesh creator and you realy wanna upload your own creations you will provide to LL your credit card info or paypall and live with it!

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Min Barzane wrote:

its gives LL ability to take legal actions against ppl who upload ilegal models!

Nonsense. LL cannot take legal action against uploaders. They cannot even decide which models are "illegal" and which ones are not. That is up to the courts.

LL also cannot legally pass uploader identities to complainants in case of alleged copyright infringement. Only the uploaders themselves can do so by filing a DMCA counter-notice. LL cannot take shortcuts here and bypass the DMCA process. If they do, they'll risk losing their safe-harbor status.

Maybe now you understand why the payment info policy didn't stop people from uploading ripped game meshes. The only reason why LL implemented this policy at all is because content creators requested it. It's a placebo, nothing more. If any of this were legally relevant or even required, then other uploads (images, audio clips, animations) would require payment info, too.

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Nonsense you say?

LL takes your payment info (to have your Rl info on file) to llow you to upload mesh...

You upload ilegal mesh....eather from games or from 3d model hosting websites,eather way ilegal to be in SL

Copyright holder files DMCA against you to LL...

LL removes your content...

1.You dont counter DMCA cos you didnt make stuff you uploaded ( admitting you are theif to LL )

2.You counter DMCA,LL gives your info to real copyright holder , if its big company you are screwed & end up in court ,if you lucky its small time model creator and you slide ( if not lucky he takes stuff to court and you screwed again )


Idk if you noticed how manny screwballs like that apeared on marketplace and disapeared in mater of weeks,an i meen disapeared ,not only from MP but totaly from SL,banned forewer!

So....Nonsense you say? LL doesnt take legal actions..true...real IP rights holders do!!!

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Min Barzane wrote:

2.You counter DMCA,LL gives your info to real copyright holder

They don't need anyone's payment info to do that. The counter-notice includes the defendant's RL info, otherwise it would be invalid.

Idk if you noticed how manny screwballs like that apeared on marketplace and disapeared in mater of weeks,an i meen disapeared ,not only from MP but totaly from SL,banned forewer!

So....Nonsense you say? LL doesnt take legal actions..true...real IP rights holders do!!!

Wishful thinking.

What I did notice is that content creators keep screaming at LL because they follow the letter of the law. And the law is telling LL to process takedowns and counter-takedowns, nothing more. There are tons of ripped content on the marketplace because the copyright owners simply don't care about it and ignore all the "mesh police" reports. Payment info has done nothing to stop that.

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So what you are saying is basicly this:

You can do what ewer you like in sl ( not you as in you personaly,ppl who do such things ) ,upload ilegal/ripped mesh,sell it as your own creation,be a common greedy theif and you wont get screwed/banned/prosicuted irl becouse IP rights holders just dont care and wont file DMCA!

Eh well...

Ppl,do what you like,dont be surprised when you get called to court for theft and answer for your crimes...

Digital theft is still a theft!

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He wasn´t talking about illegal uploads blah blah.

The fact you have to give payment info doesn´t change the process of DMCA´s or RL lawsuits.

That´s what you where talking about - give payment info - for upload mesh. Why only for mesh and not everything ? It was always easy to upload movie posters, sound clips .... even easier then convert a mesh to SL - imo.

The only reason i can see for could be, if lindens have to ban someone from SL they could ban all accounts using this payment info. Just a way to identify people - not a perfect one so.


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That's right.

I find it ridiculous how some people keep claiming that mesh payment info was Linden Lab's idea or, even more ridiculous, that it was somehow required by law. Has anyone ever been asked to provide RL info to upload a YouTube video? No. Does that keep Google from complying with the DMCA and keeping their video platform legal? Of course not.

When LL announced mesh, there was a huge outcry by content creators who feared that mesh would destroy their old-school prim-based business. There were numerous proposals to cripple mesh in various ways to make it cost-prohibitive, less competitive and less disrupting to the in-world economy. The idea behind payment info for mesh uploads was to raise the barrier to entry for mesh creators. In fact some people suggested to make mesh upload a premium-only feature or introduce a special mesh developer program with paid membership.

This was always about protectionism and never about copyright. When I and a few others actually suggested to make payment info a requirement for ALL uploads, you could suddenly watch all those staunch IP defenders bend over backwards to protect their right to steal images, textures, music, sound effects and animations with impunity.

A double standard, if there ever was one.

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Min Barzane wrote:

Its not "to make LL happy"...its gives LL ability to take legal actions against ppl who upload ilegal models!

There are tons of websites with 3d models tha can easy be converted to mesh compatibile with SL,free and paying websites and NONE of them allow their models to be used in SL. You will notice **bleep**loads of such content already sold on marketplace and trust me it wont last long,ppl who sell it now dont ewen know whats comming to hit them! RL law suits, $ penalties and if they stupid enough (like fiew realy are) to ripp game models from companies like Bathseda and games like Need for speed when LL receves DMCA against such ppl they will loose their shirt of their back,literaaly and irl! There is already to much ilegal/copyboted content from time before mesh in SL,now its ewen worse since ewery idiot with  can easy acess 3d models online and convert/upload to SL and sell it!

"Oh i made it!" guy says

/me shows website link with "his" model to the guy

"Mmm ups,i am so sorry,i dodnt know that website has TOS that forbids their models used in SL"


There are tons of ppl like that already in SL,some act dumb,some are dumb but they all get screwed in end!

If you are real builder/mesh creator and you realy wanna upload your own creations you will provide to LL your credit card info or paypall and live with it!

It's gunna suck for them but they deserve it more or less. Rules are there for a reason, for people to follow them. I reported multiple people for stealing multiple things, most of them actually being banned. One guy infamous for uploading Google Warehouse stuff thought he would never get banned, turns out he's gone now.

Bah I'll stop rambling. Glad LL is doing things to protect creators. 

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  • 6 months later...

Hello, Im trying to find out what you do if you dont have a credit card or a paypal account. I been using blender to make mesh for while now and i want to uplaod a mesh model of steampunk jewelry. have took the IP tutotal and passed it. i have read all the info about seeling items on market place and im aware of the intellectual rights info. But the only fact i cant uplaod is because i dont have paypal or a credit card. i feel that is unfair to me and any other people who are in the same postoin i am in.  I mean rl info is one thing but a credit card or paypal account. That is financial infomatoin, which is infomatoin that i know alot of people dont trust to give out due to scammers.


I feel that Linden Labs, since they have the time to make it so we cannot uplaod mesh without this infomatoin and due nothing to the large amount of lag land problems and other issues that tehy havnt fixed could find another way to get real life infomatoin and let us uplaod meshes.


As for illegal meshes I am sure that there is a large amount of residents In second life who would have the good mind to report these meshes to linden labs so they could take care of the situatoin. 

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Sianna Leissa wrote:

I feel that Linden Labs, since they have the time to make it so we cannot uplaod mesh without this infomatoin and due nothing to the large amount of lag land problems and other issues that tehy havnt fixed could find another way to get real life infomatoin and let us uplaod meshes.


As for illegal meshes I am sure that there is a large amount of residents In second life who would have the good mind to report these meshes to linden labs so they could take care of the situatoin. 

Reporting to LL directly is useless and won't be acted upon. People can report infringement to the IP right holders. They then can file a complaint with LL and LL will remove the content. That's what LL does. The person offering the illegal content can then demand LL putting it back.

If that happens, one of the IP right holders might want to sue the infringer. In that case LL might have a serious problem if they can't point them into the right direction. From what I understood, that's the reason they want your CC or paypal info. I rather hand over that info than my drivers licence, insurance card or passport. It's still not watertight, but it's an extra possibility for SL to identify the infringer and stay out of trouble themselves.

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