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why does it take so long for things to load on sl ?


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i use whatever viewer sl comes with. [i got sl a month ago] Also i just moved irl nd i use wireless internet that works perfectly fine untill i get on secondlife.

Whenever i want to get on sl , an internet connection error comes up, but my internet is perfectly fine with no problems when i do other things on it.

Also, when i actually do get to get online randomly , it takes forever for things nd my av to load. Either it takes long or it just stays grey the whole time in on.

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4 answers to this question

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"...Also i just moved irl nd i use wireless internet



That is, at least, the majority of your problems.  Your wireless Internet connection will work "just fine" for most of your Internet activities.  It won't work "just fine" for any program or Internet site that has as much data being downloaded to your computer as Second Life does.  Everything (except for the user interface for your viewer) that is see on your screen is coming from the servers of Linden Lab.........every texture, every object, every item in your inventory, and every avatar within your draw distance is called for by your viewer and downloaded back to your computer.  That's an avalance of data..........an avalance that very few programs on the Internet even come close to matching (that includes those popular video games like WoW, Everquest, etc).  Use a Ethernet connection instead (also known as hardwired or a Cat 5e cable connection).

But that is just one reason you might have difficulty with SL connections.  There are plenty more possibilities but until you get rid of a known cause like wireless then no one can even guess as what else might be contributing to your problem.

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Its not a problem on the server side, its a problem on your side. Like already pointed out, SL tends to dislike wireless conections and I think thats common with everykind of high graphic game that uses the internet.

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