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Second Life Destinations: Cann!bal

Linden Lab


Escape to the inviting environment and soothing sounds of Cann!bal, a tropical paradise that has been in development for over 10 years in Second Life. 

Now on its own estate and spanning four adjacent regions, Cann!bal has been a work of love by Chotaire Seelowe

Here’s a description of the inspiration for Cann!bal in Chotaire’s own words:

“I've always loved beaches in real life, so when I came to SL in 2006, I randomly started searching for terms like "Hawaii" or "Bora Bora" and  found "Bora Bora Isles," a Polynesian beach that was actually built by the owner. I realized that it is a rare sight to find an estate where the owner actually created the content and didn't just buy it from random stores. It impressed me. And I had this feeling, if I only tried hard enough, I could even make something more realistic, something even better.

Never in my life have I enjoyed programming, but I realized to create something really unique I would have to learn scripting as well. That's how I became a scripter. I got my own region for Cannibal Island to showcase all of this and become my own landlord. 

Then, when mesh got introduced into SL, I had to accept that one person can't do it all, so I started showcasing other people's builds too. This is how I got in touch with other creators and we started to cooperate. I still work for many of them. Today Cann!bal Island still pretty much looks like it did in 2011, except that due to weekly updates everything is much more polished and always makes use of the latest technology offered by Linden Lab.”

Chotaire clearly loves the challenge of invention that Second Life offers and appreciates being able to create environments that can then be seen by other Residents, and experiences that will stay with them for a long time to come.

Take the teleport to Cann!bal Island and see it for yourself -- you might even lose yourself in its lush environment or perhaps in one of its many dance clubs!

Video Production Credits: Draxtor Despres

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