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SL Voice Not Working


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ello! I was wondering if anyone else is having this issue? I normally use Firestorm, and yes I have checked their site did all they said....still not working. They said if you do all they say to do and its still not working then its to do with SL Servers.

Up until last night  my voice worked fine. My friend's worked up until two nights agao (night befor mine and another friend's voice quit on us). She used a different third party viewer from what I use, and hers quit working. She downloaded Firestorm to see if it will work...still nothing...then she downloads Second Life's main viewer....and guess what...still the same thing. Then suddenly last night mine and another friend's voice stop working. Also this other friend keeps getting a blue screen when he is in sl after a few hours. Yet his other game he plays he has no issue what so ever. We dont have problems with voice when we use skype or any other IM programs.


Both mine and ,y friend's pc's are brand new...mine is brand new out of the box with 4gb memory, 750 gb hard drive AMD Radeon dual core processor . His specs are near the same as mine. Since we have had no issues up until yesterday, and I have checked everywhere I could possibly check and doing everything Firestorm's site tells us to do....and them stating it has to be with SL servers if none of that stuff worked....not to mention the same thing happens on other 3rd party viewers and your own SL Viewer.


Can someone please fix this or atleast figure out why this happens?



Nyxnue Resident

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Here is what I have collected on voice problems:

 If voice fails on Windows, here is the first thing to try.


Voice: Troubleshooting update 4/3/11


These may not help, since firestorm may have to same advice.  Phoenix-Firestorm has an inworld support group.  You could join that (open enrollment) and ask for help.  I have not seen any recent uptick in voice problems on the forums.  


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I have 2 avatars, 1 of them can use voice, the other 1 not.

I have 2 PC's, the problem is the same on both PC's.

I tried everything I  could imagine (switch off/on, reboot, even reinstall sl ...)

So, it cannot be the PC, neither the software, there must be somewhere a switch in the character that puts the voice on or off, but I can't find it.

Anyone an idea?


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Sorry, but there is nothing in the whole description that can help me.

And still, the problem exists.

I've done some tests: when I run SL with the av with voice, slvoice start as well, And when I stop slvoice, after a few seconds slvoice restart automatically, what seems normal to me. But when I run SL with my own av, slvoice starts as well, but doesn't work, And when I stop slvoice, it will NOT restart. There must be somewhere a switch or a boolean with a wrong value ...

Is there no one there, who understands what is happening?   

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Thats just it I have tried everything possible. And since it is not only me with this issue then it has to lie somewhere with the servers. I have done everything Firestorm/phoenix have told me to do...and get same result. On their site it states if you have done all but nothing works then it is with the server and not with the viewer or the person's pc.

Three different people, all living in different places in the world...yet all have this same issue? I'm sure many others have had this as well. It only just started and happen suddenly after a maintenence of the servers. This tells me its the servers not anything else.

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If the problem were just with the servers, it would be universal.  Yet we see lots of people with no voice problems and only a few with voice problems.  Pol March has 2 avatars, one that can use voice and another which cannot.    


Pol does find a clue--the voice plug-in is being handled correctly for the av that has working voice, but not with the av that cannot use voice.  Pol --   you find that the slvoice process does not restart -- have you tried toggling voice?  That is, turn voice off in the preferences-sound optiion.  Leave it off for 30 sec. or so. Then turn it back on.  

Also, when voice is not working, do you see the voice indicator dot over the head of the avatar?  If so, see if you can start a voice call with someone--or see if someone can start a voice call with you.  I am grasping at  straws, of course, because you won't see that dot if the sl voice process is not running.

One thing that is different between the 2 avs is the cache, but I expect all of you have tried clearing cache several times.  The only other action I can suggest is a clean install:

How to do a clean install 


Sorry I can't be more helpful, but I have not seen this kind of problem before.




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SL voice is BROKEN for many of us! I have been in SL for over 3 years. I've used different computers, numerous viewers, and have always been able to get voice to work. However, for 2 days now I cannot get voice to work. I've done ALL the things the help guides & blogs suggest: uninstall all viewers, remove all associated files, preferences, logs, shortcuts, re-boot, re-install, etc.. My hardware is working fine, the firewall is fine.  I can hear myself speak through a DJ broadcaster system streamed back into SL. The entire computer on my end is FINE. However, for 2 days now I've not been able to get voice to work on Firestorm, Phoenix, or the SL Viewer (all installed one at a time with complete uninstall and removal of the other viewers).

Someone who knows what's happening out there please help! And please don't start with "check your preferences.. reset voice..reinstall.." It's got to be something else.

- Ivan Zadark

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Ok get this: after uninstalling all viewers for about the 10th time, removing all SL & Firestorm & Phoenix folders & files & shortcuts, and emptying trash, and measuring bandwidth, and restoring my computer to a point in time 1 week prior to the sudden loss of voice, and disabling anti-virus and firewalls, re-installing only Phoenix (not FS or SL V2), and restarting my sim, and tweaking all the buttons again (reset, disable, wait, etc), I still had no voice. After 3 days of this Iwas ready to give up and accept that I'd lost voice in SL forever and would just use skype when possible. Then as I was standing there on my sim, resolved to a SL with a lot more typing, my avatar froze for about 1/2 minute, then un-froze and the voice button just randomly popped on. 

If you're knocking yourselves out as much as I did over the voice issue I feel for you. All I can say is that SL voice is quirky and far more difficult than it should be to trouble-shoot; and I'm convinced that it was a SL or voice server problem, not a problem on my computer or network. All along I was able to speak into my broadcaster and stream it into SL and hear my voice.. which I would think would be far more complicated and difficult to make work than just plain voice in SL. It just should not be this hard to make voice work!

In short: no real solution found. Sorry & good luck.

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yes thinkerer I tried toggling voice like you said .. and no, no voice indicator ...

but, someone told me to go to a quiet region, log off there en relog ... believe it or not, after all the work I've done without result, this simple trick has worked ...

is it because of the quiet region? or a coincidence ? I don't know, and I certainly don't understand 

Anyway, thanks for your help

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been having the exact same problem last two days.  Voice all of sudden stopped working, tried all the troubleshooting with no luck.  Using Phoenix on intel Mac.  Tried different viewers, same result.  Even in window parallels, no voice.  Interesting thing is when I disable voice in preferences, the volume tester works in device settings but stuck on please wait when voice is enabled? LOL  Please help someone!

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  • 5 months later...

I am loged in with voice off (no dot over my head). Without playing with voice I logoff. The next day when I login the dot is there. If I relog the dot is gone. But I don't change my preferences!

Its been like this for 2 or 3 days.

It is SL.

Don't bother yourself and do all this work with your new up do date pc.

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  • 1 month later...

I know this is an old thread, but I'm having a strange problem with voice. Basically, it was working fine earlier today, but now it's not. I can hear everyone else perfectly fine, but my own voice cannot be heard. I have to turn myself way up, and even then no one can hear me. I've gone to the Voice Echo Canyon and I've heard myself (just barely) there, but my friends still can't hear my voice.

I'm really frustrated, since I've cleared my cache, restarted multiple times and even shut off Skype while trying to get it to work. I don't understand how this happened. I briefly used the site "vocaroo" before I started having this problem, but I don't understand why SLVoice would start behaving this way.


I don't want to do a system restore for something so trivial, but I would like this to start working again. At this point, I don't know what to do.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I havent been able to do voice as well. 




What was interesting is that lastnight i was on gchat hang out unrelated to sl and my video partner could hear all of the gestures and sounds happening in sl. They could not hear media streams. o.O. This along with the fact i cant voice not can i enable shadows is screwy. 

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I have found that voice may fail to connect when I log into a place with lots of other people in voice.  I can usually get it to conntect if I go to a place with few people.  Often I just TP to the place and voice connects. Sometimes I have to relog into the place.   I can then go to the busy place and voice continues to work.  Presently, I try to log into a place I expect to have few people.

By "place" here, I don't mean a whole sim.  Just a different parcel (voice isolated).


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Ive been having voice issues for months now. The only thing that works for me is when i log in and voice is dead,I disable voice,relog and then reenable it...its worked every time so far. Another trick someone showed me the other day is to go into task manager and end process on slvoice and then toggle your voice setting off and back on. Thats been working for me too.now if i can only get my inventory to completely load and not crash when i try to go somewhere...lol

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

OK,  HERE's one for you.     My friend and I are both on Windows 7, 64-bit machines, with the current version of the V3 viewer for Second Life.      Regardless of settings, we could not get her microphone to work, or the built in one either, although she coudl hear me just fine in voice.

While discussing the issue in Skype, we noticed that second life voice was working for her.  We've now confirmed that her microphone ONLY WORKS in Second Life WHEN a SKYPE session is IN-PROGRESS.   It doesn't matter if both out Skype mikes are muted, thankfully.    As soon as we break the SKYPE session,   the Second Life microphone voice channel stops working.

I'm out of hypotheses on that one.


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  • 3 months later...

Ok, I know too this is last years thread and I saw one this years post, anyway, could anyone help me on this? okie, when I log into SL my internet disconnects and my voice stops working, now whille it disconnects then reconnects I am still in sl but can't move yet for a few moments, now, can anyone help me how to fix my sl voice? the mic button on the viewer fades out, I am on vista and use wireless and shareing, anyway to get my internet to stay connected so I can use voice and see the dot over my head again?

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