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Have a problem installing the viewer(first time player)


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My system is windows 7 and under year old its fairly high spec and meets all system requierments for the game

I tried look for clien but looks like this game is only ran on a vier if thats correct i downloaded and installed the viewer from the offical site and also a previous vier from wiki have uninstalled reinstalled and tried almost eevrything. Everytime i click icon start up

The first part of setup works fine

Second life crash logger

getting hardware info apps may be frozen

sending to server try 1


How can i fix this ?

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Hitomi is right, we need more information to have an idea what's wrong. 

When you ask a tech question include information about your computer and viewer. If the viewer will at least show the login screen, you can get the info from the viewer's Help-About... and paste that into your post with your question. To add your info to an existing question use OPTIONS->EDIT. It’s in the upper right of your post.

Otherwise, on WIndows click Start and type CMD. When the CMD or Command Line comes up in programs run it. That will open a commandline windw. Type dxdiag in the window. This will give you your system specs. We need to now video driver version, OpenGL version, and the stuff Hitomi asked about.

You can try some general fixes. Reboot the computer. Login as an adminstrator. Disable your anti-virus. Now try an install.

If you run any anti-malware software, disable it too.

After the install enable the AV and malware then run SL.

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