Hello everyone, I'm the CEO of Equinox Dance Club. Equinox Dance Club is a fairly new club in SL. We are currently hiring DJ's, Hosts, and Dancers. If you have these qualifications and are interested in a job. Please contact myself (Nyxnue Resident) or Varek Aichi (Owner) in world. Or please visit the slurl below. Upon landing at the club, you will be given the Equinox Dance Club packet along with the LM for the land. Inside the packet you'l find applications for DJ's, Hosts, and Dancers. Please fill out the corresponding application and send it to either Nyxnue Resident or Varek Aichi in world. http://slurl.com/secondlife/Bressig8/72/35/20 We have a sploder, event board, Greedy Game, plus more for all our VIP's. Our parties are bound to be interesting, depending who the staff is and what they bring there. Come join the family. Thanks! Varek Aichi~Owner Nyxnue Resident~CEO